What do you lads think of my mtf transitioning

What do you lads think of my mtf transitioning

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that ain't even you op dont kid yourself, cute girl tho

And blurry as fuck

You're probably larping. But if that's really you, you're adorbs, I wanna cuddle you to death

Cute as fuck, but wear long skirts. Like, really long skirts. Most women ignore how beautiful those skirts make them look.

That ain't you.
I'd like to behead >her though.

Those look awful, especially on tranners. Wear medium length skirts.

My dicks prolly bigger than any of ya'll

>dick related

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where is orgenaololioi

breddy convincing to be quite honest

Unironically you look like you ave down syndrome.

show butthole while looking back at the camera and we'll know for sure

you are going to have to show dick
its for your own good OP

>What do you lads think of my mtf transitioning
Tranners are the cutest. I wish there were more passing tranners. I want to make one my pet.

Been on HRT for a while but I'm boymode since I live at home, I'd be your pet if you bought me cute clothes and pet my head.

>Been on HRT for a while but I'm boymode since I live at home, I'd be your pet if you bought me cute clothes and pet my head.
You can email me at [email protected]

You should take Testosterone and lift weights.

cute but tranny

If this is real, you don't look bad, but remember:
-most people wont have serious relationships you, you'll just be fap material
-you will age, and turn to shit

Most trannies are fetishfags, so if you haven't cut off your dick yet I would highly recommend backtracking.

>tfw the tranner already ghosted me

>you will age, and turn to shit
that's true for all men and women
trannies on hrt age well enough too

>most people wont have serious relationships you, you'll just be fap material

This, a million times this. You will never have a legitimate relationship as a tranner.

Women aren't into tranners, practically every "transbian" I've kwown ends up dating another tranner.

The men who date you are:
>Fetishists who watch too much porn and will pump/dump you.
>Closet gay men who will date a tranny before moving on to a real man.
>"Straight" men who will have a lasting relationship and treat you like a normal girl until it comes time to settle down, then they will discard you.

And this is what it's like for the top 10% of tranners, if you're not in that top 10% expect to just get pumped and dumped repeatedly

I'm a cute boy be my girlfriend, ty

to be fair the alternative is being an incel and many women get treated the same anyways