Why is it that every time i talk with a female, i feel like i'm talking with an idiot or a child?
Why is it that every time i talk with a female, i feel like i'm talking with an idiot or a child?
Probably because you're sexist.
>Why is it that every time i talk with a female, i feel like i'm talking with an idiot or a child?
I don't know.
Women want you to entertain them like some kind of jester
Does my sexism reduces their intellectual faculties?
No, your sexism makes you FEEL like you're talking to an idiot or child.
But if she was actually capable of saying something interesting / intellectually stimulating i would change my views on women.
>Does my sexism reduces
It's "reduce," idiot. You're not in a position to be criticizing anyone else's intelligence.
English is not my first language, so i am allowed to make some mistakes faggy
Maybe if you change your views on women, you'll actually listen to what they have to say.
I really try to be open minded, but they disappoint me every time i talk with them. Even the nerdy girls, you'd imagine that a girl that goes to a university and wears glasses would be smart, but nope.
Did you ever think that maybe she isn't confident enough to run her mouth off you fucking normal scum piece of shit?
>she isn't confident enough to run her mouth
And yet she is confident enough to tell me all about her family/job related issues and gossip about other girls?
Maybe you're just too dumb to really understand what they're saying.
It sounds like you're the problem, she's perfectly capable of conversation and probably isn't autistic like you. I noticed most men who think women are bad at conversation are usually on the spectrum and fail at socialization in general.
This is why I'm only friends with gay women
Because you only talk to hot women and hot people have been coddled their whole lives. Talk to a normal woman and I don't mean 5/10 by Jow Forums standards.
His point is that your perception is the problem.
>"There's something wrong with your perception."
>"But if I perceived this thing I'm already biased against existing I would change my mind!"
I help her studying physics.
Anyway, i'm starting to smell some roast here.
>she wears glasses and that's anime code for smart
Yep, this guy's a confirmed retard. Let me guess, you think people with big eyes are "nice".
>Anyway, i'm starting to smell some roast here.
>resorts to name calling when getting btfo
This is getting sad OP.
I don't have any disorder.
I'm actually a normie.
>woman approached OP to get some homework help
Hey, buddy, did it ever occur to you that the women who have to ask for help are stupid, so there's already a selection bias where the only women who want to talk to you - stupid chicks looking for a free grade - are by definition dumb but not representive of their entire gender? Women who are smart aren't asking you for help.
t. Undiagnosed
Talk to an average man about physics and he'll be just as dumbfounded as this woman.
To be fair, most guys I talk to are dumb as rocks. I think women are kind of socialized to act sort of childlike so if you are talking to a dumb woman who is acting that way that could explain it. I have known many incredibly capable, intelligent women so I dont think these broad strokes you paint women with necessarily apply.
because that's what they are, either an idiot because they're generally low iq or a child because their personality has never been tempered by struggle. usually it's a mix of both.
user you literally name called me in the previous comment.
That wasn't me. He wasn't name calling you anyway, you are acting dumb, although clueless might be a better way to describe you since you are probably intelligent but lack emotional intelligence.
He didn't name call. He suggested that maybe these people you're talking to aren't stupid, you just don't get what they're saying. That isn't name calling, it's a real possibility and relevant to the discussion. You saying "hurr roast" is an ad hominem.
>probably intelligent
Why is that even the case? All OP said is that he speaks two languages, one of subpar quality, and studies what is likely undergraduate physics. Neither are great feats.
>t. Undiagnosed
When i say that i'm a normie, i mean that i am good at social interactions, also that i have friends and a gf.
>have a gf
That means you're not a robot, but that doesn't mean you're not undiagnosed.
>dating someone you think is stupid or like a child
>not dating someone you respect and could start a family with
Degenerate. You have no right to complain about anyone.
>He wasn't name calling you anyway
>He didn't name call.
>>Maybe you're just too dumb
Yeah he wasn't. Maybe i'm too stupid to understand english
It feels like the opposite to me. I can't talk to women without feeling like an idiot. They're nice to me most of the time though.
>They're nice to me most of the time though.
Because they pity you, you disgusting genetic dead end.
Yeah I know user. I'm not stupid. Given that you're posting here too it's almost certain that you're the same, whether or not you admit it.
You are projecting it.
Every female stops to mentally grow after 14. Every. Single. One. They are blocked at 14 and you should never treat a girl like she is older.
>hurr durr every time someone is saying something mean about me or someone that i like, he is projecting
Occam's razor. What's more believeable? One dude is stupid and projecting or literal billions of humans are retarded and this guy is just now clueing in?
I feel you bro, same here, I turn off my brain when I talk to women
but you are paying in the wrong church, r9k is now full of cucks and roasties
>What's more believeable?
You being a retard.
Because Dunning-Kruger and autism.
1.) The male heritability hypothesis is a bad meme.
2.) That doesn't support OP's thesis, so I guess you just save images without reading the sources or understanding the conclusions and are part of the distribution on the left?
>2.) That doesn't support OP's thesis
Are you retarded?
The fact that there are fewer women on the high end of the iq distribution explains the OP's problem.
>OP says all women are stupid and provides no evidence that he is of the population on the far right
>"here's a graph showing women are less variable than men but still average"
>still believing this meme period
Definitely far left.
Why is it so difficult for you to understand? Who should i explain it to you? OP is just saying that he has never interacted with a smart aka above average in intelligence woman. The graph shows why.
Also, i do wonder why people like you feel the need to defend women online? Does it make you feel like a hero? Do you think that you will finally get laid?
Who's that chick? Originullay
>OP literally says "idiot or child"
>"uh actually he meant smart women so this graph from a study I never read supports that argument now here's a bunch of personal attacks about how you're trying to woo women by anonymously mocking an arrogant man and critiquing my sloppy appropriations of science on a website with few women"
So many white knights. I'm here with you OP. Maybe they are used to get everything the easy way, by asking guys like you for help when they don't understand something, hence preventing her from gaining knowledge.
Also, fuck you you little sjw shit reading this message
Personally I think women don't grow up being conditioned to form real hobbies and interests beyond looking pretty, so most men turn out more well-rounded. Also, I assume you're referring to some random e-girls you added on discord who probably have tons of other orbiters to talk to and don't have time to send a thoughtful response.
i stand with you OP, lmoa at the white gamma cucks defending women on a jewish controlled chink imageboard
>he uses the term "female"
I feel like you're an idiot or a child lol. Have you tried not being gay?