I don't understand why almost no one does hip thrusts at my gym. Is it a general thing in your gym as well?
This is literally one of the most, if not the most, important exercises out there....
I don't understand why almost no one does hip thrusts at my gym. Is it a general thing in your gym as well?
This is literally one of the most, if not the most, important exercises out there....
i do them with lmao 2plates to train ass so my knees stay straight when squatting heavy. Nooone at my gym did them (except chicks) until i did, niw i see more and more dides doing them. Guys at the gym hide behind a false profile of masculinity. People are so insecure lmao
In any case, do them they really help.
I do hip thrusts with a plate to warm up my glutes before deadlifting, but that's about it. Can't really find a spot where the bar doesn't crush my thigh bones to do it properly.
wow man your a trendsetter or sum
they're my main lower body exercise and I go strict with over 500lbs.
Same deal - lots of odd looks for first year, now way more people do them imitating my exact setup (which is a bit unusual so I know they're copying my version)
If you use an airex pad, you should find any amount of weight comfortable.
What's the point? Just squat
Whats the difference between these and glute bridge?
Because the bar resting on my pelvis hurts, even with the padding.
Don't have those in my gym. Pussy pad did nothing.
All the gym thots do those at my gym.
i do hip thrusts but im home gym. theyre the best exerise for the glutes hands down.
only thing is i use a pillow on the bar otherwise it hurts like a bitch. going to buy a hhard foam thing. even a good foam pillow isnt sufficient
You might be retarded if you think squating compares at all to hip thursts for glute development. dont post again, ever, DYEL
youre supposed to push it into your thigh dude
This. I do bulgarian split squats, the bad girl machine and weighted back extensions for brapper gains since hip thrusts and glute bridges suck so much.
wont develop your glutes nearly as well. youre losing gains because you're a pussy
Glutes are easy to develop with squats, jumping, running...
that's why you put 1-3 of these between the bar and your legs
Starting a new routine that incorporates hip thrusts, never did them before. My 10RM on lowbar squats is 85kg, how well does that translate into hip thrusts (I'll be doing 8 reps per set) as in how much weight would be optional to start at
Are you blind?
A few hundred pounds of weight.
I either slide off the bench or push the bench backwards when attempting these. That's the main reason I don't do them.
Just do high rep barbell squat, dumbbell lunges, and Romanian deadlifts.
A guy at my gym pushes 6pl8's on the hip thrust off the ground because he has trouble using the benches. He's a giant motherfucker, but the point is you can do them without a bench. It won't be quite as good for rom, but it's still doable.
How many reps and how heavy? I do these at high reps light weight (like 3x15 at 135 lbs). But someone recently was telling me he does them heavy at like 5x5 to great results.
I finally added this routine to my leg day this morning. How the fuck does this not hurt your guys pelvic bone. (I did 5x5 225lbs).
You must just have a really weak squat or you dont squat atg
I squat 3pl8 and i do hipthrusts as accessories every single leg day bro. post body or fuck off
post glutes DYEL
I can hipthrust about 1.5X what I can squat
Push the weight into your thigh. Use a pad if you're >1pl8. I recommend getting up to 2-3pl8s if you're not a total newbie though. You'll have fierce glute DOMS the next day but if you have ANY anterior pelvic tilt this will get rid of it in like a month
I've been to my local 24/7 gym and ugly, or cute, young and old - every single fucking woman only ever trains legs, many take up the squat rack AND smith machine to do this shit while on their phone for 30 minutes. I only ever saw 1 woman not training legs and she was doing crunches for 1.5 hours.
Use a rolled up floor mat and place it on your hips. It should make the lift less painful. I got a few weird looks and smirks at first, but screw them, my DL and squat went up faster than I expected due to this lift.
I do a PHUL program and am considering adding these in. I do squats and deadlifts on my strength day. Should I also have this on lower strength day, or should I instead do them on my lower hypertrophy day to spread out the tension on the glutes?
they're an accessory just add them in after your main lifts.
So I should load about equal/a bit more than my squat? Thank you by the way
Works for me man but just work you way up to whatever rep range you're shooting for. Be sure to REALLY squeeze the glutes or it's pointless extra leg work and not glute work though
Jeff has a good video on Hip thrusts