We're the cucks afterall

We're the cucks afterall.

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You posted this thread 3 times already dipshit

baldcel cope

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>Dudes blasting Test wreck their fertility.
>No mention of working out or lifting being bad.
Wow, really showed us. Big think.

>drugs are bad, mmkay
whoda thunk?

Damn. Who knew drugs have side effects? This is truly groundbreaking.

Anabolic steroids that force your body to produce abnormal amounts of estrogen decrease fertility???

Its the exogenous testosterone inhibiting the production of natural test, not estrogen

Why would anyone take fitness advice from mainstream media??
exercise literally is amazing if you want to have children.

Link to study: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25864559?dopt=Abstract

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The male instinct to have children isnt really an instinct to have children.

We only have the instinct to fuck women. That serves as the method to make us have children, but we dont literally have the "want children" instinct in the way that women do.

So yeah, we will fuck up our chances of physically having children to improve the chances of getting laid.

What?! Are you telling me pumping a shit ton of synthetic testosterone for extended periods of time has side effects?! Holy shit!

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you fucking inbreds the point of the article isn't saying that drugs are bad, it's about how paradoxical it is from an evolutionary standpoint to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex but damage your ability to precreate in the process

it's literally in the fucking title, what happened to reading comprehension

>it's about how paradoxical it is from an evolutionary standpoint to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex but damage your ability to precreate in the process
i know dude lol we get it, drugs are bad and the cheaters who use them can experience unwanted side effects, sux bro but that's what they get dude

So lifting literally cures autism


to bad Parents didn't do any exercise before conceiving him

Ditch the tight pants, scorching hot showers, fast food, sugar and S O Y. problem solved. Also martial arts help a ton, but muay thai or boxing, not memes like aikido or wing chun or t'ai chi etc

It's not paradoxical at all. Men risk all kinds of things to gain social ranking and have sex -- war and fighting each other is a real obvious classic example. Is there much difference fighting your competitor risking he rips or damages your penis/testicles vs taking steroids in order to get so big the fight never takes place? This thread is basically social justice level science and hucksterism, OP should be ashamed of himself.

>men who work out doing it for the opposite sex

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It doesn't matter if you'd be more fertile if you looked like shit; you're never going to have sex anyway

I don't see anything paradoxical here

I lift clean and look better than all of you. No, I won't post pics, I have nothing to prove.

>still fucking retarded

>all the comments saying "haha I don't want kids anyway!"

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Nah the mainstream argurment is literally exercise good, roids bad

>It's tight pants and warm showers that fuck up fertility
>Not the injection of cattle hormones
Come on user

>We're the cucks afterall.
Of course you are. Slowpoke.jpg

>it's literally in the fucking title, what happened to reading comprehension
Common Core and Zoomers being, well, Zoomers.