Well, anons Which one are you?

Well, anons Which one are you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a pneumatic.

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based pneumatic poster, i'm a psychic

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Add orbiters and discordfags to the cancer.

NEET and blackpill are also hylics

Politics posters are also hylics

Infact, most people on Jow Forums are hylics that failed at hylic pursuits

I'm cancer *dabs on you*

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hylic, other than materialism what else is there?

incels are blackpilled...

The definitions of each type are so vague and the whole thing is pretentious as fuck. Why do you post this garbage?

>what else is there?
what part of esoteric don't you understand?

"some things can't be known they are beyond your reach even when shown" - Mephistopheles (Demon)

got it, but i think they get the general idea now.

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The psychic-pneumatic stretch better include actively shitting on all the cancer content, otherwise you guys are fucking useless

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>spreading truth
You mean screencapping and taking it to reddit?

Feelsfags are bitches who let the incels take them over. It's their own fault women hatred took over the board.

Religion was created by the geniuses of the past. Religion was a made up story that has real life lessons to help people be happy. The reason that it's being so questioned in today's times is because people have become too smart for their own good

>not seeing the deep complexities of NEETism
wagie, i...

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90% of people on Jow Forums are lurkers

We're animals with limit time on the planet why should i care to reach beyond? I think you're wasting your time

>physical comfort
t. materialist hylic

>We're animals with limit time on the planet why should i care to reach beyond? I think you're wasting your time
this is literally exactly what a textbook hylic says.

NEETs literally don't pursue that lifestyle, though.
You're a failed abortion.

i never denied being a hyclic, from the definitions given it seems to be the most logical option desu, why should i care what may or may not be when i might be dead and gone tommorow?

if by incel you mean a raging autist who wants to kill all women, then I'm psychic. If by incel you mean a literal definition of incel then I'm a hylic.

gnostics also believed that god was a demon, the demiurge as they called him. its hard for me not to disagree with them. so much injustice in the world, so much cruelty, so much non-vegans, so much braindead normies

i dont know. guys become eunuchs, matthew 19:12. goto desuarchive and search on it for "eunuch". christ will come after the ai apocalypse

Imagine thinking this is the height of spiritualism
Truly a dreg stuck inhaling ass vapour in the wells of r9k

>literally talking about muh wages and not having to work in the post that i replied to
You are very very mad sir. And thats to be expected from a materialist hylicuck.

>being a ragie wagie
>calling others materialistic
Oof, you're definitely an NPC.

Dumb, foolish hylic

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>Oy vey! Stop spreading the truth! We are all equal! Someone call the ADL!

Attached: oy vey!.png (354x504, 129K)

oh u sure triggered me im angry now, that must be your super neet powers put to good use.

>the declassified documents
You mean that corrupt study that only shows the government is incompetent and funds absolute pseudoscience? The people in charge of quality control were in direct contact with the people running the study.

Im a NEET, i just dont base my identity around materialistic things like my financial or employment status.

Now if you can excuse me, im off to tend to higher matters.

You are still in slumber

Obviously pneumatic.

ignore the namefag nothing to see here, folks just go about your day.
this is as much attention as you get, namefag.

>Newfag unfamiliar with my posts yet assumes
>Thinks he's not obviously Hylic

>"Do you know WHO I AM!?!?!?"
die, namefag. *POW*
that'll teach you.

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>Only ever post about getting yelled at by their moms for emptying their pissjugs in the kitchen sink, how empty and horrible their redundant lives are, how alienated they feel
>Literally can only cope with their condition by conparing it to that of burger flippers and Amazon warehouse workers
Yeah, please keep telling me how spiritually enlightened you delusional comfy pepe-posting retards actually are kek.

Esoteric schizoposters make the same mistake pseudointellectual Stirnerposters do. You all think that because you make pull quasi-existential rationalizations, you can sweep the hard realities of shit like race and sex under the rug and pretend you're above it all instead of accepting and confront them. You're all acting in tremendously bad faith and may as well just be plugging your ears and screaming "IT'S JUST A SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION!!!" every time you're faced with such issues.
The truly enlightened mind can accept that it's all a bullshit, meaningless game and still choose to play.

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Its one thing to accept the existance of race. Its another to bask in it.

Its one thing to accept the existance of crime. Its another to participate in it.

Etc etc, you can go but you get the point.

The thing is that race is a wholly materialistic reality of our biology. If you center yourself around this, you are simply a hylic. There is nothing "enlightened" about choosing to live in ignorant bliss when you know the truth. It just means you are weak and unable to leave behind the comfort of materialism. Probably because this specific material reality gives you an ego boost by being able to claim superiority over others on basis of something you're born with.

Im not saying btw that you shouldnt be a materialist. Im completely ok with that. Just dont delude yourself into thinking otherwise.

Pneumatic and proudly gay, unlike the normies in this thread who would white knight for a woman.

Same as you user. I'm just a stoicist aiming for true enlightenment.

>spiritually awake
>indulging in carnal desires with another man and calling it love

cringe and bluepilled

>he didn't read the /r9gay/ attribute to hylics
very cringe and bluepilled. It's spirituality 101 to see the true nature of lust for what it is, hopeless discomfort .

So how long until you get to the realization that even if the world was as you believed it to be, the set of actions you are bound to take in order to maximize your reach and attempt to enlighten humanity are indeed the same set of actions a really skilled Hylic does? After that the despair of knowing you are so fundamentally alien to them that you cant reach them with your ideas will further prove that such knowledge, be it real or fake is in the end useless for your current existance. And if that is the case, why live by such ideas after all? You could die by them no problem, but living to them is meaningless
I guess my point is, you should unironically adapt to hylic life or kill yourself

normie detected. you're a hylic probably.

preach the Word to all, even to whom it seems wasted on,

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You have to face up to your sins, faggot

Jesus said my sins don't matter in the face of his mercy.

so you think you don't have to live a decent and responsible life because of that?

There is nothing blissful or comforting about materialism dipshit. It is the blackest of black pills. Spiritualism/otherworldly slave moralities are a massive cope to deal with the innate certainty of inevitable decay and death.

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The make believe cope inflates like Venezuelan currency on this thread.

What is a pneumatic that seeks to cause chaos and destruction called? Someone who is spiritually awakened and hates both the Demiurge, Monad, and the humans.

>Hylics, psychics,pneumatics
>just ancient tongue for normie, failed normie and robot

Quite the opposite. I believe Jesus will one day come again and wrathfully destroy all that is morally reprehensible. But I don't use the word sin because you're thinking of the classical Judaic usage of it, and as a Christian I have no relation to Judaism. Sin in most contexts means things like failing to live by the ten commandments or Mosaic law. E.g. "It's a sin to not go to church on Sunday and keep sabat!" "It's a sin to not honor your father and your mother, or even be angry with them!" and etc.

>The truly enlightened mind can accept that it's all a bullshit, meaningless game and still choose to play.
Correct, but some people have no desire to do so. Once I found out what the world really was, I lost all interest in it. It's not that I don't see the differences between race, gender, nations, etc, I just don't care. It might as well be the problems of an alien species as far as I am concerned. My bodily safety is of no concern to me, this worlds existence relative to me meaningless. Kill me, and I would not care. The problems of this world are problems for those of this world. I have rejected this world and even the body I have which ties me to it. I only maintain as long as it is easy and effortless, and when it proves to be a challenge, I will give up and let the dust take me again.

>The problems of this world are problems for those of this world.
This is that bad faith rationalizing i was talking about.

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I'm not rationalizing anything, man. I just really don't care. Some people are just lame like me, sorry. Like you said, you can realize it's a meaningless game and still choose to play. I just chose not to. Could I tell others about it? Could I try to save the rest of the world by enlightening them to the spiritual danger the world is in? Yeah, I could. But I don't want to. I don't have any desire to be good. I'm passively bad and that's fine with me.

I think it's an absolute scream that robots think they would be anything but hylics.

But whats even funnier is when people get trapped in false dichotomies that forever limit their spiritual growth. However, It's not funny in a good way, it's more sardonic than anything.

You can do better, I believe in you.

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Unironically a pneumatic here, ask me anything. I am deeply invested in spreading the truth, but the more I try, the more I realize it's futility, and how deep down people don't want to even know the truth

Whats the meaning of life?


Good Japanese food and having lots of sex with foreign ladies!

That's gonna be a big 'ouch' from me.

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tom chooses secret option 4; hentai poster

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I sometimes wish i was dumber, how sad is that

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Hylic here, where do I sign up for Jow Forums brainwashing?

Psychic. We're all going to make it robots.

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Cancerous hylic:
>Mostly use Jow Forums for porn
>Discord accounts
How do I awaken myself?

I spent most of october-december high as fuck spreading objective truths about the nwo on pol/r9k while keeping several journals of my travels and people i met

Ive affected the future on a measurable scale, what have you done with your earth time?

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true, I used drugs a lot but I really really hate the drug user culture, full of hacks that do it for the pleasure aspect, not the knowledge aspect

Nothing hylic about being a neet, in fact it goes against it
t. not a neet

definitely not part of that cancer though. Don't care about sex, don't care about women, don't care about any of that normie garbage. Incels ruined this board.

absolute NPC virtue signal question.
why don't you NPCs ever ask questions about the chaotic element of human nature or the essence of consciousness or morality itself? Because you never had to think about those things, because you are shallow.

by the way there is no meaning.

Materialism is the most comforting worldview because it gives people the idea that they can have control over life as long as they control the material. It also makes people believe that morality and anything nonphysical is not real. Basically it gives people a blank check to act in satanic manners and not feel bad about it.

The truth is that the metaphysical and non material IS real, and no amount of materialism will allow you to escape from that.

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Its not being a NEET thats hylic, its NEETposting and basing your identity in being a NEET thats hylic

>knowledge aspect
how is nuking your senses for some thrill gaining knowledge? Why can't you be a natty brain?

>everyone is equal
very bluepilled idea. We are NOT equal.

you probably can't. The psychics and pneumatic feel an inclination to spirituality the way chad feels inclined to go and socialize with people.

Then I will just fade myself away like dusts when the time come

Cannot help but laugh at what new divisions, classifications or categorizations the eternal r9kteen will construct to shore up his sense of self-esteem and uniqueness - to place himself on the camp of those elect few where he feels he belongs. For the last 7 years it's been one long game of creating cliques. It's a highschool mindset that the participants never grew out of.

why are you still here? to do nothing but complain and reduce the overall quality of the board more than r9kteen already does?

kek this special snowflake syndrome

I'll quote an user here:

>some things can't be known they are beyond your reach even when shown - Mephistopheles (Demon)

Some things in this world are incomprehensible, they are beyond what humans can understand. It'd be giving pearls to pigs to just throw this kind of stuff around, and not only because it cannot be comprehended by mere text. However I'll tell you this much: there is a meaning

Ask something a bit less outwordly

You need to add politics posters to the hylics.

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Psychic, on my way to Pneumatic. >tfw no gf was never a part of my life, it is the failed normalfag motto.

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>left steals joint r9k-pol meme attempting to use it against them
>literal no u
why can't you fags make your own memes?

pneumatic antinatalist dystheist reporting in. Fuck the DEMIURGE!

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definitely the first. I live to consume. I wate up in the morning to go to work to get money so I can sit on my couch drinking and smoking and buying cheap distractions

i just wish there was an escape from the hamster wheel of work and money

i didn't think psychics or any category could truly change their ways. Like for instance a hylic can at best become a bible-thumping lunatic where a pneumatic can become a shoalin monk.

for hylics it think they prefer to have whatever religion they are prescribed do the thinking for them, the psychics question and do the thinking themselves and become philosophers and such while the pneumatics just know.

Third and final edit. There is an equal power gap between all.

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whoops typo occasional

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Heh. (Origo)

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Some final touches to the final edit

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>joint r9k-pol meme
I haven't seen a genuinely autistic person on this website in a while.

Face it faggot. This board has and is for CIS WHITE MALES and there is nothing you can do about it :)