There's no reason to hate NEETs, or be opposed to their lifestyle. If you think you're being taxed more money because of them: you're wrong. '
$50 billion USD of taxpayer money is simply stolen from American workers and shipped off to 3rd world countries as "foreign aid" -- that's something worth being pissed about, those people are actually "parasites"
A NEET who lives with his parents, increases their food & electricity bill by a mere 10% isn't any sort of "parasite" at all. In fact, he is forcing his parents to spend more money, thus stimulating the economy.
The only people that hate NEETs with a passion are people who work, but hate their jobs. Fact is, some people are "incels" because of their genes or poor development, and won't ever get a gf unless they have a top 5% job (which most people naturally are unable to acquire). So what purpose do they have to waste their precious life making themselves miserable (working) rather than being happy (doing whatever they want)
The average NEET is fatter, lazier, dumber, and more pathetic in virtually every way than the average worker: this is indeed the case, but it is not BECAUSE they are NEET. Most likely, they are NEET because of these factors, rather than the other way around. "Lol you're pathetic because you're NEET" is like saying "haha, you're sick/dying because you're in the hospital, loser!" or "you got a sunburn becaus you wear sunglasses!"
Since turning 18, I have been NEET only 7-8% of the time (I am 25) and I can say it's objectively superior in every way to being a wagie, with one exception: you don't get paid.
That's the one and only problem with being a NEET: you don't make any money. But if someone's parents are rich, so what? It makes no difference, and they certainly aren't shamed by your taunts unless they have some inferiority complex.
Only a pathetic NPC is incapable of doing productive, effort-filled activities without getting instructed and paid shekels by some CEO to do so.