Is isolating biceps really unnecessary if you're natty?

Is isolating biceps really unnecessary if you're natty?

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If you want big biceps then you should consider isolating them

its especially necessary if youre natty, if your goals is to look good.

Literally me

Hi OP, standard user poster here. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind FUCKING DELETING THIS. DELETE THIS FUCKING PIC RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


>fakes being happy so he doesn't worry his family/friends

Heh heh...

Who would feel worse?
>broken bloomer with gf cancelling plans, almost no sex and messages
>same broken bloomer, but without girlfriend, a virgin/incel


I think the first one. because you can't even feel good you have a gf because she cancels plans and probably cheating. at least when you have no gf you can say you're looking or something.

compound movements are a lot better for natties, user, dont listen to them, you're not a bodybuilder

Fat compound niggers like yourself should stfu
OP, do both chin-ups and bicep isolations
Multiple, barbell, hammer, reverse, preacher, dumbbell

I was actually way less lonely when I was a virgo sperg. You cant really miss something you never had.

You can do both

Nigga why you gotta @ me?

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No, it's even more necessary. Why the fuck would a natty who's at a disadvantage not use everything at his disposal.

if she's constantly cancelling, she ain't your gf lmao

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>had a taste of love and never recovered
haha imagine haha

hey user
big fan of compound movements here
ive always done chinups for biceps, but a little isolation and giving love to them will make em grow better
since i started doing ez curls and progressed on them, ive seen significant growth in my biceps
NONE THE LESS it is absolutely a must to focus on compounds as a natural lifter. dont listen to subhumans who dont even do big 4 and want to teach you about exercising

Rows and pullups are not enough to build big arms, natty or not. Stop being a retard pushing this "only weak curlbros do isolation work" nonsense

yeah, just do ppl

Fugg. How convenient that I just deleted my tinder due to depressive frustration and personal distrust. Guess I really weak, but I cant just stop now

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Yea you can go ahead and delete this one OP haha

>gf constantly cancels plans

Me btw

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how did you find this picture of me?

What an absolute embarrassment of a human being. You need to actually workout to be here, user.

No. You should add in bicep and tricep isolations. But they aren't your bread and butter. Do them after your compounds. Pulling exercises are the go to for your biceps and pushing for your triceps

>broken bloomer a virgin/incel
not possible, you have to be a bloomer before you can be a broken one

Do you not care about your biceps? Do you have great genes and your biceps basically grows on it's own? No need for isolation.

Do you want a great looking arm and a gf who loves you for who you are? Start curling, bro!

this hurts me more than anything I have ever seen on this site