The future of the white race

I recently discovered an obscure UN document that details their research into Replacement Migration. Basically it describes the UNs plan to replace the white race through immigration from brown countries. Now I think it's kind of odd that as whites we are supposed to simply accept that this is a solution to (((naturally occurring))) lower white birth rates and that itd be a natural progression of society that whites are destined to not exist. Why should we accept that as white people? Why should we allow the sacrifices and achievements of our forefathers be usurped by foreign invaders? If you're a white incel it's time to grow up and focus on your prime genetic directive and find a mate to pass on white genes.its time to sort yourself out and focus on tradition and family, and putting your efforts to fight immigration. The future of white genetic salvation depends on all of us to act and be a cohesive group, all the other races are forming up to use identity politics as a weapon against you it's time for whites to do the same and fight back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your optics are bad but nothing you said was false.

>recently discovered

This is turning into spam faggot. Youve been humiliated on every board you post, and youve been doing it for weeks.

Just stop posting, youre making a good case for white genocide to actually occur.

don't listen to this kike OP

spam it enough, post it on stormfront, eventually other people will save it and repost. i did that before and i've seen pics i made get reposted many times

Black guy here, how can I help?

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OP you keep making this thread and keep getting cyberbullied into oblivion. Just stop it already

Dont breed. A race war will eventually happen and itd be best for you to leave any white country youre in

Please do. Spam it all over/pol/. Just leave it fucking somewhere else since I'm sick of OP being scared he can't find a white woman

support black nationalism, and acknowledge that there's nothing wrong with white nationalsm, which is define as:
>allowing all white racists to self segregate in their own society away from all other races

You guys just get crazier every day, don't you

>le Kalergi plan meme
Slow, cringe and Jow Forumspilled.

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>White genocide
>Literally groups of browns and blacks murdering as many whites as they can see, nukes being dropped on white countries and Europeans being genocided en masse so that browns and blacks can setlle there.
So where can I watch this movie user?
It's not a movie user?
Oh this is how other races have been treated by whites in the past and yet we still aren't lining up to kill any of you yet?

Sounds like a pretty pathetic genocide.

Hail Hortler the neckbeard basement dweller
Zeig Heil!! Zeig Heil!!

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>butthurt shitskin general

the >its not a real genocide fallacy is addressed.

anyways its building up to a genocide as communism is pushed, socialist voting foreigners will use communism as a reason to rob whites of their property. its not coincidence that both communism and the narrative that whites are privileged are both being pushed right now.

>pol schizophrenic is at it again

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>nothing you said was false
>butthurt shitskin

Can you show me one MSM article pushing communism?
I go to a liberal university and I only know a handful of communists who are objectively weirdos and don't have that many friends

Go back to your board Jow Forumstard

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>feelings hurt
>lash out

Im Scots Irish living in Montana. Im sick of you fat autistic skinheads shitting the place up.

Race doesnt exist and no one gives a shit about you enough to mastermind what color your kids will look like. Get over yourselves.

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Its too late, leftism has taken over most of society. Whites wont exist in 50 years. We can only hope we can take the rest of the world with us.

"Replacement migration" is a mainstream term retard. People have been talking openly about it for decades, it's not some secret shit just because it took you until 2019 to hear about it. It's meant to replace the population losses of countries like Germany that don't have enough kids, and therefore suffer from labor shortages. If you wanna fix the problem, go move to Germany and have lots of kids. You do have a gf, right?

Whites arent breeding due to ((insidious and unnatural)) outside pressures such as feminism, destruction of family values, destruction of traditional values, population propaganda telling us we need to breed less, estrogen being bumped into food and water, destruction of masculinity, support of homosexual lifestyles, low income due to migration lowering the value of labor, and high taxes levied on the white working class to subsidize social programs that mainly benefit nonwhites.

the idea that the lower birth rates of whites is some kind of natural progression of society is propaganda. with no basis in actual fact. its just a theory.

They want us to stop breeding or to race mix so that they can replace us with lower IQ brown people who vote for socialism/big government. that way they can turn the world into an authoritarian nanny state prison planet

What you said is purely conjecture, the phenomenon of progressively wealthier nations having progressively fewer children is ubiquitous and you are attempting to intuitively ascribe ideologies you disagree with as being responsible for an outcome you consider negative.
That picture fails to encapsulate the fact that "whiteness" has been amorphous and this is evident in the perceptual shift of which geographical groups are part of the white identity, whiteness is a very American idea as Europeans seldom considee their fellow continent dwellers as being the same, they consider themselves in a more national sense than a racial sense like we do in America. Whiteness has always been employed to exclude peoples of backgrounds Americans consider unworthy. Can you tell me when a person ceases to be white? Is it anything less than 100% Northern European blood? Are Greeks and Italians, some of the most successful early nations white? Where do you draw the line of what is considered white? Just because some retards are still using colloquial terminology to refer to people for the sake of brevity and consensus understandinng of the term "whiteness" doesn't invalidate the core concept that whiteness has always been in flux and has so solid basis.

Threads like this are funny
>not breeding Indian and West Asian women

Fuck off to Jow Forums.

How the fuck is this at all related to r9k?

All hail democracy, all hail the will of the people, you wanted the people to be in charge of their future and this is what you get, you wanted equal rights and this is what you got
Enjoy your golem, this is what your hallowed democracy gave birth to, "b-but it would have been great if.." and communism would be great on paper if it wasn't run on people, no backpedaling your form of government sucks ass and you know it

Youre preaching to the choir Im all for ethnofascism and we can build it after we win the race war

People aren't breeding because the quality of life is high in first world countries and having children is extremely expensive. There's only two ways you're gonna have another baby boom. You either make the entire country poor and keep the population dumb as a sack of potatoes so they'll have nothing to do other than fuck all day or you start WWIII and blow half of Europe and China into rubble so nobody can compete with you economically.

>That picture fails to encapsulate the fact that "whiteness" has been amorphous and this is evident in the perceptual shift of which geographical groups are part of the white identity, whiteness is a very American idea as Europeans seldom considee their fellow continent dwellers as being the same, they consider themselves in a more national sense than a racial sense like we do in America. Whiteness has always been employed to exclude peoples of backgrounds Americans consider unworthy.

this is such a mind-achingly dumb line of argumentation that every liberal has said since time in memoriam and literally has never achieved anything besides derailing discussion

this shit isn't even worth entertaining anymore, if you are not a shill or for anybody else who thinks this shit here's some autistic ryan faulk

Karma is coming wh*Toid

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continuing for the sake of that user

>What you said is purely conjecture, the phenomenon of progressively wealthier nations having progressively fewer children is ubiquitous and you are attempting to intuitively ascribe ideologies you disagree with as being responsible for an outcome you consider negative.

While you would struggle to prove any sort of unified conspiracy, the idea that first worldism simply equals less child-birth is false and is not ideologically incongruent with the massive exposure of propaganda fed to White people and exclusively White people, as well as the influential people involved at every level of political, academic and media-distributing institutions that are beholden to this belief in one reason or another. western countries simultaneously are taught to hold beliefs that they are barely breeding past replacement level and therefore require immigration, but at the same time do not need any more children to be born because of "overpopulation", "global warming" or anti-White ideology. any mildly observant person can pinpoint layers of ideology that are counter to the racial identity of white people and white existence in their daily lives in only a moment's notice, and this is exclusive to whites. it is definitely a topic worthy of discussion if you don't have a tinfoil hat on and are interested in psychology, politics, morality and reasoned argumentation.

That was a nice spiel, but it's still purely conjecture, I didn't try to claim why wealthier nations have less kids, you are ascribing causality to a variable which has yet to be demonstrated, so it's just your feelings, you feel like it's true, that's okay if you want to but the rest of us ought to exist in reality.

The core assertion of your last statement was that what I said was WRONG, are you going to make any claim or are you using the Alt Right playbook mantra that you shall never make a concession, no matter how baseless your claims are?

Its hopeless. Literal proof that white genocide is real right in the UN documents and there are shills in this very thread who try to pretend it isnt with the evidence right in front of them

Why do you think anyone gives a shit though? People have known that it's real for decades, no one cares. Are you really this new to geopolitics?

I can't imagine how excited you'll be when you discover things like this:

Motivation is nice and all but telling people here to "grow up" isn't going to do anything, if they could live better lives and knew how to many of them would.

Since white people are too lazy and irresponsible to have children you can either import shitskins or face financial and social disaster. The choice is yours.

I hope the white race goes extinct. I'm going to knock up a brown lady just to piss you off.

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>Hot take
There are a fuck ton of mutts who consider themselves "white" and they are the ones pushing this faggoted propaganda.

>all the other races are forming up to use identity politics as a weapon against you
Whites have been using identity politics since the beginning m8