How'd you do yesterday? Your gym DOES participate in the Murph, right?
>tfw 41:10
No, my gym isn't a faggot meme
>using a gym
I thought this meme died
If this is crossfit we can assume those pull ups are the crossfit versions, which is just epileptic gymnastics, and thus, don't count. And given how crossfit gamers find ways and loopholes out of everything, I assume the pushups are half-assed versions as well.
>tfw 41:10
This is great result. Did you use 20 lbs weighted vest?
You did crossfit or strict pull ups?
Strict, fuck that kipping shit
Nope I will next year, this was my first time
That looks like a nice workout, but who the fuck is murph? Is it the kid from Interstellar?
Based a d redpilled
Using a gym for social "exercises"
I shiggity diggity
I assume you're doing this geared like that spec op in the picture?
>1 mile
>100 pull-ups
lol what yea right
>200 push-ups
>300 squats
>1 mile run
ohh no! a WHOLE mile?
this is easy as fuck except the 100 pullups which is unnecessarily harder than the rest of the workout
ohhh i get it its crossfit lmao imagine buying into this fucking meme shit lmfao
You must do it in 10 kg weighted vest, I don't know why OP didn't mention it
Lmao @ airsquats
makes it even more meme worthy
You mean, makes it much more challenging
I do a murph every Monday, in my and utility pants/boots. Anyone who is calling it easy is a faggot who’s never ran weighted before. CrossFit faggots who do their gay ass pull-ups can fuck off too, this workout wasn’t made as a crossfag workout it was made as an actual combat conditioning exercise by an actual warrior.
As for the pull-ups/pushups/air squats I break it down into sets of 10/20/30. It’s not impossible, it just sucks.
*in my plate carrier
>Anyone who is calling it easy is a faggot who’s never ran weighted before.
i called it easy before knowing about the weighted vest. i now call it fucking retarded because rucking is literally the single worst thing you can do to your entire body if you plan on living past 45 and only jarheads and crossfaggots would ever do it thinking its based because neither can think for themselves. at least as a jewish lemming you actually need to ruck so training it somewhat makes sense, but fuck that noise my friend im not a double digiter
is me, also generation kill was based af good gif mr potato head
Neck yourself, it’s not even worth addressing everything wrong with your statement. Just kill yourself, make the world a better place, it’s the only way you ever will. The worst part is you think you have some sort of claim to superior intellect or virtue. You’re the absolute epitome of what’s wrong with humans.
argue how rucking is somehow more beneficial than detrimental to long term health. ill wait. feel free to google to your hearts content
Absolutely my manimal
Are you allowed to go back and forth? Like if I stopped running, did 50 push-ups, finished the first mile, did 20 squats, etc. is that legit?
It’s the hyperbolic way you go about your argument for starters, talking about not living past 45, as if joint pain results in death. No one is talking about rucking, though I know you don’t care about the difference between running with a vest (weighing 20-30lbs) and a pack (weighing 50+lbs). You’re the same type of pussy that is gonna claim distance running is the worst thing on earth for you when it’s the one predatory tool humans evolved with. Meanwhile you’ll go squat your 3pl8’s and deadlift your 5pl8’s and think “yes this is perfectly natural and healthy”.
>inb4 you think that means I don’t do both
>I do
Take a course in kinesiology, mister big brain, learn dynamic warmups and stretching, learn mobility exercises. Stress you body, push it sometime. You might realize you like it. But you won’t, because you’re a faggot, and at the end of the day you probably have shit genetics and your joints will break regardless of what difficulty you train at.
>Take a course in kinesiology, mister big brain
kek not that guy but this is some terminal heinie hurt
>No one is talking about rucking
i was implying running rucking, of course.
>You’re the same type of pussy that is gonna claim distance running is the worst thing on earth
running my first marathon in january
> Meanwhile you’ll go squat your 3pl8’s and deadlift your 5pl8’s
yup i do this too
> mister big brain
this is also true
> learn dynamic warmups
do them before my daily morning runs
> Stress you body, push it sometime
how about everyday?
maybe you should try assuming you might be wrong about something you've assumed as part of your identity
Would you both stop posting please? Thank you.
fuck off nigger
Do you do 100 pullups -> 200 push ups -> 300 squats or can you do them however you want as long as you get those totals in before the second run?
For the technical "Murph" workout you have to do them all together, finishing each movement before doing the next. And with a weighted vest.
But most people just get the totals in however they want and without the weight.