Can diddlydoo 3pl8

>can diddlydoo 3pl8
>can't do one pullup

should I get a resistance band or something

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you should lose 30-40 pounds

I'm not overweight

it's two different exercises you dumb ass beta cuck faggot retard I hope you die in fortnight

Guess how I know you’re lying

>can diddlydoo 3pl8
>can do 25kg pullups for reps

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I'm 24 BMI you diddlydick

You're fat

If this is OP fatty confirmed

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Weight and stats OP

reading is hard

>Can do 50kg chin up for reps
>Can hardly bench over 100 kg
Also i’m about 26-27 BMI at 15% bf
We are all different user

Those pussy pull up machines that you stand on your knees and do pullups work well I'm told

>can bench bodyweight for reps
>can barely do 20 pushups

Got pushup mogged the other day by some dyel looking guy, "I guess you're not as fit as you look user" is what the girls said.

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>girls that dont understand why you cant do as many pushups as a dyel

not a big loss desu

Pulling off the floor with straight arms is not going to train your ability to pull in the vertical plain with bent arms.

>can bench 3 plates
>can't squat 3 plates


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Start doing assisted pull ups and also start doing negative pull ups too.

do negatives
get a chair, hold yourself on the bar and slowly lower yourself
do that every second day 5x5
practice hanging at the bottom with retracted shoulders

BMI of 24 is still fat for fitness standards lardass


why are you so hellbent on proving me wrong you projecting fatso

Post body niggy

Literally impossible

Do assisted if your gym has a machine
If not, do banded.
If not that, then negatives

Good luck user

Can't do a pull up? You must have a horrible body.

Have you lost all sense of proportion?

You must just train legs as if they matter.


Because you're making a thread about not being able to to a single pull-up despite diddling 3pl8. It means that's you're fat as the other user rightfully called you out. Post body fatty.

Wtf? Bmi of 24 may be fat for normie standards but not for fitness standards. What are you talking about? If you train hard and diet well you can have a bmi of 25 and not be fat at all

why cant he do more push ups though?

you're fat

>the other user
yeah okay

same with me here
why is it like this? i can deadlift/latpull a lot of weight but cant do a single pull up and im at 15% bf

>can do 27 strict pushups
>can't bench bodyweight once
Pecs work in mysterious ways, though at that point it's cardio rather than strength that matters

You have monkey arms. Less rom on deadlifts, more rom on pull-ups

Can squat almost as much as I can deadlift

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is 24 bmi really fat? I'm 23.5 and skellymode

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>deadlift 4pl8
>bench 2pl8
>OHP 1 pl8
>can do 100 pushups ez
>literally can only do ONE pullup and I have to be fresh so no workouts before

life ain't fair

>vertical plain

stop being fat

I think we may be fucking up something mechanically, maybe grip width, retracting the scapula wrong...Hell if I know.

It is likely that your hamstrings and legs are significantly stronger than your upper back. That or you're underworking it. I recommend starting with assisted pull ups or just trying to get a couple at the start of your workouts. Remember to tighten all parts of your body when doing pull ups like the quads and core. Squeeze the bar hard.
You'll probably be fine if you just start trying to train pullups/chins or back in general more.

>doesn't train lats
>gee bros why can't i do pullups
Fuckin tard

post body fatties

pull ups/chin ups work in a retarded way
stuck at 5 chins for months
one day wake up can now do 12 without sweat
shit is so dumb

Can either of you see your abs at all? Do you ever do pulling lifts? Rows, lat pulldowns, curls?

My lifts are pathetic, not even at 1/2/3/4, but I can still do about 12 chins or 8 pull ups when I'm rested.

lose weight fatty

can you do chinups tho?

Different people have different leverages and strengths, just be yourself bro

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>Being unable to do as many push-ups as a dyel
It's his own fucking fault

That's not so bad if you're strong.
That one dude squated 1000 lbs for 2 and the DL record isn't too much higher.
The difference between dls and squats start high but the gap closes the longer you lift.

>tfw 32 bmi with abs
Lmaoing at twinks

It's literally impossible to be 23.5 and skellymode. Either you're skinnyfat or somewhat athletic.

>used to do 50 pushups in a row
>blasted tris, shoulders, and pecs every workout
>ohp 90lbs
>can't even bench 1.5 pl8
what the FUCK

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post body
(no homo)

is this entire thread a joke? i could crank out 3x6 pullups as a 130 lb anorexic teenage boy. im doing 60-80 before bed every night now lmao wtf

>deadlift uses legs
>pull up uses arms
>confused why leg strength isn't helping

Yea idk op that's weird

I swear to god I'm tired of fags that don't lift as heavy as possible. You can't get stronger lifting the same weight every week. You have to PUSH yourself every week, even if it's only 5lbs more. I deadlift 3 plates as my final set of 5. Any asshole can dl 3plate once hyped up on caffeine and creatine. Do it after your body is screaming at you to stop and one more rep feels like you're going to fall over and die.

>can diddly 3pl8
>can't squat 185lbs

should have taken the calisthenics+weights pill user

There's a way to work around not being able to do lots of push ups around dyel normies. Use a backpack and your less reps would've looked impressive.

Can't do much if you physically cannot lift the weight
Probably a torsolet.

3 plate deadlift is casual AF.

lmao what a faggot

Do some biceps too

large frame with little mass on it?

i have a permanent hip injury (bike accident)
ohp 75kg × 5
deadlift 70kg × 5
i wish i was joking

Do the assistance machine for 3/10 twice a week. If you can do the 3/10, decrease the assistance. Depending on how pathetic you are, you should be doing pull ups in two months or so. But desu, just do chin ups. Biceps need all the love they can get.