What would you do if you were transformed into a slut?
What would you do if you were transformed into a slut?
be the best lass i could be.
Not one black woman. Lmao.
I'd suck cock 'till my tongue cramped up, probably
Me? I'd lick black men's butts
>implying I'm not already a slut
get a gender operation
if thats against the rules id go into clubs every day and get raped
That's right. No niggers in my thread
>What would you do if you were transformed into a slut?
Enjoy my new happy life. I wish I were a slut.
Sometimes I wish I had been born a girl, things would have been way easier. I would literally just settle down with the first stem niceguy betabux I could find and be his housewife. I'd do this now but most gays are degenerate and just pump/dump.
You guys could just transition
Silly alices
Post myself on the Jow Forums for orbittors and have a 'gay' old time and so would you.
stop being a slut and end up just living a life the same as i do now
>buy gun
>only wear hoodie and sweatpants
I wouldn't know how to look good and I'd be afraid of getting raped
1. Find the nearest bridge
2. Jump right fucking off.
First thing I'd probably do is go an actually experience the world beyond just my room and make social connections with zero effort just because there's an endless supply of people wanting to get in my pants
I'm convinced that women can't understand what the feeling of loneliness is, the closest they feel is frustration at not being able to find a good friend out of their long line of desperate suitors, but they can't understand what it feels like to have absolutely nobody in that line
I would love it live life on easy mode fuck Chads and then when I'm 30 and my pussy has had a thousand dicks in it and at least a gallon of cum in there I'll settle down with some beta who's a doctor and have our genetic abomination children and our son will find a video of me when I was 19 on pornhub and fap exclusively to that developing an oedipus complex and he'll come on Jow Forums and you'll encourage him of his fantasies and he'll rape me and then murder me the perfect roastie life
Become an avid discord user and make the same threads every day on a japanese cartoon forum.
probably be a slut
I wouldn't be the same person so I don't know what I would do.
If I was transformed into a hot girl I wouldn't act like a slut.
start living a real life for the first time ever.
youree mom lol
That was oddly specific, but i'm curious to hear more