Self improvement thread

from 17 to 19.

lost weight, grew hair and beard to an extent.

just started kissing recently, still a virgin, is there and problem with my looks or it's all in my head.

pretty skinny, 5'11.

post yours anons.


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It looks like you gained weight

You're a handsome lad, no homo
Just put yourself out there and watch out for whores

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You put on a different jacket? Okay.

scale says otherwise.

anyways, what do you think the problem is.

my state of mind or my looks.

always had social issues growing up and my dad was and still is a drunk abusive mother fucker.

aren't you a comedian.

i'm seriously in a crysis rn and looking for some help with my sitaution

Sadly it's not your looks. You may think this is good and you can make character gains but it's extremely hard to make deep substantial changes.

First of all, type properly dipshit.
Second of all, go to bed, you're drunk

Where do I begin?

A good therapist

All in your head, like most people here. Practice till you are good at being around people/girls. Get used to get out of your comfort zone. Real life lesson. Real self improvement.

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It does looked like you gained weight unless your face was skelly mode and your body was fat. Its bad that you gained weight though, it looks like you needed it.

Which one is supposed to be the before

>beard to an extent

you mean that faint scraggly peachy ass chin strap that identifies you as a KFC cashier?

you look like a stupid fucking asshole. wash that cock smile off your ugly mug, you look like a manlet soccer player kys faggot i honestly hate you

you look good brah
pic related

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This was me about two years ago. Just a smidge under 300 pounds. Dad just kicked me out of the house for smoking pot. No job.

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Me a few months ago. Down to 240. I enjoy hiking a lot, and I'm quite successful with women now too. If you guys have any questions or want some tips, don't be afraid to ask.

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That spacing...

Tips please.

Read "book of pook" there is a free pdf online
Its basically about not being a beta loser, thats the only reason you dont get laid while looking like that. Or this is bait thread, post a pic with a timestamp

>posting your face on the chin
reddit everywhere

Starting out with confidence. I'm confident that I'm a fucking fantastic person, and that the girl I'm with is lucky to have me. I firmly believe this.
Sociality. You need to be social. Go out and talk to people. Train your social skills. Learn to be comfortable in any social situation.
Fun. You need to be fun. You can't rely on someone else to make it a good time, you have to. I do this by talking to random people and saying stupid shit, or just focus on the enjoyable aspects.
Those are the main ones. Quick tips; talking or being around women will make other women think you're more attractive. Go to the gym, you don't like fat incel women and hot women don't like fat incel guys. Read books on picking up chicks.
I would start going on dates more, and once you start getting better social skills definitely work on your sex game.
I still have a gross body that I'm working, but I still pick up women. It's in your mind guys, we can all make it.

Now some kissing techniques.
One hand on the neck/face/hair. Don't tug too much, but definitely having a hand on her face is a big turn on.

Depending on deep into kissing you are, it's time for the other hand.
I call my other hand the trouble maker, because that dude is doing bad shit.
I like to grab some ass with my other hand or feel up her back. Women love that.

Is that your boyfriend? Do you get sweaty on the trail and then suck each other off?

clearly he is, look where his hand is. fucking moron.

high af

good shit bro

23 year old kissless virgin here. I think you look fine

I go both hands on her face neck
Learned that in grappling
Control the head control the opponent
I then pull her slightly off balance and position her against the wall/cage, pushing my hip below hers to gain leverage
Her hands are either on my arms or or belly/chest, feeling the power in my mid section
I keep pressing her against the wall, kissing deep
If she has already given up i free one hand and go straight down her pants to see how wet she is
Is she hasn't given up i let go a bit, stop kissing for a second and give her one of those stares
Then on to round two

Exactly man. Grapple that bitch

You guys got me, I'm actually gay. Looks like the jig is up, I've been trolling everyone on how to pick up chicks
Thanks man

I grew up a Jehovah's Witness and never kissed a girl until I was 19. It's easy to pick up on this shit if you put your mind to it!

That's literally all I can see changed. Your crisis is in your head, only you can see it.

If you are seriously wondering about your looks, then don't worry.

No lie or exaggeration, if you work on your game you could score pretty consistently if you wanted.

You looked better before

This is all so foreign to me but I'm happy for you man, mirin.

me too bro i left at 25. 30 now. still making sense of it all. people don't realize how fucked up that religion is. are you on any exjw support networks? it helps.

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My experience is that even if you are above average looking most of the time girls will not approach you, it's very rare. I've been called handsome and some girls rated me pretty high but the only attention I got from girls was maybe a rare smile on the street or some weird comment about wanting to see me at a party. I was in uni for 3 years (didn't live in dorms tho) and the only comment I got was a dude telling me that I must be slaying pussy. I dunno how having a good body affects this, since I was skinny fat/twinkish throughout. Possibly if you are gigachad mode girls just jump straight at you.
But I think the more important thing is being social and having a good personality. I was a complete autist who was trying to looksmax and improve my looks so that girls would start noticing me but it never really happened. When I was in highschool I was uglier but I was known as the funny guy and had a lot of friends, I probably had a much better chance of getting laid at that time than I do now with better looks, I still didn't go out much tho.
Basically you need to improve yourself but you don't have to completely looksmax and be autistic about it, far important is being social, confident, being a fun guy to hang around. Don't just go full autist mode and be obsessed about your looks and thinking that once you lose some weight, get some muscle or get better looks you'll make it and be a chad, in reality it's not going to happen to the extent that you want it to happen.

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Of course nothing is going to happen if ou just wait around for it to happen.

Men are hunters, and most women understand this, if only on a subconscious level. Men who make the first move are instantly viewed in higher regard than men who want women to approach them first.

If you've never approached someone before, the only advice I can give you is just do it. Go into it with the mindset, "I'm going to strike out the first few times, maybe even a good bit of times. But that's okay, because I can always do it again". Even on apps like tinder this rule applies. Don't just say "hey". Say something funny or at least try to be original and you'll be in the top 10% of some girls inbox.

No one's good at anything the first time they do it. No one. Child prodigy musicians you see still had to practice to get that good. Absolutely zero people pick something up and do it well the very first time.

i think you look above average. it depends on your height and build also but i cant judge that from here. unironically be yourself

>Possibly if you are gigachad mode girls just jump straight at you.
they don't.
>But I think the more important thing is being social and having a good personality

also when it comes to social anxiety and interactions you have to force yourself out of your shell and do the thing you want to do despite your anxieties (approaching a girl, talking to someone, inviting someone out even if you can get rejected) basically you have to be willing to take an L and not take it personally.

Not op but how do you keep doing this. Whenever I tried to go out I'd do it for a month force myself, be tired and feel like shit from the constant anxiety and then fall back into my old habits. How do you make it consistent so that it sticks?

personally i stump it when i start thinking about it, immidiately when i start getting nervous i do the thing im nervous about. also you should never do anythign to try to sound or look cool or to impress or whatever, you should do what you actually want to do and the confidence and words will come by themselves. women expecialy can detect when you are posing because they are more sensitive to body language (comes from caring for babies). Also dont go to nightclubs alone.

Not him, but the same way you get a workout routine down. You do it so much, so regularly, that it feels wrong if you don't.

I know that it's kinda hard to just do this if you have anxiety, but you have to really try to convince yourself of the fact that most people won't think about you after your interaction is over. Even if you did something a little embarrassing, most people will have it in their heads for about 15 seconds after it happens and then move on to some other thought.

Contrary to what incels on the internet will tell you, there actually ARE nice, attractive girls that genuinely want to be approached earnestly. I met my gf of a year and a half on tinder. Neither of us really knew what we were looking for there, but since we were both honest with each other of that fact we were able to make a relationship of it. And trust me when I say I'm far from a chad, and I was pretty nervous first meeting her. But what people need to understand is that women are, more often than not, just as nervous as us when it comes to meeting new people.

>Also dont go to nightclubs alone.

Good advice. Anywhere you go where you might wanna approach people, go with a buddy or two. Even if you get rejected (which you will at some point, you always miss more shots than you make), instead of having to just go off somewhere contemplating it, you go back to your buddies and they rip on you for a minute and then you forget about it.

That way you still have a good time regardless.

You have an above average face and nice eyes lmao

Literally nothing to worry about there

ur looks are fine. Probably your socialising skills

Fuck this idea though. It's not the manly guys that are approaching loads of girls and getting laid all the time, it's the overly-social guys who are low testosterone enough to actually relate to women. Men and women used to just be paired up, or the lack of people and lack of anything else to do meant that guys would naturally just end up with a girl. Nowadays you have to be some kind of social wiz to get a girl. Don't tell me it's natural or any bullshit like that. Most girls aren't even interested in objectively good genes anymore, just some guy who's going to be the 'life of the party' for them. It's not absurd to think that not every guy can tolerate having to put themselves way out there just to be able to learn how to hit on girls well. The truth is that I have basically nothing to say to girls ever, except that I find them attractive, and you can only ever open with that if you're at a club or something. THEN it's easy, but even then it's a waste of fucking time. I just can't pretend to give a shit enough to talk to so many girls just so I can get good at something I don't give a shit about in the first place. I honestly find it pathetic that women care so much about your ability to socialise. It has nothing to do with how masculine you are or confident you are, it's literally just that some guys are very social and some are very unsocial, and that's mostly what it comes down to.

Keep up the good work user

Have sex

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That's a load of bs, looks do matter, better looking you are the more likely girls will want you, we idolize the "chad' premise due to the fact that's what we see in our day to day life, a hot looking guy that fuck plenty of hoes.

Stop being delusional.

Also op has fuck ton of potential to slay.

You really do look the same user