Why is fucking pic related the only web series out there that isnt made by 25 year old female college grads or horny...

>why is fucking pic related the only web series out there that isnt made by 25 year old female college grads or horny men?
>also if you can prove me wrong that'll be great

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well one punch man was originally a webcomic where the writer was probably horny because he's nip but it doesn't show that on the comic, unfortunately i know you already read it and thats a disappointing answer...

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I actually have never read it, ever. I've been too lazy to actually read anything other then shitty threads on Jow Forums.

But hey, thanks for the response

i only read the manga another artist made based on it, i think its the same thing but with better art, if you never read its pretty fucking good, specially for people that like shonen and super heroes or for people that dislike it

I mean, I've been wanting to read it but its never on my mind. I usually see shit like "Hazbin hotel!!!" or "Steven Universe!!!", which aren't bad enough that even family guy is more entertaining (at least in my opinion)

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anybody else read riceboy besides me?

is hazbin hotel good? i need something to fill the gravity falls hole
also i heard steven universe is shit but i haven't watched it so i can't say for sure

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i tried making a webcomic once, i was super excited about the ideas i had, but then i started drawing, it took me 5 hours to get one page done, where absolutely nothing happened, so well no webcomic from me anymore

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>Hazbin Hotel is mediocre and that's it. It's basically some musical with demons. With anything animated or musical, its bound to bring 10-year-old girls
>steven universe is shit besides one arc. The story is all over the place, obviously trying to get homo points, and the art is pretty inconsistent

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Achewood is great, takes a while to get going though.

Who cares if it takes 5 hours for one page? If you want to do it, you should just do it. Even if you become another CWC, at least you'll have fun while doing it. Everyone has to start somewhere, mate

>at least you'll have fun while doing it
thats the problem, if i work 5 hours each page, i'll take ages to the story to get where i want it to, and I thought the story based on an artstyle I """developed""" so I don't want to simplify it, and I don't want to draw like that forever, I want to draw other stuff and experiment more. I thought about converting the story to a visual novel with only a couple of drawings but idk if anyone would care for boring vn about lazy disappointed teens where you just read and theres no porn

I like Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell, more than I liked Homestuck I think. The art at the beginning isn't that good but it gets better as the story progresses.
It updates regularly too, three times a week iirc. It's about 2k pages long right now but it's worth a read.

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Do whatever the hell you want user. People are always gonna insult you if you're a hetero male or its not like their favorite anime.

the more you draw the same thing, the faster it gets. Trust me, it happens for everything single thing out there (including myself, but im a shitty artist so I don't count)

I hope your dream gets put into a thing, godspeed to you mate

How dare you assume i'm a hetero male? jk, I am But I think I have to start with something simple at first, you know those writer wannabes that want to write lord of the rings on their first book or those game developers that want to make a triple a game just by themselves? ya, it rarely works out

KarkatxDave is canon
Imagine all that sloppy gay tentacle porn

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Then you should start out with something small. Toby Fox, Andrew Hussie, and even fucking Speilberg started out with something small and look at how that went out in the future

>Toby was an edgelord
>andrew made joke comics for his forum
>Spielberg made some mediocre films

Make some shitty filler content to start a small fanbase, and then make what you want.

I'm at the point where I know my art is good enough for a comic but not good enough for a stand alone painting, I'm not sure if I should just keep practicing or just write something

equius was best troll.

NO it was vriska fuck you

Write it, mate, and dont fucking stop. I might be a worthless nobody whose shit at drawing (pic related), but that doesnt mean you have to end up like me.

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You guys are both retarded, Nepeta is the only good one

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Nepeta is shit she's only good at being Jade's cum bucket

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*wwalks into thread*


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>but that doesnt mean you have to end up like me.
why did you give up?

can you learn how to greentext kid? jesus fucking christ

I read a tiny bit of homestuck and I didn't finish it but why is her peepee green and why does she even have a peepee

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It's been 2 hours since the thread was made and now you're talking?

because she fused with her radioactive dog at one point and now everyone draws her with a dog penis

Oh. I thought the knot was her balls at first, but I see it now.
It feels so weird to type "her balls".

Basically I've been drawing for 5 years and I havent really made much progress. I've been thinking about just giving up on art and switching to some guy who plays smash bros competitively. It ain't a good idea and its neckbeard like, but it might be what I'm stuck with

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It sounds like you're forgetting about a certain armless athlete.

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Melee is sick as hell. If someone calls you a neckbeard for playing it, then they're a faggot. Besides, you shouldn't let criticism from reandom people stop you from doing what you enjoy. Also, melee is really hard. You're going to do terrible at first, that's how it is with everyone. Just be ready for that, and remember to persevere.

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well I started drawing even before learning how to write, but i never actually studied it until about 2017 so there's lots of people that started when they were adults already and are way better than me, i think if you're really stuck there's something wrong with the way you practice, but sometime its hard to see progress, try looking at your old drawings, you must have improved a little

I've played melee since it came out, and now I'm addicted to ultimate now (only because of YL and cloud). I've been thinking about joining some teams and shit

I've done that and honestly it has helped a little, but random people like Solar Sands make me feel like shit compared to everyone else (surprisingly). Oh well, I might just stick with it. I mean, I've been suspended from a school for an accusation before, so me getting told to kms over small things isnt new.

>I've been thinking about joining some teams and shit
Dang, you're that good? Do you go to tournies?

ya, its very intimidating to watch someone criticizing something that is infinitely better than anything you can do, I'd say the best way to get criticism is from a friend that also draw and is about on your level, but we're robots so thats not a thing for us

I'm shit compared to everyone else so its not like "I'm dah best lollll!!!!". I've thought about joining a smaller and weaker team rather then some "MLG NOSCOPE XD LOL EPIC" team.

It's still pretty hard to join teams, even if they aren't TSM or CLG or something. Still, I believe in you, user.

Based and very originally redpilled

Thanks for your tips, anons. I actually feel like accomplishing something for once And it makes me feel better

Godspeed to everyone in this thread

No problem, user. Remember me when you win Evo.

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u west coast? if so ill netplay you right now unless you play a floaty

>Thanks for your tips, anons. I actually feel like accomplishing something for once And it makes me feel better
no problem bro

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He plays ultimate, not melee. I'm west coast and a falco main, but I can't netplay right now, and I'm garbage. If you post an email account or discord, maybe I can play against you some other time.

Sorry mate, I dont. I also only have the original melee disk and not the ROM or emulator to play it, sadly

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A long time ago there was a dank pixel Mario web comic called something along the lines of the seven hats. Dissappeared from the internet. Wasn't as gay as it sounds, iirc it was charming 2002 internet humor.