Haven't had a drink since last night

>haven't had a drink since last night
>pouring sweat out of my hands and armpits
>borderline panic attack level anxiety
>immense brain fog
>parents still awake so I can't fix this for like 3 more hours

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>he drinks beer over hard liqueur
You're not an alcoholic, you're a baby. Grow a set of taste-buds kiddo.

Lmao, with my Spanish genes I can drink 20 shots and not even get a hangover, I throw up tho

no that was just the most relevant picture I had I drink vodka that comes in 10 dollar handles

at least your hair grew back though, right?

Why don't alcoholics abuse phenibut instead? It has a similar mechanism, is cheaper and is way less toxic than ethanol.

can't get it at the fuckin store down the street

Yeah vodka is the alcoholic endgame. Cheap, easy to drink, and no hangover. I just finished a bottle of sobieski. Gonna head to the store in a bit to get a few more bottles.

>no hangover

I know next to nothing about alcohol, why is this?

I don't get it.
I must be immune to withdrawals.

less additives in it compared to other liquors. The cheaper stuff adds anti-freeze to it so that is a concern.

Have you been drinking heavily every day for years? That could be why.

Hangover is withdrawal from heavy drinking prior night,

My Biochem professor tells me how well your ethnicity processes ethanol determines how bad to non existent your hangover is

That's a good point, but if you are able to stock up on it ahead of time I'd think it would be worth it despite how addictive it is. It's only expensive when you get into the 10g+ range.

you can still get a hangover from vodka, it's just harder than something like red wine. congeners is the reason. don't drink half a fifth of vodka and expect not to feel it tomorrow though

can someone post the third wojak thanks

>don't drink half a fifth of vodka and expect not to feel it tomorrow though
as long as you drink some water you should be fine off that little

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Hope you get some relief soon user. I went through withdrawals and delirium tremens a year ago at 23 and moved in with my mom to get sober.

>as long as you drink some water
Well, duh doi. Thats just responsible drinking. Drink water in between any drink and it negates the hangover.

Vodka isnt a miracle liquor though

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yeah, I don't get any worse of hangovers from whiskey really and those are usually what I drink but damn if I decide to go act like a bum in the park with some malt liquor I'll be feeling that the next day

Maybe if you didnt eat cock and cheeseburgers every day youd be able to drink with the big dogs

Yeah if I drink a few bottles of wine I get a terrible hangover but a handle of vodka just makes me feel a little foggy in the morning.

What is that supposed to be in the 2050?

Also I can't comprehend being dependent on alcohol. At least something like weed has a relatively inoffensive intake. But alcohol is just terrible. Tastes like chemicals and burns your insides. Needing to drink it every night sounds absolutely nightmarish.

>What is that supposed to be in the 2050?
not really sure
>Also I can't comprehend being dependent on alcohol. At least something like weed has a relatively inoffensive intake. But alcohol is just terrible. Tastes like chemicals and burns your insides. Needing to drink it every night sounds absolutely nightmarish.
how unpleasant it is is part of the appeal, there's some masochistic satisfaction in it

I couldn't comprehend it 15 years ago. It really sneaks up on you.