alright im gonna fucking do it enough is enough. trips decide how I kill myself
Alright im gonna fucking do it enough is enough. trips decide how I kill myself
Die of old natural causes.
Kill yourself with a Holland & Holland 12 Bore "Royal Deluxe" Sidelock Shotgun
suppuku when
Suicide bomb a media outlet
shoot up a school
have Jow Forums written on your body
try and kill as many as possible adults and children
start shooting at cops run out of cover and charge cops while holding down trigger/pulling trigger as fast as possible
also while looking for kids go in the rooms that have no lights on and cjeck behind teachers desk check bathrooms and constantly scream "REEEEEE"
>one less tripfag/namefag in the world
thank god
car exhaust in garage type deal. i of course dont want you to do it, but if you are gonna do it i want you to go peacefully and thats the most peaceful death i can think of as far as suicide goes
not doin it oriiiii
>helium canister
pls be orginaL
If you're really set on this and nothing will stop you, then go out with a bang. You could go for a viking burial and die via self immolation on a boat. If that's too expensive then dragon's breath rounds to the head will do the trick.
Set wild animal traps and fuck raccoons, etc. until you contract rabies.
Do as many flips off of the tallest peak/building
Death by lung cancer. Start puffin boy.
Old age, peaceful and gracefully
Have a milf slam your head in with a hammer
Dont down user, take the white pill, be a Bloomer
You won't do it but I want you to peel yourself with a carrot peeler on a live stream till you bleed out.
Bullet to brain
So close, yet so far. Maybe OP will consider you if nobody else gets it anytime soon
Rerolling for self immolation/dragon's breath
Death by cambodia
Start smoking like a chimney and give urself cancer
Hopefully OP gets furious rabies rather than catatonic.
Be sure to go out and fuck as many bitches as you can as the madness sets in.
One more time for the money. I'm gonna get it OP, don't you just watch me.
Slit your wrists and neck while using your blood as lube to shoot your final nut.
You're dying of old age OP
Alright, one last time.
Get a grenade and jump off a tall building and blow the grenade up while falling so you become a fire work of gore
Viking boat immolation roll
Rolling for the short bus
Rolling again because no life
Water poisoning. Banned for unoriginal content.
we dont care as long as you film it
Bleach + Ammonia Cocktail, and filmed.
Good ol' handgun to the head
Rolling for the starving kids in Africa
Shoot up a school, death by cops.
Last roll for the night bois
Try pissing off a cop enough for him to shoot you, bonus points if you don't use violence/guns
death by 500 piranhas.
Donate all your money to charity then try to live as a homeless dude
swim into the sea
keep going until you drown
also requesting this yo
Purposely fall while fast roping out of a helicopter but make it look like an accident so your wife still gets your pension
rolling for jump into a river leading into a giant waterfall
Try to do something that will leave a mark on the world or at least your hometown, I mean shoot up a school, do that if you don't have a family,but if you have then just blow your brains out or hang yourself
Carotid suspension
Set up a barbecue inside a car and die via asphyxiation
Repent and follow Christ
Of old age originalioooooaaa
Rolling cuz NEEt
Go on a rampage with a weapon and kill as many people as you can
Do not commit user.
Dress up as commie, with a Che shirt and all. visit the closest place a lot of people hang out on and start shooting in the air screaming that socialism will prevail. Then have the cops shoot you when they show up.
Go find a bench somewhere and just sit there. Refuse to move and wait to die
Dont do it M8 you can always donor your organs.
>you start eating healthy and excercise
>you meet a cute and genuine girl
>form an undying bond
>marry and have kids
>your wife has wrinkles now and so do you
>time went by so fast
>kids grown up and have lives of their own
>grandkids are born
>youre so old now
>die of old age at the same time with your wife
>whisper last words "i was always gay. I only married her because she sorta looked like a man"
rolling for gay confession
Strangulation while on livestream
Blow your brains out on twitch, provide link
Whatever you do, do it live on YouTube and provide link to all of us
Sneak into a commercial refrigeration unit with booze/drugs of choice and freeze to death.
Call suicide hotline now
Do anything at all to prolong your life
you will live a life with many vices and die from liver failure or cancer from the chain smoking. slow suicide for the win.
bomb the suicide hotline
p o t t e r y
(jk fbi)
Go out in blazing glory, shoot some nogs
YouTube live, cut open your stomach
I'm with this guy, YouTube live or twitch stream seppuku
You could be the most famous twitch person ever if you od live
Livestream with a helium tank with some soothing rain music playing
Suicide by cop somewhere big
Jump off a building screaming the FBI made me do it
Livestream heroin until you drop
Just sit in a room until you starve to death
Autoerotic asphyxiation on cam4 or YouTube live to leave a bigger impact
You can ruin a lot of people's days if you jump in front of a major commuter train
Cocaine nonstop on twitch stream until you od
Play tic tac toe by yourself nonstop on the walls of your room with sharpie. No eating, drinking, sleeping, and no bathroom breaks.
Handgun to head on YouTube live
a simple hanging
suffer like the rest of us.
Stay alive until your 80 and then just hang yourself
Run naked in the streets screaming that the CIA is making you do this through traffic
You know what, death by long and fulfilling life, surrounded by loved ones. May be a bit slow tho
rolling dis
Kill these people first. then do whatever i dont care...
Livestream the proof faggot, idc how you do it, neck yourself
Please don't do it user, you may not be able to see it right now, but your life can and will get better, and you can make that happen. If this gets trips then (Should be "Die old of natural causes.").
Drink copious amounts of alcohol everyday until your liver fails.
Twitch heroin overdose
suicide yerself
Still no trips?
I roll for Weenie Wacker
Shoot this faggot then jump off a bridge
That has a high chance of getting this site and others like it shut down for good in the U.S. user.
>420 blaze it lmao XD
Make or buy your absolute favorite dish, then lace it with a subtle poison then eat it on twitch
Shoot yourself on YouTube live, give link
Clearly this isn't the actual tripfag but I do wish the actual tripfag would just fucking off himself, or at least drop the fucking trip. All of you people with trips, names, avatars, you're all fucking insufferable garbage. But this commie faggot dipshit is especially annoying.
It's one thing to spend all day every day shitposting, tons of anonymous neets do. But it really gets grating when you attach an ego to your 24/7 shitposting. It takes a special autistic lack of self-awareness to be blind to why doing so is a bad idea. At least Johnny Neptune was a spectacle of unhinged unintentional hilarity in his manic schizo shenanigans. The rest of you cucks have absolutely no redeeming value. Go to reddit if you want to be recognized so badly.