Everyone is always like "height doesn't matter i'm 6'3" and i'm still an incel"

Everyone is always like "height doesn't matter i'm 6'3" and i'm still an incel"
But height gives you an automatic advantage with women. If you're tall Women will give you attention just because you're tall. You don't need anything else because you automatically have something interesting about yourself. Average sized men have to actually have a good personality to get attention which is WAY harder than just being given it for your height. I am attractive but I never get any attention from women because I am autistic, but if I was tall it would be so much easier.

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Yes those people are dumbasses. A tall incel is undeniably in a better position than a short incel to attract a girl. However, a tall incel with a decent face is better off than just a tall incel. There's levels of difficulty. Im 6'4 and I may be a 22 year old virgin who has never held a girls hand, but I have had my aunts and female cousins mire my height and say its a good thing, and girls at my last job asked me to get stuff off high shelves for them, and they'd mire me when I was doing that. It has undeniable advantages. I'm sorry you're short, isn't the universe great?

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I'm 6'2' and wouldn't really characterize myself as an incel. more than few fat and/or retarded women have hit on me. I let my friends pressure me into fucking a hooker once but I couldn't really get hard and just mashed my limp dick against her pussy. maybe I'm not a virgin anymore? i don't really know. I have a feeling that plenty of you manlets are in the same position as me. I got short friends that get laid a lot. trying to blame everything on your height seems like a cop out to me.

If someone over 6' struggles with women you just know that they are an utter failure as a human being.

Being short is like being told to bake a cake with only half the ingredients and no oven.

Being tall is being given all the ingredients, the oven, and step by step instructions. If you still fail, you're literally retarded.

Tallfags who fail at any aspect of life whether it be employment, relationships, of anything else, deserve no sympathy and honestly should find the nearest cliff and jump off of it.

well fuck you too man. insulting me is just a weak cope. being tall wont fix your mental problems.

Fuck off OP. I'm a 28 year old khv at 6 foot 3. It hasn't helped me for shit.

>Be 6'4"
>not wh*te
>Women only see me as a tool to reach for something they can't if Chad's not around

But if you're tall women will give you attention even if you're autistic. If you're average they won't even give you a chance

maybe. plenty of women have given me attention before but I always mess it up with my autism

like i said though I've known short guys that slay pussy so I don't even think that's true. but they were all super aggressive with a napoleon complex so I guess that's a major factor. maybe being average height has its disadvantages.

If you're tall then in many cases you'll find girls who are happy to be with you just so they can non-verbally show off to their friends "my bf is taller than yours". Girls are shallow cunts and in many cases care more about what their friends think of their boyfriend than what they think about him themselves. When I realised this, among other things, I finally gave up and took the gaypill. Women are completely soulless.

The whole 5'9 = short is a meme, height has never been a big issue and I've seen plenty of guys my height with partners (and children) who are taller than them. There is a fetish for tall skinny white guys but that is just from size queens, they tend to have pencil dicks but I have a nice thick cock that passes their toilet tube test. Now if you're 5'7 or shorter then it becomes a problem. (Exceptions if your Dutch or Scandinavian but you could still go to Asia).

>women wont fuck me so i became gay
i guess the memes are true

nah you're just a submissive gaylord cocksmoking faggot, you clearly want to fuck men so stop getting upset for females being females faggot.

Women are boring, derivative, hiveminded clones who cannot think for themselves. The Spartans had it right. They should be used for breeding and child rearing purposes only. They were never built for love.

that's just historical revisionism you dumb fag. do you really think no spartan ever loved a woman?

This is why manlets are hated by almost everyone. Hint: it's not because of your height

lol, there's fucking way this guy wasn't gay before

You don't even know what historical revisionism means you literal retard.

Did you fucking read my post. I said I was autistic and that being tall doesn't mean you're chad. I said that being all makes appealing to women automatically way easier which is truth.

Lanklets would be hated by everyone if the world wasn't so willfully ignorant to the massive privilege you enjoy on a daily basis. The fact that you're tall and even on this board speaks volumes about how useless a person you are. You were handed the keys to life on a plate and somehow you still managed to fuck it up lmao.

Your face is the only thing that matters, you fucking retards. Good facial bone structure is the final blackpill. Chad can be five foot nothing and still slay pussy because he has a pretty boy face with a strong jawline. The brainlets ITT claiming you can get a gf just by being tall are on the same level as cucks who salivate over niggers; they lack height, so they fetishize it and make it out to be the only thing women care about. If you spent as much time working out and gaining social skills as you do crying about your height, you'd have a gf.

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>Chad can be five foot nothing and still slay pussy because he has a pretty boy face with a strong jawline
Ask me how I know you haven't left your basement in 10 years.

I have a job and a group of friends, dipshit. I've seen more manlet chads than I care to count. Ask me how I know you're a short piece of shit who tries to act hard and fails miserably. Go drink a glass of milk, little man. While you're at it, accept some personal responsibility.

>I have a job and a group of friends, dipshit.
Sure kid. Height doesn't matter. You're not a loser. The sky is green. Yep, you're absolutely right.

Yeah man, I'm 6'2 and I'm pounding pussy 24/7. Just grow a foot, as height is the only thing that matters

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Is the toilet tube test a thing or is it a meme?

T. Pencil penis

Height definitely helps, but a good face is infinitely more important. I am an ugly but tall guy who did all the meme advice (WORK OUT, GET A JOB, GET A DEGREE) and I have some shitty romantic prospects now. My friends who have done none of those (including the manlets) all have long term successful and attractive gfs since they have good faces. If you aren't tall and you do not have an ok face/nice hair, I imagine your chances are fucked

>If you're tall Women will give you attention just because you're tall.
Im 6-1 and this is just a lie

A short facially attractive guy is better than a tall facially unattractive guy this goes without saying right?

Short guys have bigger looking muscles.

This. Short guys who whine that they gained get laid because of their height are either fat or facelets

grow up, if you want sympathy youre not gonna get it here. stop making excuses

Having a big cock makes you more appealing to women. Hasn't helped me at all.

Even though height is an obvious advantage, just like having a big cock, it's still possible to offset that advantage with other shortcomings to the point where tall user might have it worse than you.

penis size is not obvious unless you've got your schlong swinging out whereas height is the most obvious physical feature. In a room full of people, most people will first notice the tallest person.

Never had anyone hit on me or flirt. Not for any reason let alone height. I've been called tall by people and am taller than most men around here. I don't get this height meme.

Cock size is more important than height after that initial impression though - as soon as she's ok with fucking you, your height ceases to matter and your cock size becomes enormously important.

While your right about height being a major factor in attraction, just being tall isn't enough. Women will actively choose physically fit, confident 5'9" men over fat 6'4" men who don't dress well or have bad social skills.

>as soon as she's ok with fucking you
that's kind of the point you dingus. Women aren't ok with fucking incels most of the time.

>just being tall isn't enough.

>Women will actively choose physically fit, confident 5'9" men over fat 6'4" men who don't dress well or have bad social skills.
Confidence, physical fitness, how well you dress and your social skills are all well within control. Height isn't.

Continue to cope, faggot