Tfw a girl likes you

>tfw a girl likes you

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Don't fuck it up user.

I wonder what that's like.

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how do I get that feel? can I be good looking but still can't detect any signs?

Way better than having middle aged women drool over you. Young girls don't seem to like being muscular. They get all serious when they talk to me.

1) this isn't Jow Forums related, why you do this?
2) what's the matter with you, why do you have to make such a lame post on ANY board

Be nice and hygienic, also go out, make plans, don't stay at home.
That's how easy it is.

First time I dated for real, I just couldn't believe a girl would actually take the time and effort to dress up and meet me

Shit felt unreal

>also go out, make plans, don't stay at home.
That's where I fucked up, I don't have any friends to hangout since senior hs.

thanks user im cured

>go out, make plans, don't stay at home.
How you do that. I go out every day for a walk and go shopping, go out to eat sometimes what else do people do outside? Or having friends is a requirement here?

kill yourself

>tfw you’re in a committed relationship but want to fuck as many girls as possible

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>tfw a girl likes you but you dont like her back
>the one you love doesnt love you back

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I don't know that feel

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It doesn't mean she wants to go out with you and/or fuck. At least not yet. Don't rush things or appear to take it too seriously.

You almost forgot.

>don't be born ugly
>have a good childhood that crafted you a pleasant and attractive personality

There you go. Now you're ready.

>just take a shower, bro

Why is it that I'm a complete asshole chad to girls online but I can barely talk to girls irl without my voice cracking?

They don't see your face

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I've dated one girl for 4 years and another for 1 years and I still don't believe a girl would do that for me. Now I'm single again and I feel as virgin as when I was a teenager.

As we would say in my incel gang in high school, one is not born but rather becomes a virgin.

good luck user. we're all gonna make it.

what kind of plans? go out where?

people who say this shit either live in metro areas or wealthy places that actually have varied events that happen to meet like-minded people at.

i was born into rural flyover hell and nothing like that exists

ah, that hit too close to home

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don't get attached and develop bitch ass softness but otherwise gl hf dd

>Tfw 32 yrs old and never had a girl like you

I shook hands with one of my friends gf so at least ive got that going.

It literally is this but the weirdos on this board are too far gone and dont have the social skills or connections to go out and make plans so they lift in the hopes they'll magically be cured of autism when they look nice


Don't be a faggot, just approach random girls on the street

problem is I honestly don't know what to do with a girl

I mean I get the whole benis in bagina thing but what the fuck am I suppose to do before that

I know that feel user...

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Literally did all of this after 19yo me realized that I would get to be a 30yo virgin if I went on being an autistic loner.
Lost virginity, gained a fuckton of friends, get invitied to parties often.

You're not gonna become slayer Chad overnight, but the first step is fucking going out like this guy says.

>there are people talking negatively about the hygiene aspect
That’s how you spot the true incels.

dont fuck things up user.

sure thing

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Because you're a total bitch who feels safe behind the screen

That's basically me and I'm still hoping that it will work out in the end.

>hey hoe, wonna fuck?

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>kinda feel atracted to girl
>girl likes me back
>instantly lose any and all attraction for her
What the fuck do I do bros, it's been like 4 times

Have a girl snapchatting me and putting in heaps of effort but I just don't feel like reciprocating. She's nice and pretty but just missing something the last one had.

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>bro just reach 1/2/3/4 and you will get all the girls

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Fucken this

>what is focal length
Self defeatist retards like you who think is all genetics deserve to be forgotten

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>"I can go a week without showring and I don't even smell bad"
I pity whoever has to walk around those people

You need friends to go out.