Is this the face of Jow Forums?

Is this the face of Jow Forums?

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>angry celibate

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Notice how it’s been perfectly acceptable for women and celebrities to get plastic surgery for decades, but as soon as unattractive or average men start doing it, females flip their shit.
Nothing scares a woman more than realizing that the supposed “Chad” she reproduced with is actually just an incel with plastic surgery.
The femoid hive mind will try to prevent non-Chad males from reproducing by any means necessary.

>tear their face apart

Yet again old media proves itself i compitent.

Chads are not made with plastic surgery, they have no need for it

>it's okay for women to get plastic surgery to achieve the look they want because "muh empowerment"
>men are angry celibates if they do

Not even a Chad looks like a cute twink

he’s a chad

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>boomers writing about understanding zoomers

much handsomer here, barely looks like the same guy


>massive fucking upper eye lid exposure
>eyes literally less than fuking 0.75 eye width's apart
>upturned nostril exposure
>thin eyebrows
>no brow ridge
>undeveloped maxilla
>overdeveloped buccinators

Fact: If that guy had brown eyes, he'd be sucking dick for coke in a favela.

Normies really are fucking retarded huh

he's a faggot

Yet again, an incel can't read. They are saying that incels will tear their face apart to try to look like chad

Sounds like Jow Forums are mad they got exposed

I wonder how incel culture becoming mainstream will impact society. Will people be more inclined to become incels or will do their best to stay far away from it due to self awareness?

This is the worst thing I have ever seen since pepe made it on the news

I refuse to believe it


>I made a passive agressive article on a well known magazine using internet buzzwords just to generalize and talk shit about strangers whom Ive never met
>theyre the ones who are angry

Have sex

>swipes left

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>This is a chad
>post a picture of an ugly mutt
wtf is wrong with American media ???

dick sucking lips 101 lmao

commit neck rope

who still gives a fuck about chads in 2019? we all about that twink life now.

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She's vegan/vegetarian right? She has that deceased, unhealthy look.

I love how butthurt Jow Forums is over this miniscule article. Shows how insecure you incels really are

based timmyposter

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acquire affection


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Why does he look white here and shitskin in the other pic?

Based and having sex pilled

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>But Truth4lie’s imperfections were perfectly noticeable to other forum users: weak jawline, feminine nose, small frame, thinning hair.

Yeah? Because most friends aren't willing to point out inadequacies if you ask them or will downplay them significantly to make you feel better.

Also, while someone ordinary might not see someone with a weak jaw and immediately thing "weak jaw, mega ugly" they'll subconsciously perceive that person as "not as attractive, not as masculine."

Talk to a talented plastic surgeon and they'll have a lengthy discussion about almost anyone's face.

Are you okay?

>this is a chad
This is a chicken wing
This is a eskimo
This is a Applebee's
This is a celery
This is a slip'n'slide
This is a motorbike
This is a leprechaun
This is a grandma

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because they want to imply that chads = shitskins
so they purposely pick someone with thicker lips and a broader nose, give him a nice dark skintone via photoshop and boom, you get an ethnically ambiguous chad.
btw the right side of the image is way lighter than the left side.

>The font choices on that cover

No fucking way that's real. That look slike something I could have done in MS Paint in 20 minutes.

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because he's 1/4 black is the real answer but go off

It's interesting that the article does a fairly even-handed job of conveying what incels go through and sort of discusses their complaints, but never really directly tries to answer the underlying question- are ugly people less fuckable?

I think otherwise it does a pretty good job of summarizing incels and their position

Based and Dunkeypilled also checked

Incels aren't actually a thing, retard. It's a meme ad hominem pushed by power hungry leftists (whoops, tautology) and smoothbrained "feminists" (whoops, another tautology) to smear anyone who tries to criticize them through any sort of logical process or critical thinking.

i never said he was white, nigga

Is the amerikike media really so starved of content and originality that they write about Jow Forums memes?

the incel term was created by incels themselves, retard. The fact that feminists and leftists now use it to critcise all types of political dissedents doesn't mean that the term incel doesn't apply to a certain group of people.
Of course, no one is really "involutary celibate" (just lower your standards lol) but these fuckers think they are so we should respect their decision to be a bunch of miserable fuckers.

ugly isn't even the issue with incels, it's the inability to cope with the social pressures created by modern society. It's retarded to think that liberating women and the feminist agenda wouldn't affect men, both sexes are reliant on the other, but it's only treated as if it's a women's only issue. Whereas men's issues like employment are considered women's issues first. There is clearly an imbalance, western society is headed for extinction and using terms like 'incel' or 'thot' or 'chad' are all equally worthless terms that do nothing to address the underlying problems.

Face of a true one

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wtf? This guy is a mutt ethnicel, a chad looks either anglosaxon like the meme chad or medchad like gigachad

pretty much

Gigachad is a pure churkachad

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>mocks a shit article in a dying magazine
>is somehow butthurt

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>No fucking way that's real. That look slike something I could have done in MS Paint in 20 minutes
Legacy media is dying, so the quality suffers. When's the last time you saw a magazine outside of a waiting room?

>the incel term was created by incels themselves, retard
Doesn't change the fact that an incel is just a lazy volcel in denial.

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>not white
>a chad
Pick one

Looks like an amish 17-year old

Noen Eubanks makes me so insecure

It's Chad Not Chadrone

Lol, they should have at least picked some Johhny Bravo looking motherfucker to do the meme justice, or at least show a "tame" chad vs. virgin meme in the magazine to show where the term really picked up stem.

Jesus,..... try to talk to ANY woman at least.

I'm a normie and been lurking /fit since 2012.

>western society is headed for extinction
>implying this is a bad thing
any society this easily eroded needs to just die off

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Benn there, done that, I've even been married and can confirm women definitely argue with their holes. Hell, they get even worse about it when you put a ring on them.

He's actually Russian and spaghetti nigger

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>this easily eroded
Took well over a hundred years of constant brainwashing and attacks on all physical, emotional and psychocological levels, especially the last two since these kikes and shitskins lost every single time on a purely physical confrontation. Took all this to show some cracks, once things really start to splinter all you niggers will see what the lion can do once he gets in motion again. You wanted this, dont you forget it. We wont.

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im white and i can't for things to kick off, you mong. but our society is fucked and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. patching the cracks won't fix anything.

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Turbo lel

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Waiting for other people to do something because you’re too scared to do it on your own. Never gonna make it

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All this projection you glow in the dark cianigger

Is this the new "series of tubes" shit? How the fuck are they still doing articles like this in 2019

Looks pretty gay 2me

No one on Jow Forums wants to be whatever breed of nigger is in the OP pic though.

>lmao why arent you running at ancient international kike forces that control literally all comunication platforms and governments in the west with a knife all alone on your own, what are you, dumb?

Fake news

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what's the problem, goy? don't want to be tricked into throwing away your life?

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And uet nobody even mentions or questions why are these "angry celebates" are willing to tear apart their faces ? Nobody wonders if there are any unrealistic beauty standards for men, or unreasonable structure of the dating unit in today's society, nobody questions women ?


>that jumper
No, that's a fuckboy


doesn't even look like the same person

I sincerely hope you guys are larping. That's a lot of Jow Forums tier shit being posted on a good board.

28 year old KHHV here, I'm currently saving up for cosmetic surgery to fix my face. I can't wait for people to actually smile at me for once.

>implying Jow Forums and Jow Forums aren't the same board
u r 2 knew m8


>Another cope thread

I am, me.

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It literally shows a pic of a dude who had plastic surgery with giant letters over his face saying "this is a chad"


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shhh don't question the narrative

Probably just bulimia or maybe anorexia. If you get a good look at her hands and see really red or scratched knuckles you'll know if it's bulimia


he has nice lips desu.

>jew york magazine

thats not badr hari

>incel forum ""
So this what you want to turn Jow Forums into?

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stop noticing (((things)))

What's up with her forehead?!

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