>want to shoot huge loads, don't even have a gf, just for myself
>look up how
>diet, exercise, sleep, hydration
>2 months later I've almost shed my skinny fat status, feel great, and my loads are ginormous
Being a degenerate has its perks
>want to shoot huge loads, don't even have a gf, just for myself
>look up how
>diet, exercise, sleep, hydration
>2 months later I've almost shed my skinny fat status, feel great, and my loads are ginormous
Being a degenerate has its perks
wow you suck
>sóya granules
>want to shoot huge loads
>just for myself
>he needs all kinds of gimmicks and exercises to shoot huge loads
feels good to shoot them natty loads
Never said I wasn't a degen
10 bucks says my loads are fatter. No supolements, just good ol' fashion work baby!
brother, all i need is couple of edges and i go over
in the volume and the distance brother
And that's after jerking off twice already jack
Amateurs, i once no scoped a fly from across the room
I'm fully ready to compete in a nut off. name the time and the place, nigga. I'll be there.
Im 32 and havent gotten to fuck in over a year, libido even fell off and sex drive also dropped. Started taking testosterone boost a couple of weeks ago to see if it helped with lifting, but dear god the sex drive came back and although no girl will let me fuck yet, buckets are common when masturbating.
How’d you get the test boost? Do you need a prescription for it?
Probably for anything that would really work well, but pic related is sold along with protein and supplements. If any of you guys know a better one im ears
Also, is there a way to naturally ingest significant amounts of arginine other than eating kgs of meat?
I thought these supplements were a gimmick. And don't they fuck up your endocrine system?
Bro you know these are snake oil right?
To boost natty test you gotta stimulate LH and or FSH (the stuff that makes test naturally) and no test booster does that
Wallnuts are one of the traditionally best sources in my coutry, they're even classified as aphrodisiac
sacré bleu!
i already shoot enormous loads, but i want to get on all kinds of gimmicks just to see how much more i can muster
Drink an energy drink, one that has the excessive B-vitamins, L-Theanine, Taurine, guarana, ect.
Also edge yourself for a while.
Yes my workout bros have already laughed at me,
What are possible endocrine effects?
I miss having a job where knowing and understanding how things work at the basic level was second nature.
I never anticipated great results in the gym from it, was on a deal and i just said fuck it why not.
That said, it may or may not be from this, but the whole nutting a ton is real
What exactly was your diet and exercise routine?
Cut out processed foods. Ate lots of greens, lots of meat, stayed away from bread. Basically just keto-light. Exercise was just from the sticky + running. I just did pushups, curls, ect. when I was too lazy to go to the gym.
Nothing too rigid, too inconsistent for that.
im 300lbs and shoot nearly 3 shotglasses of cum almost every day. fuck diet and exercise.
masturbation is gay incest
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