can we get a thread of women being cunts in general going? I can start
Other urls found in this thread:
absolute engagement ring jew
another engagement ring jew
r e l a t a b l e m e n
accidentally posted same image twice ah
They all agree that it means nothing because men cheat so easily anyway
That's fucking ugly and just disrespectful.. Imagine giving a man your prime years and he pulls out that hideous thing in return.. Jeez
The Lord has blessed this thread with holy digits
Here is a classic from /tv/
You love her with all your heart. She means everything to you. She's your favorite person in the whole world. You want to spend the rest of your life with her, and you're asking her if she'd like to do the same. Would you seriously feel NO SHAME buying that tiny, cheap ring and presenting it to her as you get down on one knee? Then you don't love her and clearly aren't ready for marriage.
Boats sounds like a great flick, would watch fosho
Silent hero journey boy is kino
I was proposed to with a 40 dollar ring bought on etsy.
It's about the proposition not the value of the ring.
Also if you're going to spend 5000+ dollars on a piece of jewelry instead of saving it for starting a life together, you're clearly not ready for marriage. Or life.
>the love you feel for someone is correlated directly to the material possessions you offer them.
You will go far in this wicked world.
Youre superior to 95% of women
Youre literally a fucking parody of a materialistic cunt. Youre like Michael Scott in The Office when he says
>a gift means I love you this many dollars worth
Okay, have fun with your broke ''man''. No one cares about trailer trash marriage.. It's just settling.
A broke mans fantasy, truly. Low maintenance and one of the guys.
>If you're not rich enough to buy a ring with an already inflated price, you don't love her
That's a really great mindset, buddy
are you really that fucking obsessed with money?
These toasty levels are off the charts!
are you really such an idiot that you genuinely believe that if you don't have that much money to spend on a ring then you're not ready for marriage? end yourself
Yep, that's why most women end up unhappy.. Their broke ''men'' don't earn enough so he needs his woman to work and raise his spawn at the same time.. A recipe for disaster! That's why your future wives will be bitter and your bedrooms will be DEAD by 35 max.
This is what materialistic ideology unironically leads to, he may or may not be baiting but people actually do think like this.
It just sucks that almost every single leading ideology is materialistic in nature. From communism to libertarianism and almost all the little ideologies in between.
What happened to the good women hate pics? Instead of this vague, poorly-cropped, low-quality garbage?
Not ready to provide = not ready for marriage. Keep working until you can provide. If you can't ever reach that, do you even deserve a wife? Not really, so you end up with women like who gets fat, argues and talks back, uses sex as a reward and closes her legs as punishment, and ends up the type who yells at cashiers and screams for the manager.
>lashing out at women who arent soulless materialistic shells like you are
10/10 men would prefer to (You), bitch.
OMG what a sexy relationship. Both work all day, come home exhausted, have to take care of kids until bedtime.. Honey, change the kids diarrhea diaper and I'll give you a 2 minute unenthusiastic hand job!!
>Doing chores just to be physically intimate
Sex dolls here we come!
Oh wow look its almost like that wife's love is conditional based on the material benefit her husband offers.
This is supposed to support your case how?
From experience, most housework is still done by women despite working full time, so this doesnt seem terrible
Oh boy this really made a lot of ''people'' (broke men) upset. Get off this site and find some way to make money.. And for the women, please for the love of god stop wasting your youth on broke men.. You deserve better and you know it, that's why it makes you upset.
How is that being a cunt?
pic is true but i dont think if you're getting engaged you should be so concerned with the appearance of the ring.
How is that being a cunt?
pic again, is true. text still dubious.
No offense but I love my boyfriend no matter his income. It doesn't change who he is. I would happily provide for him.
>How is that being a cunt?
Because if men joke about women its misogyny by womens own standards. Theyre hypocritical cunts
yeah sorry, I started this tread to build my library of these kind of pictures.
That's a really good one user, thanks.
blessed woman
I gave to my bitch a fake ring of about 20 usd in aliexpress, it comes with a tiffany package it looks 100% legit
The stone is made with plastic but I inspected it throughly with a magnifying glass and it looks like the real deal (real one is about 15k us dollars!!)
The bitch bragged her plastic stone with her friends every time ahe could, she was a really vapid consumerist stupid roastie
When we divorced guess what was the very first thing she did!? Yes exactly! She went straight to sell the ring, when she discovered it was fake, the bitch went full loca, she threatened me to dead and she even got a lawyer because I "scammed" her
>I would happily provide for him.
Oh no.. oh no no no.. You know what men do when they finally get money? They upgrade. And then you're out. Don't help him build up his bank account until you're both 40 and he decides he finally is worthy of that sexy 20 year old barista he sees every day. Be realistic, look out for yourself.
No, bless you and your little minimum wage job. Society needs you working ants, but women do not.
Youre thinking of women, roastie. That is female behavior.
>not rigging the system by "cooking" hot pockets and cleaning the plate
this why you're still a virgin
There's a hierarchy.
Women can joke about women, but men can't joke about women. Black people can joke about black people but white people can't joke about black people.
Both genders upgrade, but for different reasons. That is just the way men prefer to upgrade, getting a newer fresher model. That's their ''reward'' for earning good money.
>No its okay that we can throw punches but not take them because society said its acceptable
Nah that's gay
You're already throwing punches.
How about this: fuck your arbitrary rules, cunt
>Both genders upgrade
Wrong. Men are capable of unconditional love, women are not
Exactly! Even if you had that kind of money and bought an expensive af ring, easily 30% or more of women would keep it and then sell it.
Those kind of women don't care about your effort, they care about how much they can get for it if you two split up.
and i can take them too
Here i will give you some ammo
I am an overweight Canadian with a pizza face
Hit me with your hottest roasts i don't give a shit
I don't mind people who are offensive or confrontational, as long as they don't suddenly recoil and do the whole woe is me act the second the shoes on the other foot.
>Look after kids for a whole day (includes blowjob, feeding, doing nappies, & putting to bed)
What the fuck bitch!?
wait so does he have to blow the kids on that second one
hey man i dont want you talking about yourself like that.
I've been getting my acne under control lately and getting the scarring healed by this really nice acne specialist i go to. Turns out you can get a lot of it to go away through diet changes. I dare you to stop eating so much fuckin dairy for a week, change your pillow cases, wash and MOISTURIZE, change detergent/fabric softener, change pilow cases, get on accutane even, and other. simple shit
I'm some other dipshit but why you gotta drag urself like dat dawgg
This is true tho, did it just hurt your feelings?
Oh wait you are nobody's bf lmao
Lmfao classic
don't cherry pick your image
The fact your mind comes to this literally proves everything about hypergamy and the way you women think..or did you think all the "friendzoned" guys are just assholes looking to upgrade at any given chance despite the fact they would kill for just 1 loyal wife and some kids
>you make me sick
>tfw 5'4
it was over before it even started wasn't it?
Silent Hero Journey Boy crossover with Boats when?
Kek, I'd do that and then force her to deepthroat my dick until she pukes. Beat the roastie at her own game
>This is true tho
Though. T-h-o-u-g-h.
Nothing is going to change the fact you are a roastie toastie, so post tits or GTFO of my board. Keep crying more you can't find ttue happiness and have to hurt other people.
>baiting this poorly
If you want to see 'women' being cunts look no further than the posters in this thread!
>Oh wait you are nobody's bf lmao
you are on Jow Forums, what did you hope to achieve by posting this? go to reddit highschool normalfaggot
Also pic related proves that female nature is disgusting and they're literally designed to be the way they are. You will not reply to me because pic related completely dismantles your worldviews and exposes roasties for who they truly are
the funniest thing I've seen all week
This is just funny
Im not even mad
Meh. Go to asia and racemix. Asian girls are kinda short so learn language and live there. And most of these comments were niggers so that doesn't count as an opinion.
find yourself someone like this (wont, ever). if you dont have time to watch it just read the comments for a bit and theyll tell you everything
roastie detected
Wait, did your parents not do that for you when you were little?