What boards on Jow Forums do you hate the most? Unironically

What boards on Jow Forums do you hate the most? Unironically

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any normalfag boards like b, co, cgl, adv, soc

r9k and v are the most kid friendly boards so those

Jow Forums, not because of their ideology but because of their attitude

/v/ because they are the only board that has literally never been right about a single thing ever
Also they are the only board where even the slightest of non Orthodox opinions are straw manned as Jow Forums invaders.

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/tv/ because of all the redditors

lgbt for obvious reasons, literal proof that faggots are all rapists and pedophiles


Jow Forums and Jow Forums because they're arrogant and effeminate. Instead of trying to better themselves and be a stronger person, they systematically mask their weakness as strength so they could feel masculine. Most disgusting human beings I've ever seen, the antithesis to what it means to be a man.

/v/ because they're literal manchildren with really bad taste. Also idiots.

exactly this

and /tv/


Jow Forums and /lgbt/ can't seem to stay on their own fucking boards
any other board is fine because so far as they might disinterest me I can just avoid them

/soc/ - It's the antithesis of what Jow Forums was developed for. Just don't like narcissistic camwhoriness

/s4s/ - Regurgitated shitposting that is distilled through shit 5 times over. Feel it is reddit-tier, as most people are just trying to get something to post there for a reaction.

/sci/ - Most of it is university/college kids getting a bachelors or some rare grad students looking for homework help or attempt to seem more intelligent/important than they actually are. Very rare to have actual decent discussion there, despite me wanting it to be so.

>lgbt for obvious reasons, literal proof that faggots are all rapists and pedophiles
big think over here

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Jow Forums is trying too hard to be edgy and manly

LGBT because they're either hellhound homogayes, child fuckers or mentally retarded disfigured things

Jow Forums because of how much their bullshit spreads to other boards
I like /b/ and Jow Forums redditor containment boards

>NEET incels can't handle the fact that no matter what Bernie says, they aren't entitled to UBI and other free shit
Most of this board should be put on their knees and throat slit to be honest.

>desperate strawmanning and impotent threats
don't even have to ask which board you're coming from

fuck Jow Forums. nah jk pol is like crack to me. I hate much literal gay shit there is on b. that's what lgbt is for.

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The board I hate the most is definitely Jow Forums
The can't stay in their own hole
They have the profound need to politicize literally everything. You could start a thread about how to best wipe your ass and Jow Forums would need to show and up and turn ass-wiping into some sort of political issue.
On top of that they, like , are the most easily triggered snowflakes there is.

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Saying something should happen isn't the same as a threat. Get your head out of your ass.

Jow Forums owns this website. If you want a vision of the future of Jow Forums, imagine Jow Forums shitting up this entire site with their objectively-true ideology - forever.

Normalfaggot boards, aside from the pornography ones, like /v/, /b/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums. Would probably dislike /soc/ as well, but I never went there.

i agree with except when i see doom being praised then i like /v/ but other than that it's pretty bad..i'm starting to hate this board as well..

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Jow Forums is a wasted opportunity, could and should be a place for good ideas instead it's idiots hawking dodgy crypto

kek kek kek
>choke down that kool-aid

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Jow Forums

fuck off back to your bugchasing forums, faggot.

t. macfag

Jow Forums. Flags and anonymity just don't mix, and on top of that their cancer just spreads across any board that count be tangentially related.

Jow Forums
Specific parts of Jow Forums - (Larping normies, traps, """""""fembots""""""""""")

Unironically /wsg/.

Its full of fucking little kids and normies. It's like a small island of R*ddit. No joke.

/w/ is a close second

>/soc/ - It's the antithesis of what Jow Forums was developed for. Just don't like narcissistic camwhoriness
Exactly this.
>/sci/ - Most of it is university/college kids getting a bachelors or some rare grad students looking for homework help or attempt to seem more intelligent/important than they actually are. Very rare to have actual decent discussion there, despite me wanting it to be so.
I don't frequent /sci/ but I've had good discussions there. I feel like a lack of quality discussion is a problem on every board. Low quality threads appeal to the lowest common denominator and also gets additional (you)'s from being called shit. Also the first instinct of most 4channers in response to an opinion they don't agree with is to angrily ad hominem the meme buzzword of the month(ie. normie, redditor, NPC, etc.) instead of actually making a well thought argument, which we all know is great for discussion.

/mu/ - The music they listen to is garbage. Also gay liberal seattle tumblr commies.
Jow Forums - The 15 year olds are easy to spot. The childhood naivety and sexual frustration in their retarded rants are clear to see.
/x/ - Too many idiots. Massive lack of quality discussion.
>Guys! I SWEAR it used to be spelled Berenstein! I last read the book when I was 5 years old, but trust me, my multiple decades old memory is more accurate than reality!

>there's no way my memory is wrong bro, reality must've warped itself, it's the only possibility

from the boards i browse it's /wsg/ because of tiktok boring webms and unfunny stuff also the /mu/ hivemind with their absolute shit taste especially when they have metal threads.

probably /b/ because its so garbage its unusable, /lgbt/ and Jow Forums are close seconds though but my hatred of Jow Forums has more to do with my own insecurities
/gif/ is much worse though

Imagine being so much of submissive bitch that you are proud of slaving away for the profit of others. Imagine being so proud of your submissiveness that you want to impose it on others.

>Jow Forums owns this website
I like how Jow Forumstards keep having to tell themselves this. They are literally more insecure than robots.

>Jow Forums
No better example of cowards. Every post on that board is rooted in fear. To think that their forefathers gave birth to an entire internet board full of neckbeards that think screaming 'JEW!' or 'NIGGER!' is the answer to their problems.

>/s4s/ - Regurgitated shitposting that is distilled through shit 5 times over. Feel it is reddit-tier, as most people are just trying to get something to post there for a reaction.

s4s is the most like early Jow Forums

Jow Forums omfg just read the threads there. Failures just like every Jow Forums user pretending to be normalfags.

>/wsg/ used to be one of the more comfy boards until TikTok ruined everything
I want it back, bros...

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/b/ and /mu/ and it's not even close

this except i think /sci/ is decent. as decent as an imageboard could be anyway.

i fucking hate Jow Forums though. the only time Jow Forums had a good programming board was back when world4chan was still around. nothing will ever beat the glory of /prog/ in its heyday. i don't give a fuck about gadgets and ricing and the hottest new tech trends. i want to go to Jow Forums and see a flurry of autists making haskell the dog and forced indentation of code jokes. like /sci/ it's just a bunch of undergrads but without the benefit of hardcore systems programmers and people who use something more exciting than java and c#. just fucking shit. Jow Forums should be deleted.

if you filter the porn it's not that bad

you mean gif or b?

Jow Forums /v/ and /tv/

>goes to a board based on politics
>durr everything is so political wtf

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>Waaah Jow Forums
They're arguably the second most active board on this site, just accept that people who browse there have other interests too. You fags dont complain as much when vidya is brought up on Jow Forums or any other boards outside of vidya related ones yet when it comes to politics (which affect literally everything) you fags whine and complain that people may discuss it here or there. Grow up and get over it. If you're tired of Jow Forumsshit go to reddit.
>inb4 Jow Forumstard
I'm a nigger dating a white woman with a daughter who's 14 if they had their way we'd be hanging from the nearest tree by nightfall if not earlier. I dont agree with or support them I'm just tired of you little cunts whining

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>I'm a nigger dating a white woman with a daughter who's 14 if they had their way we'd be hanging from the nearest tree by nightfall if not earlier. I dont agree with or support them I'm just tired of you little cunts whining
yikes imagine larping this hard just to prove your non existent point

Fuck you nigger, get fucking lynched you fucking subhuman monkey man.

note how you don't see anyone here vehemently defending /b/ or /v/
it's only Jow Forumstards

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>he thinks I'm larping
Okay user

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Jow Forums can't do it's fucking job right. Also nothingy shit boards like /wsr/, /tg/, /po/, /hr/, and /i/. Why do they exist?

We know /b/ and /v/ are shitholes thats why. Jow Forums in truth is the only right wing discussion forum left on the internet that's somewhat safe to post on. Because of our leftist society they cant share their opinions many other places else their lives could very well be ruined. That's why they hold it in such high regard really, even on Jow Forums where freedom of speech for anons is coming under fire that's the last surefire place where someone can say what they want without consequence. So of course they'll want to defend it, it's their ideological home.

/b/ is great. You can post whatever you want as long as it's not cp. Name any place on the internet you can do that.

/vg/. Mentally ill waifufags congregate in generals to the point where they become like discord servers with namefags, drama, and shitflinging towards anyone who has different thoughts.

/b/ isn't even worth mentioning in modern Jow Forums discourse. it's a fallen kingdom. a ghost of itself. it should be buried and everyone who posted in the last 10 years fucking permabanned. i used to be proud to call myself a /b/tard. now it's just a home for all the refuse and rejects from more safe parts of the internet who say some stupid edgy shit and don't understand why they get ostracized for it. absolute retards over there.

>They're arguably the second most active board on this site
Yeah and they are cuckolds for stormfront.

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You just missed the point. He was implying that Jow Forumstards can't just stay in their board, so they end up shitting up other boards and derailing discussions and posting blatantly off-topic political threads, and this reduces board quality. Not to mention, newfag ledditors leak in from Jow Forums especially during major happenings.

/b/ because of how far it's degenerated since I first used it in 2006.
Jow Forums because there are too many insecure edgy americans.

Jow Forums
All programming threads are dominated by the same shitty language arguments.

80% of non-generals are just off topic /v/ or Jow Forums content, with a bait OP to avoid being deleted by mods.
Only tech related threads are the same copy paste
>"X > Y", "The state of X", "Why aren't you using X"
Every few days the hive mind comes along and graces us multiple of the same shitpost thread.
Not to mention of the best conversations I've had on Jow Forums in a while got nuked by some kid with his botnet today.

Is there any altchan with a really good programming board?
I wouldn't even mind if it was just a general tech board with regular programming threads.

Did you miss the whole point I made about making an ass wiping thread (in any other board) in which Jow Forumstards will how up in and making asswiping a political issue.
I get it. You were just so triggered that you missed everything after "hate Jow Forums" in my post.
Just go back, seriously. GO BACK!

tinychan /prog/ is still around. lainchan seems okay but i don't really go there.

>any normalfag boards
u forgot Jow Forums

/cgl/ unoriginally

Any board that can't stay in their own containment center.

So pretty much pol

/v/.While Jow Forums and /lgbt/ shit up other boards and take bantz the worst at least you can say if you go to them you get what you expect. /v/ is barely about video games any more and is more about getting (you)s with bait.Also after gamergate it made Jow Forums the place for "ebin greentext" by redditors and youtubers

/v/ for sure. Everything bad about it has been said about it. But it also has nothing going for it. Other boards at least have something to keep browsing it for. /tv/ has their raimiposting and trumanposting threads. Jow Forums I guess is pretty much what you'd want if you were to be into their whole ideology. Jow Forums I like going to cause of the relatable posts, greentexts, and the occasional RP threads like the infinite apartments before it got taken over by tripfags . But /v/ has not made a single thing of worth in the last couple of years. They seem adamant on blaming their shittiness on Reddit without admitting that the board as a whole hasn't been good in God knows how long. I think only /tv/ can match them in terms of quality since they both only seem to make bait threads.

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/v/ is good for doing the opposite of what they want
I made good money investing in EA after /v/ tried to shit on them

/v/ because everytime they said a game was bad, I wound up trying it anyway out of my own personal interest and I wound up liking it. The hivemind is pretty lame. Also everything is Reddit this, EA that. /Pol /is shilling this, Jow Forumsruined that.

All anime boards and /mlp/

/lgbt/, because of its complete failure as a containment board.

You were complaining about the board. The board isn't bad. Just because there are political people outside of pol doesn't mean they are poltards retard

I just dislike b really, pol is kinda annoying too, i hate all the pedos on tv

Because I'm not a fucking faggot.

Because I'm not a retarded fuck.

I hate every board.
This entire place has gone to shit but I just can't bring myself to leave.

This one, /soc, and /co/.

Jow Forums is to nu-Jow Forums what /b/ was to Jow Forums ten yers ago and the only people that would refute this are the Jow Forums users that came during the 2016 election.

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Jow Forums because its filled with normalnihgers

B was always shit how new are you.

>invading /v/
the cycle continues even if /v/ is dead and filled with filthy casuals who don't even play games now. At least there is a 5% of /vg/ that plays and is okay at games

Jow Forums because of all the commie trannies and homosexuals. /v/ because of how unfriendly that board is. /tv/ because its re.ddits beachhead in Jow Forums. /lgbt/ because it might as well just be a tranny board. Jow Forums at the weekends when all the college communists spend their time shilling the entire board. Jow Forums because they are faggots. Jow Forums because its a trash board where good threads go to die surrounded by anime freaks.

The only genuinely constantly good boards are /diy/, Jow Forums, /ck/, Jow Forums and Jow Forums.

>The only genuinely constantly good boards are.../ck/
Fast food poster spotted. Learn to cook you faggot

Jow Forums for obvious reasons.

/sp/ was ruined by over moderation that resulted in massive generals, game threads, and nothing else. I miss watching Jersey Shore and wrasslin' with my /sp/ bros.

Jow Forums. the lefty trolling used to make it funny, now it's just completely boring. it's one of those things where people started taking the joke too seriously

/co/ for having its mouth too full of cock to ever have a worthwhile thread about anything.

/b/ because it's full of edgy 14 year olds who think Jow Forums is some cool raid center that posts CP all the time and have never been to any of the other boards

/tv/ because it's full of cynical douchebags who will discredit your opinion for not being negative enough no matter what the subject matter. Also they have the worst memes.

Jow Forums because it's full of incels who refuse to understand how the world works beyond their narrow view of social politics and women

/b/, never good, etc. but still.

Look at /b/ now and tell me it isn't gone to complete shit, just porn and no other threads. It's always: facebook/instagram stalking threads, trap threads, andysixx shitposting, wwyd thread, cuck thread, furry porn thread and "U MAD W*ITE BOI" threads. I just want my info threads back along with actual discussions.

yeah it's been like that for over 10 years. it should be nuked from orbit.

every board that newfriends "homeboard" on, since it inevitably spills into other boards and shits everything up
/v/ /a/ Jow Forums /co/ etc

/soc/ is kinda repellant but i can't fault the user who tries to break out of their comfort zone and connect with people

that being said, /soc/ is far from the healthiest place to do that

Jow Forums and /mu/ are the most autistic ones

Jow Forums, their like robots but even more insecure and deluded. It's fascinating really, seeing them hugbox themselves deeper and deeper into their hatefull fantasies. Also, they still cling to Trump even after he's betrayed the American people more times than I can count.

I'd have to say /m/ right now cause it's basically become /v/. Everyone is contrarian just for the sake of it and it pisses me off how they don't let anyone just enjoy anything anymore.

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You can't really get good discussion anywhere here anymore. Not that it was ever really that easy, it's just the whole fucking website is now behind, like, 14 levels of irony instead of the 1 level of pretending to be retarded it was 15 years ago.

/b/ - garbage quality
Jow Forums - militant virgins
/qa/ - militant weaboos
Jow Forums - nazis
/s4s/ - circlejerk
Jow Forums - spam
/lgbt/, /co/ - libruls
/jp/ - dead and boring

There are other boards that I would probably hate if I actually used them, I guess I mostly hate the boards with really opinionated users.