>"I'm sociallly liberal and fiscally Conservative"
"I'm sociallly liberal and fiscally Conservative"
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Caption fits the picture really well. Without exception everyone Ive heard say that has been a total brainlet with zero political knowledge
You don't have any right to choose how other people act in their own private property so long as it doesn't affect you.
You don't have any right to take other peoples' money at gunpoint to fund your own inadequacy.
That is the truth. Get over it.
>You don't have any right to choose how other people act in their own private property
Says who?
>You don't have any right to take other peoples' money at gunpoint to fund your own inadequacy.
But I do. That is the truth. cry
The fucking constitution you retard
The Constitution does not say that.
Says capitalists and their brainwashed cuck minions
1st Amendment of Us Constitution
The First Amendment does not say that.
Then what the fuck do you call freedom of speech?
Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Why is that so hard to understand?
>taxation is theft
Neck yourself
>Freedom of speech = you can do whatever you want if it doesnt hurt others
....Huh? Are you trolling?
That's literally what freedom of speech is you fucking spastic. It's the right you have to say or do whatever you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to yourself or others
I'm the absolute contrary. I'm socially conservative and fiscally liberal. I'm almost a socialist in economic terms. I'm in favor of UBI, but society should unironically have the views on women we had during the 1950s and women shouldn't work, but instead stay at home and take care of their children.
textless posts are not allowed by our robot overlord and neither are unoriginal ones
>Says who?
Says them. Do I have a right to come to your house and take your shit? No? So clearly you believe in some human rights.
>But I do.
No. You have the capability. That doesn't give you the right. Learn morality nig-nog.
Taxation is theft. However, you do get things in return, therefore it is a necessary evil to keep society going.That said giving money to NEETs is in fact pure theft. There is no way to justify it other than forced compassion toward someone I have no obligation to help. If you don't like it, too bad. You don't have a right to take other peoples' shit.
>It's the right you have to say or do whatever you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to yourself or others
.... No, it isnt. The First Amendment has no bearing whatsoever on the power of the government to regulate private conduct that does not promote a specific message. Youre not even close, really. I would respond to this mess of a false equivalency youve made but clearly youre so far out of your depth that you wouldnt understand it. I seriously doubt that you have read- scratch that, I know for a fact that you havent read the Constitution at all. You probably dont even know what the Federalist Papers are. Your total inability to attain even an elementary understanding of the First Amendment shows just how much time I am wasting talking to you right now. I am actually stunned that an American knows this fucking little about constitutional law, its honestly worrying
>its morally wrong to ask billionaires to contribute to their country with their hoards of cash they store in off shore banks
>its not immoral to deny millions education, healthcare, access to water and food
absolute fucking brainlet opinion
Left? Right? As for me, I'm more of a centrist myself.
Rights are a spook, faggit
why would you have a right to private property?
puzzles me.
Social inequality is one of the greatest problems right now and Keynesian ecoomics and restriction of finance capital should be imposed. The ultra rich pay way too little tax considering how easy they make money compared to their effort in relation to normal people. I mean, some inequality is good and incentivizes competition, but right now an average CEO makes 300 times as much as an average worker. It's getting out of control. Something has to be done to reduce inequality. First world countries are slowly becoming third World with how much inequality is rising, for Christ's sake!
On the other hand, we have massive problems with an aging population and low birth-rates mainly because of cultural and social views. If women still had the ethics of the 50s, didn't divorce as much, weren't encouraged to whore around and there weren't so much economic pressure for them to work, then the birthrate would increase dramatically, doing away with the problem completely.
>when you're simultaneously too retarded to not be a poorfag and too beta to not be an incel
Okay so I can shoot you in the head?
Why would you not? You have a right to things you take possession of, or earn with your hard work. If you don't believe in this, are you willing to give me all of your possessions? You don't have any right to them, after all.
If there are taxes, everyone should contribute their fair share. Also:
>implying you are entitled to education
>implying you are entitled to healthcare
>implying you are entitled to food even
The only thing you are entitled to, is not having other people take away what you have earned.
>Okay so I can shoot you in the head?
By all means, if you know how to find me and you want to, go ahead and try. Just know that I may kill you in self-defense and even if you succeed youll just get railed in prison forever
Taxation is a give and take system.
You use and/or benefit from the roads, you help pay for the roads
You benefit from public education, you help pay for public education
You benefit from the protections of police enforcement, you help pay their salaries
The list goes on
It's not theft , you're using a service, you're obligated to pay for it. You clearly dont like people getting shit for free, why do you have the idea that you should benefit from public services for free?
"I got mine fuck you" is the mentality that knuckle dragging degenerates like you have and I don't understand how one person can believe that "if I use some good it's for a good use, but if someone else does it they're stealing/undeserving". How long do you stretch before you do your daily mental gymnastics to justify your beliefs?
>he thinks being poor is a choice
Fuck right off. You normalfags don't belong here. Every true robot supports UBI.
>namefag loser trying to shame robots into giving him gibs
>You have a right to things you take possession
circular reasoning
>or earn with your hard work.
posessions aren't earned just from hard work, nor is work a reason why people should have the right to own property.
>If you don't believe in this, are you willing to give me all of your possessions?
besides the point. Obviously I won't survive under the current system if I gave up all my posessions. Same goes for if everyone stopped paying taxes.
My point is that the right to private property is just as socially constructed as taxes are. Both exist because they are an efficient way of distributing available resources. The current system wouldn't work if there was no private property and the current system wouldn't work if there were no taxes.
>thinking you redditoids are robots
I am a robot and I post on this board as such. I have my own money and dont need to leech off society to support myself. Sorry if this assblasts you but I am not leaving and you cant do anything about it, suck my dick
>"I'm socially conservative and economically liberal"
>that retard brainlet who keeps shilling Austrian economics and economic libertarianism and doesn't realize he's being ripped off by the powers that be right now
>he doesn't know that there's statistical evidence that inequality is bad for the economy in the long-term
>he doesn't know that the age in which the developed nations had their biggest rates of economic growth were during times of predominantly Keynesian policies
>he doesn't realize that his economic ideology is idealistic and has no experimental evidence
>he doesn't know that, whether we like it or not, government exists and takes our taxes and it'd simply be either too impractical or flat out impossible for the state to disappear
>he thinks that the amount of money one makes is fair and reflects his commitment to his job
lmao at your lyfe
So why don't I have a right to kill you? Which the law against murder is clearly based on?
>Every true robot supports UBI
You dont have a right to kill me. I dont have a right to live. You dont have a right to anything. Neither do I. Rights are made-up. They do not exist. They are spooks.
Cool. That's literally what I said, cunt. We all have to pay for the services. Except some of us don't use those services and sometimes that money is not used for the public benefit. In that case, it is theft.
>"I got mine fuck you" is the mentality that knuckle dragging degenerates like you have
Well that's how it works. Some people get what they want, and others don't. I don't have what I want but I don't whinge and bitch and insist people pay for my free college and shit.
Public education is also a meme and shouldn't exist.
Also you could easily have private roads, it is simply more efficient to fund them with the government (and enforce road laws).
>"if I use some good it's for a good use, but if someone else does it they're stealing/undeserving"
It's because if you are a NEET taking welfare, you ARE stealing. People are paying taxes for no benefit.
So you don't believe in private ownership? Or right of possession?
>besides the point.
No it fucking isn't, you goddamn hypocrite. Either I have a right to take all your shit, or personal property rights exist. What's your in-between, buddy?
>My point is that the right to private property is just as socially constructed as taxes are.
>The current system wouldn't work if there was no private property and the current system wouldn't work if there were no taxes.
Also wrong.
Do you actually believe in human rights or are you a memeing retard?
>let's make society objectively worse because I'm upset billionaires must pay taxes boo hoo
grow up you massive manchild
I'm pretty sure that I remember you from another thread a good time ago. You are the guy who keeps thinking he shouldn't pay taxes and that's theft and you don't care about NEETs that don't work and that you think are stealing money from you. What you don't get is that you're being played and the guys at the top are leeching off you and you just don't see it. The fact is that during decades of Keynesian economic policies, wages increased for the middle class practically at the same rate as economic growth, but now they have stagnated for years and the guys at the top rip you off more and more. You say you're satisfied with what you earn as long as you didn't need to pay taxes, but you're just wanna settle with mediocrity lmao.
What a bunch of bullshit. Holy shit, you find that based? You're a fucking idiot lmao. These arguments are not good at all.
>ripped off
They have a right to the money they earn. If you don't like it, start your own business. Can't? Get rekt.
>he doesn't know that there's statistical evidence that inequality is bad for the economy in the long-term
Define "bad for the economy." Then realize that your bullshit concept of what is good and bad, does not give you the right to steal from others.
>he doesn't know that the age in which the developed nations had their biggest rates of economic growth were during times of predominantly Keynesian policies
Cool, so stealing is okay as long as it promotes economic growth? Gotta bail out those banks.
>he doesn't realize that his economic ideology is idealistic and has no experimental evidence
You mean America throughout the 1800s?
>he doesn't know that, whether we like it or not, government exists and takes our taxes and it'd simply be either too impractical or flat out impossible for the state to disappear
So you're justifying something's morality with a "we can't do anything about it"? Seems like bullshit.
>he thinks that the amount of money one makes is fair and reflects his commitment to his job
It completely reflects how others value you, it is your only value. Just because you don't like that you're only worth a 10/hour secretary job, doesn't change the fact of the matter.
So it's morally acceptable to you if I kill people? You're okay if I kill you?
Another spook
>okay if I kill you
Okay or not okay is not the point of this discussion. I would prefer not to be killed but that has no bearing on the question of whether or not I have a right to live, which I do not
I never said I was upset billionaires must pay taxes. In fact, if we are going to have a tax system, everyone should be paying their fair share. Except the higher-ups pay the majority of tax income. In fact, in USA at least, lower class people DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES AT ALL. In fact, THEY PAY NEGATIVE TAX. I worked at a tax office for 2 years, nigger. Ever hear of EITC? One of my friends has 3 kids and got over 10,000 dollars in his tax return when he makes like 30k per year. I actually wanted to look at his return because I am pretty sure he committed fraud but I never got to. But I regularly did returns where some people got 1000s back, simply for having kids. They paid in a thousand bucks in tax, and got it all back plus a couple thousand more. Meanwhile, the guy who made 150k a year who I talked to, and he actually made something of himself, had to pay a shitload of his income, to fund a sweatpants-wearing cunt with 3 little spawn.
>grow up you massive manchild
Nah, you grow up, you motherfucker. You're lucky you get your NEETbux. The working man could go on strike tomorrow and your ass would be fucked. And don't try to steal food, either, or you'll be getting a 9mm right in your fat fucking neckbeard skull.
>Okay or not okay is not the point of this discussion
It doesn't matter if it's the point of the discussion. If you think rights and morals don't exist, then it is "okay" for me to kill you because "okay" or "not okay" doesn't exist in your mind. So it's acceptable to you if I take things from someone who doesn't have a gun or means to defend themselves? Okay.
>If you think rights and morals don't exist, then it is "okay" for me to kill you
From an objective perspective, it is neither okay or not okay. It simply is.
>some of us don't use those services
Name one public service that you have never benefited from, either directly or indirectly.
I'll wait
>that's how it works
That's the thing, it shouldn't work like that.
You don't get to benefit from public paid projects then take the rug with you as you go.
The only reason people whine about college is because it used to be dirt cheap, and now it costs tens of thousands. The same people who benefited from cheap college are the same people who get to raise the price of college.
>public education shouldn't exist
And why do you believe that? Should you only have a decent life if mommy and daddy are rich?
"Just don't be poor" is an awful justification.
I don't like NEETs taking welfare, but it's a symptom of a system that's designed to help people. No matter what kind of system you have, someone will abuse it, but for every one person that abuses it there are tens of thousands who use it to get back on their feet.
It's the whole welfare queen myth all over again, it's an exaggeration used to get window lickers to vote against things that would be of the greater good for people like you
Have you heard of this:
Three people are sitting at a table with a dozen of donuts, one is rich, one is middle class and one is poor.
The rich guy takes 11 of the donuts and tells the middle class guy "watch out for that poor fuck, he's gonna take your donut"
You're being fed lies by billionaires that taxes are bad so they can benefit while you get mad at the people who are worse off.
It works too because to admit that the rich are fucking you is to admit that you've been being mistreated, that you've been played. And that's not easy for many people.
Who says I'm christian? You don't need to be religious to hate degeneracy
>They have a right to the money they earn. If you don't like it, start your own business. Can't? Get rekt.
To start a business, you need capital. You could have a millikn-dollar idea, but if you don't have capital, it's no good. So there are many guys out there who have a great potential that don't get to start their business simply for lack of capital. It's a fact.
>>he doesn't know that there's statistical evidence that inequality is bad for the economy in the long-term
>Define "bad for the economy."
Literally GDP growth. What literally almost all economists use in order to reference good economic policies, dumbass.
>Cool, so stealing is okay as long as it promotes economic growth? Gotta bail out those banks.
Hey, here is the problem with your line of thinking. You're TOO IDEALISTIC. Of course, taxation, in a way, is theft. Everybody knows that. But at the current state, there is no way the government and state will disappear out of the blue. OF COURSE taxation is theft, but what are you gonna do? Take down the entire US government? And you still haven't addressed this fact that Keynesian policies have turned out to result in the biggest growth.
>You mean America throughout the 1800s?
>he honestly doesn't know that there were various protetionist policies during the 1800s and that the state played a big role in the initial production of capital
>he doesn't know that capitalism specifically worked because the government protected individual rights and property, that garnered resources from taxation.
>y-you must be a NEET if you think taxes are good
god imagine being this retarded
>So you're justifying something's morality with a "we can't do anything about it"? Seems like bullshit.
Hey, this is not a class on moral philosophy, this is real life were talking about. You gotta choose the lesser of two evils
>It completely reflects how others value you, it is your only value. Just because you don't like that you're only worth a 10/hour secretary job, doesn't change the fact of the matter.
What a fucking cuck lmao. If the guy at the top said you were worth shit, would you accept that with a smile on your face?
>So it's morally acceptable to you if I kill people? You're okay if I kill you?
>equating moral philosophy with economics.
Literally a fucking meme growing up. The people who said this were unironically retards. And "centrists" are just fucking clueless as well.
Lol, you sound like me at 13. Cute.
The first statement in this post is the entire foundation of conservatism. You just proved OPs point.
The Constitution allows for taxation.
>property rights exist
Im not denying they exist, I'm just saying they're a social construct. These are in no way mutually exclusive.
great argument
>Also wrong.
you sure bested me
>Do you actually believe in human rights
>ou are the guy who keeps thinking he shouldn't pay taxes and that's theft and you don't care about NEETs that don't work and that you think are stealing money from you.
not me and I'm very much in favor of taxes.
>What you don't get is that you're being played and the guys at the top are leeching off you and you just don't see it.
If anything taxes are a way to redistribute wealth. The redistrubtion of wealth by business owners in the form of increasing wages is what makes smithsonian economics work. If business owners prefer to build up their fortunes rather than spend it to increase the economy it's only good for society if the government takes control of what businessmen are meant to be doing.
>Name one public service that you have never benefited from, either directly or indirectly.
Welfare. And don't give me the "you benefit cause they reenter the workforce" because (1) many don't and (2) I don't really care because I don't give a shit about them.
>That's the thing, it shouldn't work like that.
In your opinion. Cry harder.
>but for every one person that abuses it there are tens of thousands who use it to get back on their feet.
And why am I obligated to give a shit about that? Just because you have an investment option that MIGHT benefit me, doesn't mean you have the right to use armed, jackbooted thugs to take money from me to fund it. Half of Wall Street would LOVE to have that power. Some of them do, effectively, but that's a separate issue.
>It's the whole welfare queen myth all over again, it's an exaggeration used to get window lickers to vote against things that would be of the greater good for people like you
Are you calling me a retard? I've never used welfare.
>Have you heard of this:
No, I haven't heard of your shitfuck analogy, that is the most autistic thing I have ever read. Your hateboner for billionaires is hilarious. Hey, you ever heard this one? One hundred people are in a room, ten of them have 1000 donuts each and 90 of them have 10 donuts each. They decide to take a vote on how the donuts should be split up, and thanks to (((((democracy))))), 10 people get robbed of their donuts but it's okay because (((((majority rules))))).
>You're being fed lies by billionaires that taxes are bad so they can benefit while you get mad at the people who are worse off.
No, I get mad at people taking money that isn't theirs.
>Should you only have a decent life if mommy and daddy are rich?
Just fucking kill yourself. Explain why you have a RIGHT to take money from them? It's theirs, and it belongs to them. They did not hurt anyone or violate anyone's rights to take it. Slavery is illegal.
>Lol, you sound like me at 13. Cute.
Not an argument
>To start a business, you need capital.
Absolutely false, at least by how I am pretty sure you are defining "capital." There are more ways to start a business than running a fucking Starbucks.
>Literally GDP growth.
Because I don't think people should be robbed by the government? Cool. Listen, I really don't give a fuck if the economy grows or not. I just don't think you have a right to hire other people (police, through tax money) to enforce armed robbery of other people, just because YOU are too weak to make it on your own.
>he honestly doesn't know that there were various protetionist policies during the 1800s and that the state played a big role in the initial production of capital
If you believe in the concept of a nation, there is nothing wrong with protectionism.
Arguments imply logical inferences and you have demonstrated none.
>gives no economic reasons or arguments
>doesn't understand anything of economics, never even mentions it nor economic data
>uses outdated pseudoscience
>gives out wrong historical facts
lmao. Does anybody really take this guy seriously?
So what's the point of your autism, bro? Cool, good job, you proved that a social construct that is the result of the general tendencies of a human society, which in the end is caused by natural phenomenon, does not objectively exist. Cool. Are you just being contrarian or do you have a point?
The burden isnt on me.
>fully aknowledges that he can't answer the question about GDP growth
>still insists that he's right because he just doesn't give a shit about anyone else
lmao. You wouldn't even want to be convinced, were you to have known you were factually wrong. If I gave you an enough convincing argument that you are wrong, you'd just flat out refuse to change your fucking mind. You don't even care, do you?
It's not that you even want to get deep into economics and a study of the science behind it etc. You just don't give a shit and you have to adopt this philosophy of Austrian Economics as a way to hide your deep hatred for everybody else. You just don't give a shit about noone else. Even when presented with a good enough argument, you're so stubborn you won't even consider changing your mind because you don't want to change your mind. You come here to rant, that's it.
your were asking what the government's right to tax you was based on while seeing your right to private propert as self evident. I wanted to demonstrate that neither right is objectively justifyable.
>He still didn't answer
Anons, this guy is a fucking brainlet that comes here to rant for no reason lmao. He doesn't give a shit about it and doesn't even know deeply what the hell he's talking about. He probably is on the autism spectrum too because clearly he isn't capable of having any empathy for anyone too lmao. Probably Asperger's.