CBD is placebo bullshit

CBD is placebo bullshit.

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It's not a placebo, it's a carcinogen.

Probably. Everyone who likes this shit is always into "mindfulness," energy work, meditation, vegetarianism and other blue tribe faith healing bullshit

I agree

cbd doesn't feel like it's working until you realize that you've been having an incredible day for no particular reason

I agree.
Also how can I detox weed from my body asap? (((science))) websites just shill for their shitty emu oil.

I like cbd and I’m into lifting heavy, guitar, rock climbing and fucking your mom

Unironically take pure cbd, it counteracts the effects of the THC

i also do all these things
including fucking his mom (bareback)


don't listen to , he's a fucking retard. To detox from weed, you stop consuming marijuana until the marijuana has left your body. Boom, rocket science

> no guys you don't get it, big pharma propagandized us into buying their mass manufactured products instead of buying natural plants
> listen to our big company's propaganda and buy our company's mass manufactured product instead
obviously it's two sets of assholes lying to you to try to siphon away the other side's customers so they can make money. How is this not obvious

Well, I'm 5 days in and I have no desire whatsoever to smoke weed, because of how this drug test will literally shape the rest of my life. It's an important one. I don't even have it booked yet, but I probably have about a month tops before I have to book it, and I want to preemptively detox as much as possible.
There's tons of shilling for Vinegar and Cranberry juice, but it's hard to tell what's real and what's just a stoner myth. Drinking a shit ton of water will deffo help though, that I am certain of.
Heil Hydrate.

Injecting it directly into my eyeballs and anus now.

Drink water, burn fat, drink water, workout, exercise, make yourself sweat, drink water. You will clear it

It definitely isn’t placebo, when I was in Denver 3+ years ago used to buy 10mg lollipops for 5$ But I don’t know what they’re selling these days with the sudden cbd influx

I'm already fully aware of this, and it's a shame that a lot of people aren't.

Healthy patients = No sales

You don’t detox weed...

stop smoking weed. If you need to do an oral test eat/drink fatty shit and floss/brush your teeth

virtually no supplements are placebos. scientific studies are made specifically for the purpose of figuring out what is a placebo.

Cheers lads, looks like I'm going to have to go full Jow Forums but I can do it.
Nice one.

I used to use a crystalline CBD isolate and it worked great. If you feel fine and you take it it doesn't do much. If you have bad anxiety or bad muscle tension it helps a lot.

make sure to do lots of cardio.
thc gets stored in your fat cells and if you get stressed and start burning fat before the test you can test positive.
so you want to get it all out. 5 days should be enough though in most circumstances.

I have an anecdote and I don't agree. I have an uncle who's retired and was a very successful medical doctor. He's very skeptical of supplements. He's in his 80's now and suffers from chronic pain. He takes CBD oil and claims it works. I'm not so sure I'd want to go experimenting with the stuff at a young age we need more studies done on it but it certainly is effective in some situations.

Notice how it's only the most pathetic, mentally unstable shits who use this stuff

Probably because people who are healthy are into other things that are healthy.

Good job putting two and two together you dumb faggot.

This guy gets it. It's so subtle, like unnecessary anger washes away without a feeling

CBD is magic sauce. THC and CBD are total opposites people, educate yourself on this insider shit.

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No it isnt
T. Druggie

Post body

>fitness board
>full of the most unscientific, gullible retards imaginable

For those who haven't tried it, it's not placebo, it helps immensely with insomnia and anxiety.

Water, heavy lifting, and cardio. Depending on long you've been a stoner, it could take a couple months.

This. CBD causes brain damage. Just look at anyone that uses it they act like children.


I’ve done studies on this and have actually had control groups, etc. It’s all placebo bullshit that is only hyped because DUDE WEED LMAO

your posts cause brain damage

>Just look at anyone that uses it they act like children

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t. virgin

cog and ball dordure? :-DDDDDDDDD

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bruh if you vape CBD it hits you like a truck. it makes me just want to sit and moonstare for hours
use a VG/PG carrier though i tried vaping that MCT oil shit but it isn't good for ur lungs

Athletes have been shilling it for recovery too. Its a bunch of bullshit.

Antioxidants, Omega, B12, fishoil, microdosing, CBD...
What's next for the day time television "Dr Young Healthy Boy" to shill? How do people not see this? Every few months day time television needs a new happy make your life better pill to shill to bored housewives. You guys are no better than them.

The body doesn't have magic receptors in it to receive and magic molecules that makes you younger, smarter, or better looking. It eats and shits. These things get popular because only so much money can be made selling shit that matters. The safety razor forinstance, is shaving perfected. Spend under 30 dollars, and never purchase a razor again. But Gillette wants you to believe that you need "Qaudurple blade rotational pivot technology with lubricating cooling strip for a shave that'll fuck your mom's ugly asshole. Only 49.99 for 5 blades that last a week each!"

nice pasta

Just go and read the actual peer reviewed studies on CBD. It works wonders for inflammation and it's extremely safe. NSAIDS are terrible for you, they can weaken your tendons and give you leaky gut syndrome. Make up your mind for yourself, don't listen to the troll cretins in this thread.

>I’ve done studies on this
No you fucking haven't

Attached: babbylaff.jpg (480x360, 14K)

You're bunch of bullshit.
It's effective for anxiety, seizures, and hypertension. It has also been proven effective for promoting deep sleep at high doses

I swear by it as an arthritis anti-inflammatory.

No way it takes that long

people who think it's bullshit literally aren't conscious enough to notice that it's working
when I take CBD I legitimately get high.
if I take it daily then my mind starts to get progressively loopier so I personally avoid it, need a clear mind for work.

Yeah, THC is a bitch like that and enjoys binding to fatty lipids.

have you considered having sex?

See you next month when it's "dude East Alabama River Trout tiddies are good for cognitive function and prevent dementia. But they only live in the super secret creek outside Joe's crab shack run by Canadian Virgin monks!"

if you have that much time you're fine. I've passed a drug test 8 days after smoking. Something like 90% of people pass within 2 weeks. Taking a month off is just to be on the safe side.

Same kinda shit happened to me. I think their is a switch that can get flipped. I smoked weed after highschool for like 2 years and really enjoyed it. One night smoking with bros I had to much and literally blacked out, smacked my head on the ground. Woke up and it was like I had forty channels of thought all running like TVs that I couldn't turn off. Ever since then I either black our or spend the entire time telling myself okay and I'm not gonna black out, all while being super aware of my heart rate increasing heart rate. I just can't enjoy it now, I feel like I don't even get "high" now, just very aware and slightly nervous.

exercise and drink water. fast. It's stored in your fat cells.

Alternatively use someone elses piss. it's not hard.

it's even worse than placebo
any compound that provides any significant benefit also creates a dependency.
Just like caffeine, people who a rgue against this are wrong and brainwashed.
Anything you consume that isn't food that grants any sort of benefit is addictive and will make your life worse overall in the long term.


Just smoke weed you fucking incel



Based and wellnesspilled

Show us your ncbi paper faggot

>CBD causes brain damage

If anything causes brain damage it's THC u fag

Excercise, sweat and drink a fuck ton of water if you have more than three days before the test. You can buy strips to test yourself at home on Amazon for like $20. Become sedentary 3 days before the test but continue to drink hella water. Day of test do not give them your first piss off the day. When you do piss in a cup try to catch it midstream, there are more metabolites at the start/end of your piss. If you're still testing positive on the strips at this point your only hope is to dilute your piss. Drink a ton of water, but add creatine and B12 supps, that's how most tests measure if you drank too much beforehand. A test coming back too dilute isn't the end of the world, just pretend you were worried about not being able to pee on command. That'll buy you an extra day or two to detox. Good luck

It's totally placebo bro

well im not doing all this thing but im fucking his mom too.


the absolute madmen

I also enjoy partaking in the act of intercourse with his mother