How do you guys maintain you diets while constantly getting invited out to bars and restaurants for food and drinks by your friends?
How do you guys maintain you diets while constantly getting invited out to bars and restaurants for food and drinks by...
By embracing the cocoon mode.
>implying i have friends
>constantly getting invited out to bars and restaurants for food and drinks by your friends?
Haha good one
>having friends
What are you, a retard?
Gym life requires you to have no friends. What kind of a moron wants friends?
By not going
I’m in sober living. I never go to bars.
When I go out on a date I eat like a rabbit
I havent been invited to anything with friends in the last 9 years. Also
>implying I have friends
I work from home and have had no friends for 10 years, except Jow Forums of course. I'm 31 now.
Since these fucking losers can't help I'll throw my two cents in. I try to eat beforehand as to not get tempted by a whole meal later on. When I'm out I avoid beer and will have at most 1 drink. Whether it be a liquor by itself or some shit, and there is always something relatively healthy to snack on.
My only friends are my dogs. The only places they like to go are on walks.
The most gains I eva made was getting made redundant and spending 3 months using my redundancy pay out just lifting eating playing vidya and sleeping no job, no mates, no worries.
Other time was working abroad on an army base as a contractor just using gym everyday and eating like pig.
Cocoon mode is effective
Not drinking, it's pretty simple
It’s very possible to still eat clean eating out, even at McDonalds too.
You can easily compensate for a blowout once a week.
If you're cutting then save a few hundred calories each day so if you overlap your target when you go out it doesn't fuck with your weekly average.
If you count calories and the place you're at doesn't have its meals on your app just search for the meal and choose something that best matches it. Won't be the exact figure but gives you an idea.
Low calorie alcohol choices like spirits as well.
Stop having friends. It IS that easy
Pretty similar to whats already been said, but what works for me:
I go mostly for straight spirits like whiskey, or maybe gin and tonics or vodka sodas. Occasionally I'll have some light beers instead. Eating before you go out helps a lot, and if I do order any food, I'll keep it minimal (i.e. order a chicken sandwich/ burger, but no sides/ appetizers). Much easier to fit into your calorie goals and you don't have to worry as much about keeping on track.
As far as you know
haha yeah I CONSTANTLY get invited to many different places and events it's so hard haha so much friends texting and calling me all the time for bars and restaurants am i rite haha
Take shots like a man and delete food ordering apps from your phone when you go out. And if you know you're gonna fuck up, just compensate on weeknights - worst case scenario, you don't get invited out and you can treat yourself to a cheat meal.
>just stay in
I don't have any research to back this up, but I really don't think it's good for you to be alone for long spaces of time. Assuming you're hanging out with good people, socializing can be a great way to reduce stress
drink vodka soda = zero carbs = no hangover
Humans are social animals. Isolation and loneliness can take a decade off your life easy
Don't immediately lose your shit and order chili cheese fries, wings, and pitchers of beer every time. Eat and drink in moderation and be aware of your intake.
>Isolation and loneliness can take a decade off your life easy
sounds based
>By embracing the cocoon mode
This or Zyzz theory on party lifestyle. Go big but very infrequently.
Maybe make some gym friends and have bbq's on weekends for proteins, just leave the boozing out of the equation.
Yeah he died but don't need to be pinning 250mg of tren with a heart condition.
I just eat extremely strict 99.9% of the time at home so when I do actually go out or go to that family gathering I don't have to cry about eating or drinking something carb heavy or whatever.
Though I don't have that many friends so it's not like I go out every other day, so that's why this system works
there's most definitely a hangover my guy
One (1) yike to each of you
Isolation is based you dipshit. Some of us prefer being alone.
restrict calories on days you'll be going out?
Threadly reminder that there's literally no reason to drink other than to alter your state of mind, which you wouldn't feel the want/need to do if you were in a good place mentally.
That being said, I get going out and drinking is a thing people just do, and always will do it. Not my cup of tea anymore, but I get it. Your average drink is only gonna be like, 200 calories. Just eat before hand and/or don't have a half a dozen drinks.
The caloric content of alcohol isn't even the issue, it's what it does to your body. Alcohol completely blunts your body's ability to burn fat. You literally won't burn a single ounce of fat until all the alcohol is gone from your system. Eat before, don't drink excessively, and especially don't go on that 2am McDonald's run.
Food at restaurants is similar. Eat before, or eat less during the day to allow room for when you go out.
Consistency is key. If you're one of those bros who kills it 5 days a week and then goes balls to the wall on the weekends because it's just two days, after 3 months you will have had a months worth of garbage on the weekends.
I eat and drink as much as I want. I will not let my body cuck me
i dont get asked out anymore so : I no excuses
I've been doing this for years
>eat my calories before going out
>order soda water and lime, tell people it's vodka soda or gin and tonic
>if someone buys me a drink i will cheers them and say thanks, dump it out when no one is looking
>act slightly drunk and fuck with actual drunk people even though i'm completely sober
>when people want to get food pretend i'm too fucked up to eat
>get home at a semi-reasonable time since i skip the extra hour or so getting food, go to bed
I haven't consumed alcohol in years with this method. Started abstaining because you can't carry a gun and have alcohol in your system and it eventually became a habit even though I don't carry a gun much anymore
gl fags
well i try to take lunch to work and eat at home as a routine - so that when you go out at lunch/ to a bar at least you're in pretty good shape.
also - at restos you can choose something decent vs total crap.
also - skip breakfast & light lunch if you know you're at a bar that evening.
i'm not perfect but those are the things that i have been trying.
Thruth be told i dont actually care what i eat
I just lift weights because its fun
I eat like a pig some days, or nothing at all others or i eat clean or go out if people want to
I just come on Jow Forums to shitpost
Fuck dieting and fuck you
>How do you guys maintain you diets
I am the designated driver because I don't drink, I don't eat out at places that have drive-thrus but will go to places where you can only dine in
My friends support my dietary/health restrictions and goals, I do however wish people would stop trying to pressure me to drink and do drugs, parties aren't fun anymore
leave yourself enough of a deficit for what you eat when you go out. or just do extra cardio that day. don't drink beer or sugary drinks. vodka and spirits tend to be pretty low in calories. if you smoke weed then maybe just keep healthy snacks around instead of junk food but that's really gonna depend on whether you can handle your shit or not.
Restaurant: eat steaks/salmon
Bar: drink in moderation, drink enough water and maybe electrolytes after
Party: bring snacks like raw cashews etc.
stop being a twink faggot
>I just lift weights because its fun
You woot m8
>constantly getting invited out to bars and restaurants
yea haha
all these friends of mine ahahah
I have these hydrate powders you dump in water. I chug it when I go to bed and am fine in the morning
Just dont be a glutton. Stick to one drink at the bar, eat something light on the menu. Literally, 90% of Jow Forumss problems could be solved if you all just practiced a modicum if self discipline.
Reminder you could be social and get gains of you were roiding