Where does this stereotype comes from that bodybuilders are stupid?

Where does this stereotype comes from that bodybuilders are stupid?

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Ancient greeks at least.

>Ancient copes

you mean philosophers-bodybuilders? Sounds like ninja turtles

dudebros normies

this is probably true to be honest
think about it: men have always competed against each other to fuck women
if a weak man sees a man with a great body, his mind will help him to cope for the clearly visible difference in strength = more chance to fuck women
you can't directly notice if a man is stupid just by looking at him (different from his body)
it's essentially a proto-cope-meme generated by manlets and twinks

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Empirical observation

Jow Forums

coping mechanism for fat and skinny nerds


We only have a finite time to pursue certain skills, if you work on your body you have to sacrifice time working on your mind and vice versa. Though it's 2019 and phones made it easier to do both so yeah there's no real excuse these days.

Why didn't he just keep his cop job & remain well above average physically, instead of turning into a freak? He was rookie of the year and all. And now he's in constant terrible pain after 409 surgeries. Oh well, it's his life i guess.

Ya. People are very lazy and if they have a slightly above average intellect, or barely average, they think it's a valid excuse to ignore improving physically

upset Jews jealous of Aryan glory and disgusted by their own physical weaknesses, then forcing this on all the goys through their control of the media.

yeah, and after highschool I realized a lot of the "nerds" really didn't go anywhere, they never really succeeded above average, they had terrible social skills and were very lazy, they were good in school but in order to truly succeed you need to be able to work hard, be intelligent and have strong social skills. The "intellectuals" who completely disdain working out and neglect it usually aren't that successful

Same. Actually most of the jockish type dudes did the best after school. The nerdy women do pretty good though. Like 50/50 I guess

Former paralyzed person here. The pain stops. Exercise helps. Mostly you need patience

How did you become unparalyzed

who knows...

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You realize this dude is a massive brainlet a huge fraud?
He has no proof of his "200 iq" and his theories and shit are just stupid dribble dressed up in complicated language just to make him appear smart.
Dude has the balls to publish a theory of physics and not even include a single equation.
Fucking brainlets I swear

If Jow Forums is any indication
They are

Notice how pretty much all CEOs (outside of a few tech nerds) are gigachads

from that retard calum von moger

Because bodybuilding is a game of who can inject the most steroids without dying and is full of fags


>The fact that there's no real cognitive requirement to pick things up and put them down the way smart people things like being a scientist or doctor do.
>The (correct) impression that people who do manual labor tend to be low IQ

Fuck no man he lived his dream and got insanely famous and respected doing it

Most famous bodybuilders are making money aren’t def not dumb. Jason Genova tier level of gym rats are the ones that gives them bad rep

I don't know why but people tend to think that big=dumb. Might be a cultural thing.

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This. Better looking people are also smarter and healthier. It's pure cope.

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Mostly cope, and a false axiom
>See dude who is stronger and better looking
>Yeah, but we are all equal
>Therefore, he has to be dumber
>Now I don't have to feel bad about myself

I do find joy in knowing that while I'm lifting heavy shit, getting a killer body, joking with my bros and flirting with cardio bunnies, losers spend their time on social media saying that I must be pretty boring if I dedidate a few hours of my life exercising, instead of doing interesting shit like they do.

its not a stereotype. Most of them know nohing aside from how to do a proper steroid cycle and proper technique.

It's 100% just a coping mechanisms for normies.

While your may be correct, fuck off back to Jow Forums nerd

working on your body doesn't even take that much time in the first place

I'm sadly in the nerd category, but at least I'm happy with my body from workin out.The trouble is that you're forced to go to school and you're expected to apply yourself. In the real world, you're not forced to do anything and no one expects anything of you, so mediocrity because the default state.

>Proper technique.
Some don't even know that.

Yeah this was my experience too, I was definitely more of a nerd than a Chad, but I had the good sense after high school to see what my future was headed toward if I "stayed in line" and just studied hard without doing anything else to add to myself. Added weightlifting and a lot more social activities in college and it worked really well for me. Now I'm still in my youth (28 year old boomer), but while some of my old nerdy friends from high school are kind of spinning their wheels or having a hard time finding good work, I have a great job, a house, plenty of friends and an active and happy life.

smart people don’t care about their bodies and are inside studying all day

most bodybuilders are though

>Generated by manlets
Nope. Manlets are literally superior to lanklets in every situation. Always have been. I agree with the twinks part though

Extreme drug abuse does require a lack of intelligence.

Why do you want to be smart when you can be strong af

smart people dont have to study.

2.Some strength athletes are indeed morons

Jelly normies. People like Calum Von Moger unfortunately reinforce that stereotype and of course he's one of the more famous ones.

Nigga have you read some of the posts on this board?
Stereotypes happen for a reason.