Reminder: You were once someone's crush, but she never told you.
Reminder: You were once someone's crush, but she never told you
This is such fucking bullshit. Fuck off chad.
I unironicaly think this is true.
I hate this shit so much. Especially because I saw her looking at me all the time and trying to get close to me or spur me into making a move on her or whatever dumb bullshit it is chicks do. Just say hi, coward. I'm not going to say "oh hey I noticed you were staring at me want to go on a date" or whatever, I'd risk looking like a fucking creep reeeee
some told it so what
back then to make me their bf they had to literally rape me lol
I have serious doubts this was ever the case.
Is that a bold vegeta
who was it? do you regret?
Highly doubt that, the only way I interacted with females was group projects in school, then I autistically sprinted to public transport so I could get a seat and sleep. I don't know how could they know anything serious about me if I isolate and burn myself so fucking much, or why would they were interested in me?
I've had this I'm pretty sure, I've also had people tell me.
It's a shame too because I totally would've dated one of the people that told me, she lives in the US tho and isn't into LDRs
>she told me later
>I fucked up every chance I could've had with her because I'm a fucking retard who can't pick up on cues or because I was too indecisive
drinking alone on valentine's isn't so bad once you get used to it
Multiple girls from multiple past schools. I used to be an actual Chad. Don't have regrets tho.
Yeah, I remember several times this happened. I was too oblivious to it most of the time. Now I missed out on teenage love and have a gf I secretly hate.
She did told me, several times. I lost my chance, i thought i was too good for her, i could get a better girl any day. 10 years after im still KHHV while she is married.
>everyone is chad
...and other fucking hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
I was several girl's crush, and I fucked up every single one of those opportunities. Some by accidently showing my power level when flirting, others by being to autistic to pick up that they liked me until it was too late. Luckily, I learned from my mistakes and I didn't fuck up with my latest crush, who I found out had a crush on me. We've been together for almost 6 years now.
When, in highschool? Middle school? Please. Crushes are shallow vapid nonsense anyway, I liked one girl for a few years and after I realized it would never happened, I liked no one at all to this day. I honestly can't remember what lcaring about a girl feels like.
i have been the crush of numerous girls and they have told me outright
Haha dont think so, ive overheard a thick stacey talking to her Friend and calling me pretty but her Friend knew me in middle school and probably told her how weird and akward iam, she never showed interest since, only grill outside of familly who did this and she was easily 8/10 so i Guess im not that fucked but still
Girls use to fawn over me in my formative years because I was an early bloomer and was very masculine looking for my age.
Unfortunately now i'm a prematurely balding manlet who can't get any
she told me in a valentine as a secret admirer years ago
no its a shy vegeta
In 2012 a pretty girl had a crush on me and was making first moves but I was a sperg and blew, she though I was not interested and discontinued after a while. I found out in 2018 that she was really into me. Now she has 2 kids. Its too late.
This is true, and I know it in spite of her not telling me.
In highschool, there was a short and chubby vietnamian girl who would get close to me but never explicitly make moves. At the bus stop once, I got a glance of her texts and she was asking for advice on "how to get together with user". Even with knowledge of this, my autistic ass did fucking nothing. Nowadays I don't really suffer from being alone but back then a girl by my side would've made me happier for sure.
desu I'm glad girls never told me that they like me and that I missed every advance. My dick is small and I didn't clean my foreskin until I was 16.
Yes I knew she liked me.I just thought she should find someone better.I'm just going to make her suffer.
She told me actually
That is where you're wrong. So very very wrong.
i remember being a super crigny autist in high school (this was in 2014 btw) and during prom month this 4/10 bitch would always bother me in class while i would try to sleep in class, she would always wake me up and ask me why i sleep everyday in class i would usually tell her to piss off and mind her own fucking business (in reallity i would be awake all night playing video games plus sleeping in class would make the day go by faster) one day i was browsing Jow Forums on my phone and she asked me what i was looking at too save myself from embarrassment i just put my phone away and told her it was nothing, she even asked me if i had a prom date and i told her no, looking back i think she was trying to get me to ask her out but i was too busy being a pussy and an edgy loser and in the last 5 years nothing has changed
Yep, I know, but like the autistic shit I'm always ruining it
Somebody once sent me a carnation anonymously. Never found out who it was. Was convinced a teacher just felt sorry for me.
i remember being a super crigny autist in high school (this was in 2014 btw) and during prom month this 4/10 bitch would always bother me in class while i would try to sleep, she would always wake me up and ask me why i sleep everyday, i would usually tell her to piss off and mind her own fucking business, one day i was browsing Jow Forums on my phone and she asked me what i was looking at too save myself from embarrassment i just put my phone away and told her it was nothing, she even asked me if i had a prom date and i told her no, looking back i think she was trying to get me to ask her out but i was too busy being a pussy and an edgy loser and in the last 5 years nothing has changed
yes she did told me after she stopped having a crush on me lmoa, luckily she's probs dead doe
so much this
they don't know what they're in for
Actually they all told me and I rejected them all because I had my eyes on another girl instead.
29 years old and a never gf virgin to this day.
How to ascend to this level
This is true. I asked my friend out when I was a sophomore and she said she had a crush on me when we were in middle school.
>tfw just the other day a coworker told me that another one likes me
>pointing out that you drink alone on Valentine's Day
>he doesn't drink alone every day of the year
Ok kid.
What happened to the other girl then?
>but she never told you.
She did. But my dad was dying and my mother was was having a breakdown. Talk about shit timing.
>You were once someone's crush, but she never told you.
I'm guessing it happened 3 times
>1st time in HS and she was crushing on me for years
>2nd time in uni
>3rd time also in uni but she was from other country.
Maybe it happened more but i didnt know about it/i didnt catch any signs.
Too bad they all were physically unappealing to me
She told me that. "I used to have a thing for you." I knew that was the case, but I failed to capitalize, thus wasting an opportunity. 8/10 minimum.
Haven't seen her for years.
I'm pretty sure this one girl did in high school but I'm pretty sure she just liked me because I willingly listened to the synopses of her short stories and novels and willingly gave feedback
I would've pursued it, but she had one of the worst possible racial combinations (SE Asian + Black)
She's married now. I actually went to her wedding. The second girl got married and I didn't go to her wedding. The third girl was older than me by 2 years but I actually knew her for 20 years but she's married now too, but that's fine, I was deep into alcoholism on that third round and things were out of control that time.
Her friend actually told me. She was kinda qt so I didnt believe it and never made a move. Now that I think about it, it seemed that she was always looking at me in class
The last time I interacted with a girl was 10 years ago, I was 15 and under 5 feet tall so I don't think so.
yeah no i knew
"i liked you before i found out you were such a nerd" or something along the lines of that
and in all honesty even if that SHOULD be a moodkiller, that gave me a bit of hope that i still hold onto
Of course, then she realized I'm a sperg. Happens all the time.
desmos gang unite
worse yet, her friend pulled a prank on her and confessed to me and I thought it was a joke or smth and fucked it up
>that spoiler
The true feeling of emptiness incels will never understand
Everything boils down to girls whom i find attractive doesnt find me attractive and vice versa.
Cool story bro, tell me about it again next valentines