Why are males more likely to drop out from college than females?

Honestly, I find it pretty weird. I barely know an actually smart woman, with that I mean someone who can reflect things and understand stuff pretty easily and fast.

And yet, almost all of them have their college degrees, even in STEM, before the age of 25. Meanwhile almost none of my male friends have degrees and some only start with it at around 25. In my university in Germany barely any woman drops out, but 60% of the males are although some of these guys I would call smarter than the average.

It's funny if there is a 6 years difference between males and females in undergrad, but I always asked myself why this is the case.

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Men emotiaonally mature slower then women. Aka it takess us lon ger to get our ahit together. Just cause you smart doesnt mean your organized enough for college.
Meanwhile women have to deal with mood swings and periods from age 11 up, making thwm mature alot faster.

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Education is structured for women

it's because women are better than men

That too. Men learn hands on.

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In what way? Higher education didn't change much since the time when a single woman graduating was a historical event.

Isn't the system built to cater to women from the start?
I also wonder about that OP

I'm gonna drop out after this semester. I fucking hate college it's the biggest meme around.

Have you ever met a woman? They're children in an adult's body.

Objectively correct.

Because when women started coming to college they forced college to conform to what they want.

So now college is just highschool 2.0 where the girls spend every day drinking, partying and fucking Chad and frat parties. Of course they want to stay, it's paradise for them (and Chads). But for non-Chad men there's very little being offered.

lmao the fucking mental gymnastics in this post! >m-men can't like college cause m-men are too demure and d-don't party

This is so fucking true it hurts. Universities used to be so fucking focused on research and discovery now it's like an extension of highschool so chads and sluts don't have to face the real world for another 4-5 years.

But I speak also from STEM subjects. Although less women are in it except for Medicine, Medical Engineering, Chemistry and Biology, they are more likely to graduate before 25 than males do, although statistically they must all have an IQ between 100-115, meanwhile the males in a German college have, on the average, an IQ between 110-130.

Could be a multitude of factors, maybe the girls are taking adderall and copying each other's answers. Maybe the men have low confidence because of the lack of strong father figures from the past generation. Maybe professors give women an easier time. Maybe you are a biased observer.

Not really biased, studies have shown that it is the case that females are more likely to have college degrees before 30 than men do, although, on the average, a male who found his way into a college course is more likely to have an above average IQ than a female has.

>Higher education didn't change much since the time when a single woman graduating was a historical event.
Where do you live? True, the structure itself hasn't changed much, but the programs and the curriculums have. Teachers and the way they grade people has changed too. The shape of it hasn't changed, but its contents have.

>They're children in an adult's body.
Believe it or not but some are very well-organized. My mom for example is a child in an adult's body to the point that even I am more wise than she is sometimes. But she keeps tables of every expense she has and is very neat and tidy.

It's because women are good students, in the sense that they behave better. But women overrall are fucking shit. What university are you in?
>pic unrelated

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Link those studies. I found that most people, especially on here, can't read studies and just read the titles.

>a male who found his way into a college course is more likely to have an above average IQ than a female has.
Yeah that's american
Here in France anyone with a highschool degree has a free pass to state-paid colleges (90% of colleges)

So you have a bunch of retards and stacys in there, and the profs need to filter that shit out since the state bans them from putting up entry exams for muh equality. So even easy shit like english is made incredibly hard - not the contents, but the grades. These fucks would do anything to get less students

If the structure of something has not changed and at one point man used to excel at it (at least that's what people here argue) could they not conform to the contents of it? It works like that for everything else, and I would argue that most people don't go to uni to expand their horizons or whatever. Almost everyone just chooses what will make them money and goes with that. That would also demolish the argument about the lack of motivation. I hate how people on here argue, they just want to hate on woman or whatever else without giving it much thought.



This are the studies I found with a quick google search. I search for the one with the age that says that males still have their college degrees between 28-32 than with below 25.

Ok, I wanted to just go ahead and shit on you after reading those articles that completely disagree with your conclusions but I think that will just make you angry and won't change your mind. Let's go slow with this.
What is the reason man don't graduate as often as woman do?

But they say that males drop out more often than women?

Yes they do and I don't think a single person disagreed with you on this. The real question, as always, is why

>the state bans them from putting up entry exams for muh equality
What the actual fuck are you on about? How could anyone in their right mind think that that's a good idea? I've heard of the french state banning paternity tests, but this is ridiculous. Even here in northern Europe if you suggested that university entrance exams were removed, people would think you're crazy.

The articels are stating that this is because of a higher possibility of mental illnesses, existential crisis and loneliness. But I wanted to hear the robots opinions on it.

> structure
Structure= grad/undergrad separation, 4-year degree in America and 3 year/2 year degree where I live, etc. That's structure.
Contents= the way it's taught, the way it's graded. These two things are much more important and that's probably what causes men to fail (if, as I often heard it, the system is indeed catering to women)
>Almost everyone just chooses what will make them money and goes with that. That would also demolish the argument about the lack of motivation.
Not everyone. How do you expect to be motivated if all you're doing is for money's sake?

>they just want to hate on woman or whatever else without giving it much thought.
And you do the exact opposite, defend women without giving it much thought
So is the blessing on all human discussions where all has deeply entrenched positions that they will never give up and where discourse is meaningless yet we feel obligated to partake in it to not go insane

Entry tests for french state-paid common unis are banned since a very long time. The problem of having a lot of dumbshits in uni is recent however, because until the 80s the BAC (high school degree necessary to get into most unis) was hard to obtain. So shortly put, everybody who had graduated high school could go to uni, but since the BAC, the high school graduation exam, was very hard, that reduced the pool to only the most intelligent (others completed high school but without the bac which did not give them access t uni automatically). Today nearly everybody has their BAC because it's become much easier to get it.

Keep in mind this only applies to state-paid "common" unis, ie 90% of all unis.
Of course the state has state-paid "elite" unis like Sciences Po, Polytechnique, which are really tough to enter in and only the elite or foreigners get there. Then there are private unis which are free to do whatever they want but they're not that popular

This, it seems the education system is catered largely towards those who are able to rote memorize a lot of information in an organised manner. Women excel at doing this more than men. Men tend to have a different learning style where they pick things up in chunks, think about the way the information fits in with other information, uses individual thought to evaluate its worth and then applies accordingly.

As such, men tend to overlook small details and learn only what's important to be efficient whereas women use rote memorization methods to memorize every little piece of information and apply it, sometimes without even fully understanding the information they are using. They are able to thrive in education using this method.

Also, women seem far more likely to receive assistance from teachers and peers because they are able to put up a 'damsel in distress' act , whereas men are usually left to solve problems alone.

Your mom is cute

This, I saw completely retarded women who couldn't solve easy calculation on their own and the tutors explained them everything in detail.

If I wanted help I got the "no time" answer in a agressive manner. Women have more help because everyone wants to fuck/protect them, even if the man is gay you can't just shut down this primal feeling of protecting and helping the child bearer.

>As such, men tend to overlook small details and learn only what's important to be efficient whereas women use rote memorization methods to memorize every little piece of information and apply it, sometimes without even fully understanding the information they are using. They are able to thrive in education using this method.
This paragraph is true. As a man I can attest that I tend to learn this way.
But I have frequented some very clever women and that's just how they learn. They keep feeding themselves the same shit over and over and learn it by heart. It's dumbfounding, I never did that once in my life even though I know a lot of meaningless details (I study history as a personal hobby). But I never once had to cram a wikipedia article in my head to, say, know something about a president's biography, I just learned it by crossing the sources. Of course that's a bit different than uni-focused learning since I was not going to take any tests.

I don't know where you live but in my country when I talk with anyone older than me (even by like 50 years) they were learning the same things as me, even sometimes from the same books. Maybe they made a bunch of meme degrees, that are worthless and super easy to pass through but the main ones, the ones that people actually want to get into, stayed the same.
>Not everyone. How do you expect to be motivated if all you're doing is for money's sake?
Not everyone is not a good argument tho right? And I think money is one of the best motivators there is. Maybe if you are born into a rich family that has never had a problem with buying you the things you wanted you won't recognize this but for like 90% of society that is not the case.
>And you do the exact opposite, defend women without giving it much thought
Do you really see what I am doing in the same light as someone saying that woman just have lower IQ and only graduate cause of some SJW invisible boogyman that controls the whole society

>some SJW boogeyman
>he never learned about mattress girl or Lorenna Bobbitt or anything that didn't happen in his head

Do you really think those 2 cases prove anything?
And at the same time even if I provided you with Supreme Court statement on how black people are targeted by certain ID laws to not be able to participate in voting you will never believe there is systematic racism out there (btw I am waiting for you to say that you don't understand why i bought this up).
It's soo fucking boring to argue with people on here. Most of the time they just spew the same bullshit over and over, they don't read the articles they provide, they are just reactionary anti-SJW's that don't have a single original thought in their head

You have actually helped with the headache I usually get reading these idiots regurgitated opinions.

Colleges are intensely anti-male environments
t. uni senior

I'm 28 and only in my second year of my degree, so I'm in the norm now?

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>Why are males more likely to drop out from college than females?
Because men are smarter and realize it's a waste of time more often. Whether they go on to do something more productive or give up and become NEETs is irrelevant to this question of why they drop out.

I read awhile back that the female brain is better at doing more meticulous boring tasks than the male brain. Basically like grinding in an old JRPG only real life. Studying is a definitely a grind and women come out ahead when it comes to grinding. This is likely because back in our hunter gatherer days the women would spend long periods of time gathering plants or weaving baskets or skins.

Men are better at abstract thinking and handling situations better when shit hits the fan. When shit gets real like natural disasters war or other types of conflict many women just freeze up and are effectively useless. Men can handle these things better but after the danger has passed it may weigh heavily on their hearts causing them to suicide.

You also need to take into account that parents are more likely to throw out their male children than the female children. Simply men often just straight up don't have the time to sit around in school.

>I don't know where you live
In a rather developed country, and no. Of course basic things haven't changed but do you enjoy missing my point? A book is a book, but then your success depends on the way you are taught by the professor and how you are graded at the exam, on what qualities you are beng judged, what's being expected of you, etc...
>Not everyone is not a good argument tho right? And I think money is one of the best motivators there is. Maybe if you are born into a rich family that has never had a problem with buying you the things you wanted you won't recognize this but for like 90% of society that is not the case.
Not everyone is in direct relation with what followed. No, most people I know in uni aren't motivated primarily by money, and I'm not rich, nor do I go to a wealthy university. And even though my family is lower middle class and has to be careful at the end of the month because their paychecks are running low, I never lacked anything in my life because we're all reasonable people who don't try to live above their means. Hence I feel currently no need for extra money, I live the way I live since forever, not dirt poor, not enjoying what the american upper mid class does (I know one).

>Do you really see what I am doing in the same light as someone saying that woman just have lower IQ and only graduate cause of some SJW invisible boogyman that controls the whole society
Yes, exactly. You will defend your position based on nothing as you have done in countless of threads and you are just the same as the one you claim are idiots, just that you're on the other side of the "political" opinion.

>systematic racism
>on here
I understand better now though
You're not from r9k are you? or even from Jow Forums?
Probably a transfer from reddit hence the opinions on women, the valley girl speech and the stubborn determination to white-knight women. Inb4 you accuse me of being Jow Forums (I dont go there)

>I understand better now though
>You're not from r9k are you? or even from Jow Forums?
>Probably a transfer from reddit hence the opinions on women, the valley girl speech and the stubborn determination to white-knight women. Inb4 you accuse me of being Jow Forums (I dont go there)
Did I miss your argument here or did you just not make a single one while trying to argue with me?
I am a semi new-fag i won't argue with that. I was here since like 2 years ago. I don't really understand the whole gate-keeping thing on here. Even if you say you were here for like 5 years people will REEE at you and tell you to get out. Do you guys just want to live in this safe space you made for yourself without anything to argue about? One of the most important reasons why I am on Jow Forums is because people don't agree with me and arguing is super fun. Yeah I could just sit on reddit and argue about some unimportant shit all day like what game is better but I have a much better time here while also learning some new perspective on things.
Also if you believe that Jow Forums has not leaked to every single board on here you are kind of delusional. Being racist, sexist, anti-immigration and other retarded shit like that gets you mostly (you's) with "based" and "not-gay" on every single board. On the other hand when I say "Hey maybe woman are actually equal to us get's me like 10 replays of which 9 will be just "get out" type of comment.

>Did I miss your argument here or did you just not make a single one while trying to argue with me?
whoa epic rebuttal my ebin friend
90% of my post was the argument, you chose to respond to the last part only

>openly says he goes on reddit
>Being racist, sexist, anti-immigration and other retarded shit like that
kek. I think you need to learn a few things about this place. Im not even taunting you for being a newfag but for failing to see the irony of some comments (like those who REEE at newfags from 2013 and equate it with being a newfag in 2019) and a bunch of other obvious shit that you apparently don't get

Anyway you are just like the people you claim to argue against even if you won't say it. Now we both know that from this point on this will get nowhere, you will never change your mind and I will never change mine because I know our experiences are too radically different for us to understand each other, for either you to grasp why I think this way or for me to understand why you think that way.

I think its because on average, females are alot smarter than men. The vast majority of the male population is pretty fucking stupid, lets be honest.
That's why so many HS and College drop outs are statistically, men. Men on average also score lower points on standarized tests and make poor life choices.

Just about every girl ive met here at college was admittedly really smart. But i meet really stupid guys everyday.

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You guys are really obsessed with this idea that institutions are catered towards women and blame it on boys not being able to keep up with their female counter parts.
Have you ever considered that maybe little Timmy isnt very bright, and its not the fault of the institute?

What you are TOLD school and college do and are for
>Institutions that provide knowledge and insight that prepare you for anything & focus on a career!
What they REALLY are
>conformity factories where if you obey you get a gold star
Women, especially the average woman, LOVE socializing, gossip, and getting gold stars for doing as they are told.
Men? Men was substance, they want RESULTS.
So men realize school is a fucking scam and leave.
Women fall for it & stay

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Yes, they want substance and results so they drop out and start working at McDonald's doing menial labor.

Women automatically find it easier to make friends and socialize.
They get preferal treatment from lecturers who will always help a woman over a male.

This. Uni/college is literally a scam for normies to fuck around for 3 years while the the uni takes their money. People forget that they're businesses first and foremost. Businesses always prioritize making money over anything else.

>No incentive to be a provider or father in current year
>Can live solo on the income from a non-degree job
>Realize the ROI on a lot of degree programs is shit nowadays and does not factor out positive in the long run
>Trades and other artisan-tier jobs are almost entirely made up of men and therefore diminish the number of men in academia

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I never liked college I got a basic as fuck degree to satisfy my parents and then I picked up a trade. It's hard work, but I get paid well and I get a good workout doing it.

College is for indoctrinating you anyway, mine was a community college so they didn't shove it down your throat as hard, but they still did.

They have to get their shit together much quicker if they want to get married and start a family. By the time they hit 30 their attractiveness is plummeting and eggs are drying up. Also keep in mind that even if they don't plan on working, university and work are the two top places to find themselves a guy with good warning potential to provide for them later.

Earning potential

women can study and regurgitate shit easier as education is structured around them, additionally they have more resources. many beta men are willing to stoop low and contribute everything to help women. not the same for men. saw this in every cs class i took.
>t. doing my masters in comp eng

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Nobody gonna say the obvious?
>men are more prone to laziness

Coursework is for women. Essays are for women.

A truly masculine course would ask the males in the class to compile a 1000 page philosophical treatise.

Wow that's so sexist

I dropped out because I needed steady income to pay for my own shit.
Now that I have a decent job I will go back to college and get that degree. We can make it bros

Why are most r9k users male? Surely it isn't their own fault, I tell you

> who can reflect things and understand stuff.
Dat crippling lack of self-awareness.

Did you know 80% of suicides in the UK are men?

Men ridicule each other for having mental problems and looking for help.

Yeah I'm sure that's the main reason they choose to take their lives. Not because of the sheer amount of work a man has to put into himself and his work in order to get what a woman can get easily with just her looks.

Most men don't kill themselves only because they can't get a gf, unlike you.

I'm not even into women you nutjob

>did you just fucking ASSUME my sexual orientation?

I'm not offended at all though. If anything this just highlights how petty and wrong you are

I mean it's pretty damn dumb to think like that on an anonymous website, was just highlighting that.

all of society is geared towards making sure females succeed in life

>If I wanted help I got the "no time" answer in a agressive manner.
Then you need to make a point saying you won't understand it then. Exaggerate to the lecturer saying that it's impossible. Don't feel bad about it either, those fuckers are being paid to help you.

And refuting me with
>haha commit suicide girlfriendless loser
When it has no relevance to what I said isn't dumb?

I think like you too, as long as I have a general idea at first.

Is what I said really untrue though? For the robots who actually want to kill themselves here, more often than not the reason is
>tfw no gf

You're all idiots. The reason is simple. Women tend to go for easy meme degrees that even brainlets can finish. Men tend to go for harder majors. Some fail and prefer to drop out over switching to sociology or journalism with SJWs, Stacies, and cucked soibois, accumulating more debt, then still working a mcjob for $12/hour. I can't believe how incredibly dense r9k can be.

Not that guy, but since when are humans so good at overcoming what their genetics desire?

The robots here are a small sample and so using that as an example is likely to be biased, plus why would you even use that when my point was to do with the entire male population of the UK? Are you saying the majority of men in the UK frequent Jow Forums?

There are a multitude of reasons for that.
It's also likely linked to why men commit 10 times more suicides than women.

Dude, it's like 1.8 times more worldwide, not fucking 10x. Secondly, just because women aren't killing themselves, doesn't mean they're happier all the time. They probably just don't have the balls to do it. I say this because women are twice as likely to be on SSRI prescription.

Ever since the fact that most men don't commit suicide when they can't get a gf
Did you misunderstand my point? Which was that pretty much only robots would consider it for such a petty reason. Especially when loneliness really isn't, the reason here, they could find friends more easily.

men are impulsive, prone to addiction and driven by their own ideaa. women are conforming and stable.

You're literally just ignoring my entire post for the sake of saying
>duuh men just commit suicide because they can't get woman

> high school has ended
> parents want me to get into university
> don't know what the fuck to do
> i like drawing, so i go to an arts ''academy''
> it's not in my city so i move away from my parents
> turns out this ''academy'' is a fucking scam whose teachers regurgitate informations i already knew / that could be easily found on the internet
> playedlikeadamnfiddle.jpeg
> meanwhile i feel shit emotionally for some friends that turned out to be a bunch of backstabbing snakes
> i figure that making ''friends'' is too much trouble
> got no interest to socialize with my classmates, stay inside my apartment for days, going to bed at dawn and waking up in the late afternoon. i go out only to attend my classes and do the groceries
> just 4 months in i drop out and return home
> fucking pathetic
> realize my parents are the only people in the world that give a shit about me and who i care about
> 2 NEET years go by
> go to university, this time a real one
> went almost exclusively for my parents, since they'd really like for me to get a higher education
> it's the exact same as high school
> i don't hate it, but i don't enjoy it either
> wonder if the degree i'll get will be even worth anything

You know what, fuck it, at least it gives me something to do

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Tell that to the women who sit at home all day drinking wine compulsively, spending money on shit theu don't need and using gambling sites because they're bored.

Because the majority of your post had no point other than showing that you purposefully missed my point. I'm assuming you're .

No I was talking about this post

i have mensa tested 152 iq and dropped out of college 5 times. it has nothing to do with being smart, only with being obedient and sociable

1: Women are far more likely to pick a major that is almost impossible to fail. I knew plenty of women who majored in stuff like English, Journalism, Sociology etc. who never had to even exert themselves in their studies. I knew men who dropped out of engineering, pre-med and law because that shit is tough.

2: Universities bend over backwards to attract and retain women. Millions and millions of dollars are spent each year at the school I graduated from to run programs and organizations aimed at helping women graduate college. Extra tutors, campus groups, scholarships, you name it. Men are just expected to make it on their own.

Society is built for women now, if you wanted to be a man on easy mode you should have been born in 1950.

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irrelevant, I guess it's more like 5-8 times in my region but that doesn't really change the situation now, does it?

There is no need to analyze it further because there are so many reasons why women have easier lifes that it would take ages to list them all.

>Ever since the fact that most men don't commit suicide when they can't get a gf
This does not mean that most men are happy because they haven't killed themselves. It just means they've found something else that drives them. Things weigh on each other man, it's not just one road with one objective.

Women are 200% less likely to experience an existential crisis.

You understand that only robots think that way right? That's why I said
>unlike you
I was referring to the men who use r9k

It's not just robots who think that way though. It's common knowledge that a woman can attain security, money, a job, favouritism etc. just by using her looks. A man has to work for those things.

I didn't say women don't have easier lives. I'm just saying that even after they attain what you don't have, they're still not happy. It's the irony of the situation. When you can understand what I'm saying, you'll understand the real reason the West is so fucking depressed.

>just by using her looks
I wouldn't go that far, seeing as sub-4/10 women still exist. E.g a legimately ugly woman can't get favouritism just because of her looks.

Still not depressed enough to drop out of college/ university

They're more complicent and complient. theres nothing going on in their heads so theres nothing to do but learn. also, why would the little nuggets leave an environment of constant validation carefully crafted to suit their every need?

Men will still want to fuck her though, especially the sub-4/10 ones, leading to having an easier time in things like making friends and socializing.

>Men will still want to fuck her
>leading to having an easier time in things like making friends
Most women can see through men who only want to be 'friends' so they could get laid, and therefore won't get close to them.

If they're even a little smart they'll know how to keep them on a hook leading to beta orbiters (i.e. people to do things for them)

Because women are genetically programmed to derive satisfaction from following the herd.