How have you guys been?
>hope you are not upset cos valentines day
>im still waiting to find that special girl to be a hikki with me
So any plans man?
You dont need love to be happy because if you cant love yourself how can you love anyone else
Free (you)'s
Other urls found in this thread:
>imagine being upset to Valentines day
I'm having my gf come over and I'm going to creampie her.
Also order Chinese food
Good-day user, not saddened by Valentine's day - rather happy of the fact given that work can be expected to be fully staffed for a change, of course cutting dough into hearts will likely be tiresome. Got to take home tons of cheesecakes, half a chocolate cake and tonnes of calamari that was being throw out - sharing it with housemates and we're having a nice party I guess.
I don't believe in 'love' personally, I see relationships as more a work contract than anything. Been watching Assassination Classroom, it has been enjoyable though I can tell that I'm really starting to tire from the scholastic settings. Got very little sleep; figured I'd make some alterations to my schedule that'd put sleep far later so that I could rely on louder alarms without causing any irritation, it seems to be working well~ Going to make a salad and cook calamari in a few hours, have labs first though.
I believe the advice you say is best "You dont need love to be happy because if you cant love yourself how can you love anyone else", very much true. Its a shame that many don't seem to have self-respect and throw themselves into a relationship on the part of strengthening their image to others rather than first proving their own individuality and that they have very much built and maintained themselves properly. Women seem particularly vulnerable to this, I can't count the amount of women I see who get into a relationship, anchor it w/ engagements/ marriage then immediately give up on their individual pursuits and gain weight like its nothing else before, makes you wonder why they don't commit suicide if they are going to throw their lives away like that.
Guess I will read a book on Intimacy should I be able to get into the library (assuming I can walk there, my legs already being very sore might not be great considering the gym and work later), reading a book on Puglia, its real interesting.
im not but im lucky as I dont connect with people
you should fuck off my board
man you are lucky, calamari and cheese cake is very nice.
I dont know what love is meant to feel like, maybe like really good friends.
I watched that anime and dropped it...was fun.
I find many people think love or a GF will make them happy but when I look at everything realistically I myself am a wreck and anyone I was with I would drag down.
If I truly loved someone I would want them to be with someone better.
I tried trip last night but fucked up brewing ayahusca so it wasnt intense at all, it did however make me remember these forgotten memories like when my mum gave me to my dad and I didnt know who he was and all that kind of stuff.
Interesting how even a low dose helps, despite crying the whole time it was a good experience.
Plan to extract the alkaloids and smoke it next.
Still fasting, so in 3 days I get to cook a huge fat steak and veggies,
I have a T bone in the fridge my mum will waste as the color looked weird or something.
I used to do meat work and it pisses me off that she will be so close minded...
no still want a bf and lonely as always
Hey OP, how are you doing?
>How have you guys been?
Not so well, I'm scared that I may have fucked up an exam once again. I'm so tired
>hope you are not upset cos valentines day
Why should anyone be upset by it? I guess only incels that don't think about anything else could
>im still waiting to find that special girl to be a hikki with me
Must be tough finding someone like that
>So any plans man?
I guess I'll pass this day of love with my Algorithms book
Hello friend
>Got to take home tons of cheesecakes, half a chocolate cake and tonnes of calamari that was being throw out - sharing it with housemates and we're having a nice party I guess
Sounds good, even though the calamari leave a strange impression after reading cheesecakes and chocolate cakes
>I don't believe in 'love' personally, I see relationships as more a work contract than anything
Maybe, after a while, relationships can turn like that, but I think that actual love can exist, even though it's a really rare occurrence
>Been watching Assassination Classroom
Read the manga a few years ago. Pretty good for a shounen series. I like that it hasn't gotten too long like many other series do
>figured I'd make some alterations to my schedule that'd put sleep far later
As long as you don't feel too deprived of sleep, it looks like a good solution
>Going to make a salad and cook calamari in a few hours, have labs first though
Do your best
>Must be tough finding someone like that
I had some girl last year that wanted me to move into her room and live and was a city away but I didnt like her.
If I move to a big city im sure I would be able to convince some young (legal) girl to abandon her life and sit around doing nothing all day
but seriously wonder if I would even want to be around someone.
I am not lonely, I am peaceful alone.
even when my mum tries talk to me it stresses me out
>no still want a bf and lonely as always
if you are homo KYS but if you are a girl, just lose weight.
No girls, no plans. I'm fucking pissed I can't drink either because I just came down with a cold
10 days nofap.
kinda dizzy and browsing the chan is hard because wherever you look you see sex
doing this to proove im still a person and not some addict who cant let go.
its starting to realy get on my brain and i feel only interessted in sex now... gg balls i guess you are mightier than the brain.
Ye valentine sucks. i could and almost did ask a classmate out today but my brain keeps stopping me saying and prooving to me that we got very little in common and that sex is not a basis for any relationship. brain is my hero.
maybe making some music today. let all the frustration out. have not recordet in a long time. maybe ill just watch a movie and try to sleep. still ill.
man i got all the ways, all the roads open to me. but yet im still at that crossroad not moving watching the clouds.
The idea of it being "really good friends" ruins it for me personally, I guess that's why I never make an attempt with women - when I can have a male friend and it be far easier knowing there's no potential strings attached, I know for sure that it isn't me pretending to be friendly with a woman when really one seeks to exploit them, I suppose having seen many males circle-jerk around scene girls its hard to imagine types that can genuinely be friends considering how easier and more convenient male friends are. I hope that read alright.
Has ayahusca caught on recently? It seems an interesting drug in the least and even if it has negative effects, at least you're learning how to brew stuff one supposes opposed to merely rolling a joint. Ah, sorry to hear about the steak, I remember when some homeless drug addict tried to sell me one when I was trying to get home, weird stuff.
I'm not eating calamari and cheesecake at the same time, aha~ I've got a huge container of cake in the fridge to share, calamari on another rack. B-before one starts blushing and getting really flustered asking this; how does one perceive 'love', what'd it look like to you? S-say, have you ever had any romantic experiences?
Do you do much in the way of decision maths given the computer science element? The course really seems to be taking its toll on you, I'm sorry there isn't much we can do except cheer from the side-lines if that, if you do need hugs and things do feel free to ask for them.
you first fren.. actually no all this hate and anger within you will do the job so dont worry
My neetdom is coming to an end unfortunately. I have to go to uni and get stuff sorted out and I'm extremely far out of my comfort zone. This is hell. Can't even drink to calm my nerves anymore. I just hope I won't have to talk too much to anyone.
Why would I be upset? I spend my time and money doing what I like, I don't need to mind some female. It's comfortable, I'm not a thisty foggit
sorry i didnt get the concept of this.. let me try again.
>Women seem particularly vulnerable to this
i guess but that makes it even harder for me to engage them knowing they are prone to relationships just because.
good luck with your Yummis
>If I truly loved someone I would want them to be with someone better
me in highschool. ok this ties in to
>S-say, have you ever had any romantic experiences?
>be me
>huge crush on petit smart introvert in my class
>was the class goth. long black hair. band Ts getting expelled because of mocking teachers.
>was honestly asking to fail my education. failing was something i was used to and that gave me stability.
>girl and i talk every chance we get
>she opens up to me. says she hates normies but also wants to fit in
>realy get beaten up. cant focus on anything but her.
>we go on a class /nightwalk/ in a group
>she tells me about how she wants to be caught if she falls in the dark
>take everything too serious
>cant confess because am a broken mess who got so used to failure and solitude that i would basically take a leap of faith into happyness and a futur.
>tell myself she needs a better BF someone who shows her cool things and makes her enjoy a possible future
>school ends
>we chat a bit. write letters.
>contact fades
>she probably found someone now, someone that made her happy
>I'm fucking pissed I can't drink either because I just came down with a cold
why cant you drink??
just drink spirits with juice or something.
>10 days nofap.
I cant even fap if I wanted...why do you do no fap?
just jerk off.
> i could and almost did ask a classmate out today but my brain keeps stopping me saying and prooving to me that we got very little in common
regret you will never forget but the feeling of rejection goes away.
>maybe ill just watch a movie and try to sleep.
im at the point I just keep sleeping.
im so depressed, even for me.
cant stand it.
>Has ayahusca caught on recently?
I hope not as it isnt recreational at all.
The steak was fine, it came from a bag of dog bones, I got two eye fillets and a T bone offcut that was just black from aging.
My mum wont even eat medium rare meat because it could be raw or some shit, yet she sits there eating 8 pieces of toast at a time.
And then tells me she cant do a KETO diet or fast like me as she needs the energy, fat pig.
>This is hell
life is hell and the escape is one of uncertainty.
I just wish my brain would let me enjoy things at least, crying shouldnt be my only source of comfort.
try have fun not being a NEET
I dont know either, I dont do anything.
I want to find that special girl to be a hikki while I work to support her.
I am 22 a dropout NEET, living with my parents while lying to them I am still at uni. Make a tinder profile yesterday. Saw a bunch of nice girls I swiped left on because they felt too good and mature for me, the 4 chubbers or fatties that did matched me, just didn't respond.
I am so sad I missed the lesson where they taught you how to be a real person. I am just a child sitting at mommy's and daddy's place playing computer games achieving nothing, knowing nobody, doing nothing and not being happy, then have the audacity to think "lol i want a gf". I will either kill myself or something catastrophic will happen in my life that will change everything.
I am about to queue a game of league maybe it will take my mind off the self hatred.
hey I know its you man, DM me on shitcord
I cannot imagine you having a rebellious phase, cute thought nonetheless. Still, seems somewhat wholesome in the sense that it didn't end badly, then one supposes there's the whole "what-if" that one doesn't doubt you beating yourself up about.
>it came from a bag of dog bones
Does your mum usually feed you these by any chance?
league still not dead? wew thats more depressing than everything in your post...
naw jk i feel ya. we are and forever stay children. every adult knows that, but by doing SOMETHING you get responsibility. this leads to social status and respect wich eventually will lead to pussy. life is pritty basic. only ppl who overthink it struggle
Its literally impossible for me to achieve any goal I make for myself. Wasted all the potential I had because Im too lazy and autistic to commit to anything. My life is so painlessly pointless. I dont want to kms but I desperately want it to just stop
>If I move to a big city im sure I would be able to convince some young (legal) girl to abandon her life and sit around doing nothing all day
Even if you would want to be around someone, please, don't do what you said. Dragging someone down is bad in any situation
>I am not lonely, I am peaceful alone
At the actual state of things, if would find this perfect hikki girl you're looking for, would you move in with her?
>I'm not eating calamari and cheesecake at the same time, aha~
T-thought so, but you never know considering the stuff chefs prepare in cooking shows
>how does one perceive 'love', what'd it look like to you?
I wonder what it would look like. The only thing that comes to my mind is my grandparents before my grandpa died. Decades of work, life and sacrifices together and yet, they still liked going around on holidays around Europe together. To be honest, right now, I can't say I have an answer to your question, sorry
>S-say, have you ever had any romantic experiences?
Not in the sense of a real relationship. I've had a crush on this girl for like three years. I even managed to become a friend of her, but one day she just stopped talking with me altogether. After wasting three years like, given also all the self hatred, I just gave up and the burn still hasn't healed completely
>Do you do much in the way of decision maths given the computer science element?
Decision maths? What do you mean?
>The course really seems to be taking its toll on you
It is, but I have no other choice but try to go on
>I'm sorry there isn't much we can do except cheer from the side-lines if that, if you do need hugs and things do feel free to ask for them
I'm really grateful to you for what you do. Thank you. Don't ask me if I want hugs as I'm not honest with myself sometimes. If you feel like giving hugs, just do it
Imagine being you only 31 year old manchild and gay to boot
I know how you feel man. I try to set tiny goals for myself to boost my confidence but at the end of the day they're still only small goals. I don't have a plan for a career, moving out of my parents' house, nothing. It all seems so far out of reach for me.
dont get that doggy joke. sorry
>I cannot imagine you having a rebellious phase
see i didnt realy. i consider ppl doing stuff i did to change the systhem or break it down. but thats not what i was after
looking like a Black Metal band member or the whitest actor in a Blade Movie was a way of distancing myself from the others. the alternative would have been me being me and wearing frat boy 90s cloths and everyone spotting that im not well and then it was the rest who would cast me out. i decided to cast me out myself... if that makes any sense..
>regret you will never forget but the feeling of rejection goes away
A) its weird having to sit in the same class as someone who just deflected your advances.
B) shes like 6 years younger than me and plays fortnite all day... i think all i see myself gaining from this is a wet dick and some confidence. thats mean tho. a realy mean thought
Plans? I have a girlfriend? I am going be romantic by doing dirty things to her asshole then her mouth. Nothing says I love you like ass to mouth
Don't worry, I don't try to do anything crazy when it comes to cooking. That's the thing with the elderly, so many have been in love and relationships and when you observe them its as if they've never even rationalized the position they are in and that they never had to fight for a relationship, that it sort of happened with no explanation. Its really quite a puzzle, see so many women want to travel though it always seems to be to generic places and usually to show off be it Disneyland Florida, Paris, Greece/ Italy/ Spain (no offense). Not that those aren't viable though for what you're paying its not worth it, a cheaper domestic holiday and discovering more of one's history or holidays to more off-track countries seems better in one's eyes.
That sounds difficult, one of those cases where you want to talk but don't know if you'll overstep your boundaries? Decision maths is algorithms and stuff - got uni in a sec hence the rushed explanation. *squeeze*.
I couldn't quite understand the sentence "it came from a bag of dog bones", I mean I'm thinking the Chinese sense which I assume is incorrect.
>Does your mum usually feed you these by any chance?
No I bought a huge bit of scotch and dog bones.
sometimes you get really good off cuts or just good meat you can eat from them.
paid $5 for the bag and got $10 of eye fillet easy out of it.
I used to work at same butcher shop and throwing away usable meat would get you grilled.
>My life is so painlessly pointless. I dont want to kms but I desperately want it to just stop
I dont know what I want, I will KMS for sure just dont know when.
one thing for sure is I will stream it for R9K, least I could do.
>please, don't do what you said. Dragging someone down is bad in any situation
meh, people are easy to convince but I likely wouldnt have the energy or would have just killed myself before I even move to another city.
>At the actual state of things, if would find this perfect hikki girl you're looking for, would you move in with her?
well last one I BTFO, there has been other s but hikki girls are so mentally ill or autistic IDK.
I would give it a shot though.
I dont even want sex I have 0 sex drive, just cant watch anime or enjoy anything without doing it with a friend and atm they are only online friend which is great and im thankful but I am over bearing and kinda rely on my friends, I dont like anyone else but a couple people and feel like a magnifying glass and I concentrate too much and have to restrain myself from being obsessed with my friends lest I burn them.
>Nothing says I love you like ass to mouth
I would think giving your life up for them would be better way of showing love
>I would think giving your life up for them would be better way of showing love
Don't be a jealous faggot. I don't do that pussy shit.
I went 10 5 7 on GP owned that poor level 16 Darois on my smurf as a diamond player good, must mean I am not completely worthless
I will tell myself that im taking a break from smoking or fapping and i fold in a few hours because I cant convince myself that its worth it. This happens with everything I try to do and now I have no actual hobbies or interests. Just laying in bed next to my daki and waiting for something to eventually kill me because I dont have the will to do anything else
It was my Birthday yesterday, didn't have any friends to spend it with sadly. My family were there so that's something. There is this girl I like that sent me a facebook message on my birthday. But due to my poor social skills and anxiety I can't talk to her. Oh well, that's the way life goes.
Who? I think you have the wrong person in mind
Talk to her dude, if she thinks you are a cute autist you might hit it off. If you write her and she thinks you are a weird autist the same thing will happen as if you didn't write her at all, nothing.
I actually do love myself, though. That's why I'm my own Valentine's year ha ha ha
>hope you are not upset cos valentines day
I am upset. I am fucking upset. Every God damn year I have to suffer through this fucking horse shit useless holiday. I have to deal with aaaall the fucking normie faggots wishing me a "Happy Valentine's Day!!" at least a thousand times in a fucking day and there's not enough vodka in my fucking flask to get me through it, man. I hope they fucking die in a car accident, all of them. I've been up since 11 drinking, and I have work in four hours, and I fucking hate today. I hate fucking Valentine's Day. I hate it so fucking God damn much holy shit. I swear to God if shit were just a little bit worse for me, I'd have the balls to just shoot myself right here.
> valentine's day?
Not upset about it.
I have just finished university for today. I am going to go home and do the preparations for next weeks tests. They are exspecially lookin for cheaters. Sometimes it is like that naruto episode where each line is watched by someone. And we need to hit 76% to pass from a huge ass book each week. So I have to be smart about it. I have tachtics, but it takes time to set up.
After that I am going to work on my car. It has not been running for 2 months now. I am stuck with a really bad problem. I have already tried almost everything. No use. Mechanic said to give up on it. But it has so much memory to it. I am going to fix it up somehow. Maybe not today, but I am going to get closer to it each day. It is 11C and really nice outside. So it'd be more pleasant now than before anyway.
And at the end of the day I might go to a Vice City themed party (it is a thing here, and pretty popular for good reason).
So far so good. I don't really care about not having a girlfriend at this point.
I never understood this constant spouting of other people telling you that you don't love yourself.
I mean I love myself as much as I think anyone else should, I do what I want to and speak my mind, and I hold my own values close. I have never once told another person they should love themselves more. What is up with that whole thing?
No fucking duh mongo
Jokes on you OP, I'm way past the point of giving a fuck.
Days have lost meaning to me. I'm on a eternal loop of improvement and self fulfillment. Nothing else is real.
also cope
Is that projecting doing any good to you?
>Don't worry, I don't try to do anything crazy when it comes to cooking
That's for the better probably
>That's the thing with the elderly, so many have been in love and relationships and when you observe them its as if they've never even rationalized the position they are in and that they never had to fight for a relationship, that it sort of happened with no explanation
Nothing to add. It just looks like that. It must be nice reaching that point in a relationship
>so many women want to travel though it always seems to be to generic places and usually to show off be it Disneyland Florida, Paris, Greece/ Italy/ Spain (no offense)
I agree btw. Always these bland metropolises or popular vacation resorts, never places with actually interesting or unusual landscapes. I remember that my grandparents had been in places like Algeria, Turkey or Moldavia. I guess that there are big cities there that sort of remind the most familiar cities we have in our countries, but they probably have aspects that you can't see everyday
>one of those cases where you want to talk but don't know if you'll overstep your boundaries?
Maybe, but I'm not sure. Always been pretty dense in those matters
>Decision maths is algorithms and stuff
Oh, then not yet. There should be some automation courses after this one, but I'll be too busy recovering all those math exams I failed to attend them
>got uni in a sec hence the rushed explanation
Pay attention and take notes at lesson
>but I likely wouldnt have the energy
You shouldn't want to do that regardless of your energy. You would be forcing her to change from an uncertain, but still hopeful life to a cycle of stagnation. With another hikki, it would be different
>I would give it a shot though
Thought so
>they are only online friend which is great and im thankful but I am over bearing and kinda rely on my friends
At least, you know your limits. Are they enough for you to not feel lonely?
lol stay mad
I have been unironically sleeping with this bi couple (both girls) I'm good friends with. The only way I know them is because one of the girls is my ex. The three of us usually hang out on thursday, but aren't this thurs because they are doing stuff on valentines day. No one is going to believe me which is understandable, but I can talk about it more if anyone is interested.
Pic is hot, but not us
>Don't be a jealous faggot. I don't do that pussy shit.
waht am I jealous off?
you sound pretty insecure and are obvious troll.
stay mad man, it fuels your fire.
>I might go to a Vice City themed party
normalfag fuck off
well if you cant love yourself how can you love another?
is aboriginal the new origano?
it looks like it is>Are they enough for you to not feel lonely?
I dont get lonely, I could talk to tons of people I just dont connect.
its better I have no friends as I just end up being sad or hurting them I think.
>lol stay mad
ur not replying to me fag
>I have been unironically sleeping with this bi couple (both girls) I'm good friends with.
fuck off you fag
>I have been unironically sleeping with this bi couple (both girls) I'm good friends with.
>fuck off you fag
It hasn't helped me feel less lonely. It's great in the moment, then they leave and I'm left in my room, still doing nothing with my life.
>How have you guys been?
Been alright I guess. Plan on getting drunk soon
>So any plans man?
Already walked the dog and visited the graveyard. Just gotta make myself some food and then spend the night in getting wasted.
Every pump I get in the gym
Every round I load in my mag
I remember how fucking angry I am and it keeps me going.
i've been good
went back to college, majoring in computer networking. hoping i can graduate with the colleges skill award + cisco cert and the college network support cert
after that i hope to work for 2 years and see if i can land an IT support job at a corporate marijuana place in colorado so i can sit back, relax and smoke weed and work on computers the rest of my life.
since i'm hispanic getting high and sitting on my ass and watching shitty gameshows on tv is gonna be a given
i was planning on forming my own company when i finish and mocing to colorado
but i might end up losing more money than making doing that
I'm not alone on valentines 2day.
Only plan to sit with my cat for a few hours then sleep maybe.
Got back from uni, going to work in an hour or so so it seems one is short on time. Made some calamari though w/ rice and a nice salad so putting it to good use and costs virtually nothing.
Its really cool that your grandparents went to those sort of places at least before they became more violent. Personally always found inspiration from my brothers travels to virtually everywhere. Do you think you'll go to many places?
I bet you're the type that'd get teased like crazy in a relationship, I think you'd be a good boyfriend though. You probably have done decision maths though I see to be too lazy to define it properly. The lab was okay, got to plan a project for Tamil Nadu, seems really easy to be honest though I suppose we'll see whence I crack on with it
Used one of those picrew creators to make the most pettable character I could muster (pic related), so I guess that's hugging you in an imaginary sense, treat it well. Best of luck!
I've been okay, a little lonesome
I made a song
I have plans for next week to go on a date but nothing today
Down to a t, even the age...
I haven't dropped out yet but I haven't been to classes in a long time.
I'm afraid that if I drop out completely I won't be able to have a job.
I have 0 experience and most of the time I'm too depressed to do literally anything,
I just want to be a neet forever,even if it's hell.
>Got back from uni, going to work in an hour or so so it seems one is short on time
Hectic schedule as always, I see
>at least before they became more violent
What? No, there must be a misunderstanding. I meant that it lasted until my grandpa died. They've always been very close until cancer brought him away. No such thing as violence in my family luckily
>Personally always found inspiration from my brothers travels to virtually everywhere
Is that the reason why you always go around somewhere when you have the chance?
>Do you think you'll go to many places?
I guess that depends mostly on how things will turn out, but I hope I'll have the chance to see lots of places. What about you? Any particular place you would like to visit?
>I bet you're the type that'd get teased like crazy in a relationship
P-probably, h-haha
>I think you'd be a good boyfriend though
Y-you too
>You probably have done decision maths though I see to be too lazy to define it properly
I guess that automation labs count, as I had to do exercises to calculate differential equations
>got to plan a project for Tamil Nadu
Just googled this Tamil Nadu place and it showed me all these nice pictures of temples of all kinds. Now that's an interesting place to visit. What kind of project do you have to do?
>Used one of those picrew creators to make the most pettable character I could muster
Cute. She kind of remind me of one character from Kiniro Mosaic (Haven't even watched the show btw). Very headpattable *pat* *pat*
Also tried one of those picrew sites and this is what I came up with. Take care of her and do your best at work as well
I wanted to play postal 2 , stick a machine gun into a cats ass etc...
Unfortunately I have to write an academic paper... And i didnt find good sources on libgen im so fucked that I can say that i got laid. But only because i got raped by the bad circumstances im in.
I came to the conclusion recently that I can't be friends with everyone - even if they are in dire need of a good friend. I can be friendly and cordial, but if we're too different it isn't mean to be. I take vyvanse everyday now, I like it but I'm starting to feel depersonalised.
I don't care about Valentines day anyway. But I am very lonely and it fucking sucks, I have 1 friend and then maybe 3 other people I occasionally speak to. I had a lot of friends but then a failed suicide attempt due to someone finding me meant everyone found out and they all faded away from me.
I love my family but they live on the other side of the country so that's difficult. I think I will move back there even though it's shit weather and a boring city.
How are you OP?
I got raped from bad circumstances as well.
be grateful you have friends.
if you are lonely, move back to family.
>How are you OP?
super depressed even for me.
will go back to sleep again..fuck it
>visited the graveyard
visiting a passed partner?
>im still waiting to find that special girl to be a hikki with me
you fucking disgusting piece of shit! i thought you love your waifu
I meant as in the countries became more violent, good that you have a nice family though~ Hmm... I travel I suppose to do something, stagnancy is what I fear the most though I can't say I honestly enjoy it aside from the odd religious experience.
Yep, Tamil Nadu is a south-east Indian state with roughly 72 million citizens and is one of the most developed within India. Have to make a presentation and a poster on how to improve local conditions or something of the sort.
I was going with the idea of you working with sheep so I figured I'd make a character with hair that is as fluffy as one. Will take care, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and sorry for not responding to your post the previous day (I still have it saved though didn't get around to an answer until too late).
Yeah. Sat there in the sun for a while Cried a bit, not that I enjoy admitting it. Long day.
>I meant as in the countries became more violent
Oh sorry, I always start getting confused after reading English for a while
>I travel I suppose to do something, stagnancy is what I fear the most though I can't say I honestly enjoy it aside from the odd religious experience
Why not? Is it because it's still a very familiar landscape?
>Have to make a presentation and a poster on how to improve local conditions or something of the sort
God, I hate making presentations. Good luck with that
>I was going with the idea of you working with sheep so I figured I'd make a character with hair that is as fluffy as one
She's indeed quite fluffy. In a different way from sheep, but still very fluffy. Good job
>Will take care, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and sorry for not responding to your post the previous day
Don't worry about that, as Kotomi says in the VN, let's keep some things to talk about for another chance. Have a very nice day
Been depressed not due to Valentine's Day it's been going onto 3 weeks now of just losing all feelings and motivation to do anything. Doesn't really make sense since I'm on 80mg of Prozac and have been since the start of December so I can't be told it still needs time to get in my system.
Oh well that's what I've got smokes and alcohol. At least something gets rid of the feeling even if for a bit.
>tfw 35
>tfw only attracted to 18-23 year old girls
>you fucking disgusting piece of shit! i thought you love your waifu
mm I do but I dont deserve to.
jew pills can make you worse, prozac is for meme depression I was told anyway.
they will just up your dose
Felt a bit sad today since broke up with missus a while back now. Didn't know what to do today.
Got a call from my brothers reminding me that dad passed away 14 years ago and suggested going to his favourite pub later.
Bittersweet, but hopefully it'll be chill.
Any of you lads having a drink in remembrance of anyone?
>Cried a bit, not that I enjoy admitting it.
it's okay user there's no shame in it. we're all human.
no you fucking dont. you just use her as mean to cope with loneliness and lack of 3d gf. you dont deserve any love faggot