>23 year old hikikomori >wasted my youth browsing the internet and playing videogames >have absolutely nothing to show for it >people I went to high school with have all graduated college >started their careers >some have wives and kids >no one wants to hire a 23 year old with no work experience or education >if I started college now I wouldn't be done with it until I was 27
Its never too late, user. You can be whatever you want to be :^)
Nathaniel Bell
>if I started college now I wouldn't be done with it until I was 27 If you wouldn't then u would be 27 but without a degree; seems to me that having a degree at 27 is infinitely better than having no degree at 27, you gave up before you started
Julian Hernandez
if you're able to get to go to college in your situation i'd take it im 26 and in your position but my mom works a 15/hr job and i live in a state where they want to keep you stupid so i can't get any govt help to go to college
Carter Bennett
Did ye enjoy it though, thats the question
Dylan Jones
no my life ended before it even started so why bother
Nolan Harris
Do it user. I'm 26 and still in college, and will probably not finish before 27, and from what I see from my friends, age is not a factor in the job market (as in they won't differentiate between a 24 and 28 yo). You can also make up for the lack of experience by doing summer internships, which in some cases companies value more than grades. However you would really need to be motivated and driven, but it is not too late.
Lucas Collins
At your age I actually think going to college is the best call as long as you arent going into major debt to do so. Because even if you fail and end up a 27 year old college dropout its at least something that you can say you did that will fill in a large portion of your life that would otherwise look like a massive red flag to future employers/possible gfs.
A mid-late twenties college dropout loser is something people can recognize but a late 20's hikki with a blank resume is creepy
go to school at the very least just to use it as an excuse before its too late.
t.ex-hikkineet wagecuck with a near blank resume that only got hired because of nepotism and extreme luck
Evan Baker
>Is it too late to turn things around and waste my life being a wageslave? LOL
Julian White
>27 >no college degree
Be happy OP that you are starting to have those thoughts early, It didn't start snapping to me until 26.
You don't need to bother with college or the likes, a single course or certificate can do enough. If you're into computers (or anything else), you can look up relevant certificates to a field that you'd like to work in, learn whats needed for the exams and apply with it. I'm a doing server admin course which isn't too expensive and work in an insignificant job to pay for it, you can go for janitor or dish cleaning in the meantime if you're short on cash. Just make sure the work place and studying place are nearby if you're applying for a course. Most tech certificates don't require you to go through a course and you can just study it at home and then take an official exam, but if you're like me you'll have dedication problems. Some of these schools also offer help in job hunting if you finish your course, which is better than simply applying directly, since it gives off a "connection" sort of situation.
Leo Lee
OP i'm seriously considering dating someone in the same situation as you who is also an artist
what should I know about being hikki so long? I was until 2014 and relapse every now and then
I don't think most people know what it's like to be alone. I mean actually alone, not tfw no gf. I mean when you go months without speaking to anyone in person. When you have no friends, when your family hates you, when you know there isn't a single person in the world who cares about you.
It's not something I think you can understand if you haven't experienced it yourself. It's unbearable, soul-crushing, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
You lose your humanity to the point where youre only seen as a resource sink, there is no happenings in your life safe for whatever your body happens to come across on the internet or by your window, if you even have one. I forgot how to speak with people man, shit is horrible and I have indeed been there.
I dont know if this person ever reached that point of isolation, i wouldnt think so
Cameron Watson
It's not too late OP. I was in that same position when I was only a year older than you, and that's when I forced myself to send out job applications. One employer gave me a chance for an interview, which I almost failed completely because I could hardly manage talking to another person one-on-one without shaking from anxiety, but the manager was gracious enough to sympathize and offer me work. I didn't take it up out of fear, but it gave me a little more confidence knowing I could push myself and learn, which led me to applying to the comfy job I have today. I got really lucky, I admit (because it wasn't a formal interview process), but I never would have found out or applied for it if I didn't open myself up to the possibility. You just need to evaluate your choices, give yourself a chance, and try (and pray that luck is on your side). It will be difficult, and it should be expected that you're going to fail a good amount of times, but know we're full of potential and that you'll survive no matter the outcome.
>tfw 23 year old with a degree and can't get a job Consider looking at apprenticeships or the army, that's the only hopes I have
Adam Morris
>23 >Wasted my youth
Give me a call when you're 30 pal.
Angel Hill
Great anime, I love Kaiji
Logan Wilson
Go to college, you goof. That's where the 18 and 19 year old girls are, and even if you are a dumb sperg, you are smarter than them. Also getting a degree is nice.
Only Australians and Europeans can goto University and half ass it and not really do anything special with it. This is because their university have very relaxed school debt repayments that you dont even need to pay back unless you actually earn a good amount of money, and even then the repayments arent big, and they usually come out of your taxes anyway. In America its very different, American school debt repayments make the most evil diabolical credit card company and mafia look childs play
Xavier Perez
Fuck you, faggot. Replying to my post with your whining about your debt. Just kill yourself and you won't be in debt then.
Nathaniel Phillips
you can always photoshop the needed papers, take up acting lessons and surface level knowledge on what ever job you plan to apply for. remember; everyone lies.