What kind of fitness level does your country require for being a police officer?
What kind of fitness level does your country require for being a police officer?
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In the US it varies by state and by department. I can say most guys I work with are extremely out of shape. Its easy to let happen given that we work 12 hour shifts and spend much of that sitting in a car. Almost all cops eat out at unhealthy places as well. The sleep schedule gets you out of whack and you are more willing to skip workouts.
Of the 25 officers I work with, 5 of us actually lift and work out. I'm still too chubby despite decent strength so I've started actually eating like I should as opposed to being a fat fuck with the shift and doing some cardio here and there.
Most cops are either fat or skinny fat and its pathetic to me.
Not be a fat shit with reasonable health, unfortunately they don't accept half deaf people which is understandable but fuck I was looking forward to having a ptsd meltdown and blowing away some drug lord or pedophile.
hard to believe some soi boy actually married that woman
america here
our police force requires JACK FUCKING SHIT. our cops can AND WILL be complete fucking slobs.
unfortunately and fortunately, the job tends to attract right wing nut jobs, however, and those racist pigs tend to be very in shape. so we have about a 70/30 split of fit/fat
Are you an actual nigger?
chinks are absolutely disgusting
i'm white but i am unironically antifa
that's how i found Jow Forums to get in shape to punch racist nazis like you, asshole
lol ok
You're going to do your shitty routine for 6 weeks and some kid is gonna mow you down with a Dodge Charger he's paying 15% interest on
agreed, but what does that have to do with the lovely japanese woman he posted?
anri okita
Yeah ok keep running your mouth urbanite
in the US cops are almost always fatties
firemen stay ripped shredded though
Confused white trash
Blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs laugh behind your backs and can’t wait to exterminate whites. Browse thecoli.com or r/aznidentity and find out
Along people like YOU cave beast, crackers and shit. You’re SICK.
Anri is a hanbun. She's not fully asian.
by chinks i mean asians
wrong. the second part is the equivalent of a white american assuming they have native ancestry because they have high cheekbones, so don't even @ me for that shit
chinks are chinese, gooks are korean. both are trash. only japan is good
>100% Japanese
>my ancestors include western people though
what did she mean by this?
also nips deserved more nukes
how do you know he's onions?
>but I can guess
refer to what I said before posting the link. it's a worthless claim. she's japanese
Australia here. Just did the fitness test to get into police. Requirements were such:
>10.1 beep test
>Sub 17s Agility test
>1 sit up
>10 push ups
>35kg bag carry for 20m
>Grip strength test
Of about 30 people there, I think at least 20 passed. Most people dropped out in the agility test and a few more in the beep test.
In Finland you get points from doing these 4 tests.
>1500m run minimum 7 minute max points with sub 5:25
>agility course. it has jumps and hurdles etc (very easy takes like 30 sex)
>pull ups. minimum 4 max points for 15
>65kg bench for minimum 2 max points for over 18
that's for men, women have it easier.
Cool RP
why is this hoe so famous? she looks like old plastic shit
because her tits are perfect and her face is a good 7/10
Almost nothing. Fat fuck police officers run amock.
My state here in the US.
To MAX it, you need the following.
300m sprint in
And just to add, in my opinion all agencies should require PAID physical exersize/training daily. Fitter cops=calmer stronger mentally healthier cops who can resort to higher levels of force later. Something I think people would be more than happy to pay for.
The only issue is understaffing in every dpt. Since no one wants to be a cop.
Focus your energy on improving your community instead of blaming other races for your hardships.
Apparently none.
>chad marrying a used up whore
come on user
You probably shouldn't do that. You're just gonna get beat up and have a felony assault on your record and then end up managing a Wendy's in your 40's and blaming "fascists" for ruining your life.
my community will improve 100% if all of the blacks were bussed out
In Denmark:
>Sprint test
17secs for minimum, under 15sec for max
>Standing long jump
210cm for minimum, 255cm+
>Pull ups
4 for minimum 14 for max
>Bench press
60kg 9 reps for minimum 90kg 12 reps for max.
>2400m run
minimum is under 12min max is under 9min.
That's it
t. Useful Idiot
>Disney's™ Marvel™ Avengers™ and Nintendo™Wii™ basedboy shit all over the walls
always amusing
Finnish cop here, these are part of the entrance exams. Until 2017 you had to carry an 80 kg dummy as well, but that part got removed for some reason.
There are also some fitness tests during your studies. These are a bit tougher, but not super hard.
After you graduate and get a job, it all changes. We have to complete a test every second year, but the test itself is a joke. The test is the same for everyone, whether you're a swat officer or a detective.
I work in the field and almost all of my colleagues are clearly fitter than an average Finn. There are few older and fatter guys, but at least they are strong.
Pure coincidence.
>14 for max
tfw can barely pull out the 15th rep so can't be a police officer in denmark
Uh, I dunno, what kind of fitness level is required to shoot unarmed black kids?
t. Manlet that couldn't make height requirement for State Highway Patrol and now bitterly works in loss prevention for some shit company
Based, also in the same boat
yet you probably blame whites for your hardships while being white
kys race traitor other races will never accept you
I took both the Firefighter test and the Police Officer test where I live, Mississippi, USA. Police was basically an "are you alive" test, and wasn't strict at all. Someone failed their grip test and the guy giving the test just said "give it another shot in a minute".
Firefighter had us jump+pullup into a window 7 feet off the ground, run 2 miles in 15 minutes, move a 200lb dummy 70 feet in 2 minutes, 40 situps in 2 minutes, and multiple flexibility tests. I was 20 seconds too slow on the run and failed, but I asked and they let me participate in the rest of the stuff. Apparently that's not all the requirements though, they train you at the station more before shipping you off to the fire academy.
The written exam was pretty detailed for Firefighter, it was ACT/ASVAB style questions. It was kind of cute that the test questions were themed for the firefighting though. I learned a lot about firefighting from the test that was just measuring my ability to read graphs and do basic algebra, like smoke colors at different times of the day for different materials.
Literally tell that to the black community
This is the typical mexican police officer,