>Height in inches - 72 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month >dick length in inches -6 >-2 for thin hair >-2 per mental illness >+1 for every woman you had sex with >-2 if fat >-5 instead if obese >-2 for bad skin >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about >+1 if you have a promising career >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) >+1 if you have artistic skills >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities >+1 if you can cook
If your score is negative, please stay away from women. 0 - 9 points: may only approach ugly ones 10 - 19: decent 20+: satisfactory
What a retarded list. None of the other criteria matter because I've had sex with over 50 girls.
Luis Robinson
>+68 height >+6 inch penor >-4 mental illnesses, history of depression and anxiety >+1 artistic skills (my art isn't god tier but people say it's pretty gud) >final score: fcking 71 How tf does anyone even fail this list? Did you put in your own height and penis thingy by mistake or is that meant to be some kind of weird scoring thing that I misinterpreted?
Jack Perez
how do you, in this day and age, not know the difference between a plus and minus sign?
also >Height in inches - 72 0 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 0 >dick length in inches -6 0 >-2 for thin hair 0 >-2 per mental illness 0 >+1 for every woman you had sex with +1 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese 0 >-2 for bad skin 0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 0 >+1 if you have a promising career 0 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0 >+1 if you have artistic skills +1 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities +1 >+1 if you can cook 0
Carson Hughes
>>Height in inches - 72 74
>>+1 for every 500$ you make a month 0, student
>>dick length in inches -6 2
>>-2 for thin hair thicc hair 0
>>-2 per mental illness AvPD. 4 so far
>>+1 for every woman you had sex with 20
>>-2 if fat 0
>>-5 instead if obese 0
>>-2 for bad skin 0
>>+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 1
>>+1 if you have a promising career 0
>>+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0
>>+1 if you have artistic skills 1
>>+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 1
>>+1 if you can cook 1
Total score 28
Ian Rogers
193 cm tall, ive nev er measured my dick i dont know no mental illness, normal bmi, close to underweight My face skin is bit bad, but not terrible. I have topics to talk about, i can make my own furniture, i can draw anime girls a little, i can cook for myself.
Brayden Baker
>Height in inches - 72 76-72=4 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 4+0 >dick length in inches -6 4+0 >-2 for thin hair 4+0 >-2 per mental illness 4+0 >+1 for every woman you had sex with 4+0 >-2 if fat 4-2=2 >-5 instead if obese 2+0 >-2 for bad skin 2+0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 2+1=3 >+1 if you have a promising career probably gonna land a job with my families buisness so I'll count that 3+1=4 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 4+1=5 >+1 if you have artistic skills 5+1=6 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 6+0 >+1 if you can cook 6+1=7
:( also retards >Height in inches - 72 learn to fucking read
Ryan Phillips
>66 - 72 = -6 >+ 10 = 4 >+ 7 - 6 = 5 >no thinning hair >5 - 4 = 1 > 1 because only dudes fucked me > not fat, am 105 pounds > again not obese > I have perfect skin > 1+ 1 = 2 > 2 + 1 = 3 > lmfao I have no practical skills > 3 + 1 = 4 I can draw > I don't knoe popular music or celebrities > 4 + 1 = 5 I can cook
>retarda >>Height in inches - 72 >learn to fucking read
literally no u, you didn't make it to the bottom of my post clearly
Leo Edwards
>Height in inches +0 >+2 >dick length in inches +2 >-0 >-0? (Does adhd even count?) >+0 >-0 >-0 >-0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about >+1 if you have a promising career >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) >+1 if you have artistic skills >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities >+0 9. I don't think the system works.
Angel Murphy
>3+12+0.5+-2+-2+1+1+1+1+1 = 16.5 poorfags btfo
Hudson King
>Height in inches - 72 +0,472 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month +2 >dick length in inches -6 0 >-2 for thin hair 0 >-2 per mental illness 0 >+1 for every woman you had sex with +1 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese 0 >-2 for bad skin 0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about +1 >+1 if you have a promising career +1 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0 >+1 if you have artistic skills 0 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook +1
6,472 wew
Cameron Ramirez
>>Height in inches - 72 73-72=1 >>+1 for every 500$ you make a month 4+1=5 >>dick length in inches -6 5+2=7 >>-2 for thin hair 7-2=5 >>-2 per mental illness 5-0=5 >>+1 for every woman you had sex with 5+3+8 >>-2 if fat 8-2=6 >>-5 instead if obese 6-0=6 >>-2 for bad skin 6-0+6 >>+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 6+1 >>+1 if you have a promising career 7+1 >>+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 8+1 >>+1 if you have artistic skills 9+0 >>+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 9+1 >>+1 if you can cook 10+1=11
11 ---Decent I guess I'm only a little datable but I'm engaged to get married next year. I think the scale needs a little refinement
Evan Peterson
>Height in inches - 72 65 = 7 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 1000 = 2 >dick length in inches -6 3 = -3 >-2 for thin hair -2 >-2 per mental illness -2 >+1 for every woman you had sex with 126 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese -5 >-2 for bad skin -2 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 0 >+1 if you have a promising career 0 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0 >+1 if you have artistic skills 0 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook 0
Final score = 121 Thanks prostitutes! I'm chad now! Later faggots!
Michael Powell
OP is trying to cope
Jeremiah Powell
Fake and gay, not every woman is a slut who only cares about height and pop culture Once again, OP is gay, old news
>Height in inches - 72 -2 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month Untaxed? 40 Taxed.. around 20 >dick length in inches -6 0 >-2 for thin hair 0 >-2 per mental illness 0 >+1 for every woman you had sex with 1 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese 0 >-2 for bad skin 0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 1 >+1 if you have a promising career 1 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0 >+1 if you have artistic skills 0 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook 1 So 22 or 42 depending on how income is defined
Daniel Hall
>Height in inches - 72 69... -3 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 0 >dick length in inches -6 1 >-2 for thin hair 0 >-2 per mental illness -1, im not sure >+1 for every woman you had sex with 0 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese 0 >-2 for bad skin -2 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 0 >+1 if you have a promising career 0 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 0 >+1 if you have artistic skills 1 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook 1
Julian Miller
> -1 for 5'11" >+10 on the nose (pre tax) >+2 for gorls >0 (good skin on my face but keratosis on bod) >+1 for 3 things to talk about >+1 for career >+0 for skills (being conservative, I have minor household repair skills and am sort of handy but I dont think that counts) >+0 for artistic skills (play drums for fun- not good lol) >+0 (avoid popular shit and music like plague) >+1 (LOVE to cook, and I'm good at it.)
15, sounds about right.
Jayden Turner
>Height in inches - 72 -8 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 0 >dick length in inches -6 0 >-2 for thin hair -2 >-2 per mental illness -2 >+1 for every woman you had sex with 1 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese -5 >-2 for bad skin 0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 1 >+1 if you have a promising career 1 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) 1 >+1 if you have artistic skills 1 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook 1
oh shit i forgot dick length. add 6. 21. nice. probably not accurate as women don't really go for me a lot.
Christian Wright
12 inch penor? no way
Adrian Reyes
fuck I misread. 0, lol. 15
Josiah Lee
>-4 eh. t. 26 khv
Andrew Rodriguez
Okay how the fuck does this work Do I get points for being 8 inches or what?
Parker James
I'm a doctor, my paychecks are around 4200 to 6300 every two weeks. Supposedly I'm making 240-260k a year but half of that shit gets taxed so 10-12k a month is what I'm left with
Gavin Rogers
How is it even possible to get a positive score in this?
Bentley Morris
thank you user you've convinced me that my fear of doctors is rational, I'm never seeing one again
Nolan Peterson
Not sure how I confirmed your fears, but yes you should fear healthcare in general
Jack Clark
jesus fucking christ how are you on Jow Forums?
Cooper Ramirez
I've been on Jow Forums for 14 years since I was 15 or 16, it's kind of hard to just leave at this point
Noah Jenkins
>>Height in inches - 72 +2 >+1 for every 500$ you make a month 0 >dick length in inches -6 0 >-2 for thin hair 0 >+1 for every woman you had sex with +4 >-2 if fat 0 >-5 instead if obese 0 >-2 for bad skin 0 >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about 0 >+1 if you have a promising career +1 >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) +1 >+1 if you have artistic skills 0 >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities 0 >+1 if you can cook 0 Total Score: 8 This is a stupid game because you didn't factor in facial symmetry, whether you have sharp facial features, whether you're fit, your ability to grow facial hair, whether you lack feminine or masculine features for your respective gender, etc.
Dylan Gomez
Also this. You can tell OP is a faggot who is insecure about being fat, broke, short, mentally ill and balding
Joshua Anderson
Owen Wright
tell me secrets that only doctors know
do you believe 'schizoid' is real or is it just a doctor meme?
what would you do if someone had depression, came in and said they refuse to take any SSRI, took wellbutrin and it didn't work, but took ketamine and it did? would you prescribe ketamine?
Connor Smith
I'm not a psychiatrist so no, I wouldnt really delve into that problem. Im a hospital doctor so I only take care of people with acute medical problems. Having said that, I love ketamine and I use it whenever I can for people with pain refractory to higher and higher doses of opiates.
Schizoid is probably a thing but again I dont deal with that. I treat things like sepsis, heart failure, kidney failure, etc.
Colton Collins
I'm at -13 where can a robot pick up a gf
Dylan Carter
i think i have a lump in my ass crack, do you think i have cancer or a swollen lymph node or something?
i don't want to get it checked
Jace Long
0 exactly efetherfg
Dylan Barnes
5 if I can include the guys I've had sex with. Otherwise 3
Camden Anderson
Probably not. How does it feel? Squishy or hard? Likely it's a cyst from a plugged duct or something. Unless you take it up the butt from dudes, your chance of ass cancer is near zero. There arent any lymph nodes in the ass crack itself
Liam Perez
it's basically hard
also there was a spot on the skin
i don't do anal sex, but i don't bathe very often (lel)
>Likely it's a cyst from a plugged duct or something
so it will just go away if i ignore it?
i think it got smaller
Ryan Anderson
>Height in inches - 72 -3 points >+1 for every 500$ you make a month +7 points >dick length in inches -6 -1 points >-2 for thin hair N/A >-2 per mental illness -2 points >+1 for every woman you had sex with +2 points >-2 if fat N/A >-5 instead if obese N/A >-2 for bad skin -2 points >+1 if you always have at least three topics to talk about +1 points >+1 if you have a promising career +1 points >+1 if you have practical skills (like building stuff, not IT) I work on cars, I guess. +1 points >+1 if you have artistic skills +1 points >+1 if you know popular music and celebrities N/A >+1 if you can cook N/A
6 points. Oh. It's okay I like ugly-cute girls anyways.
Zachary Johnson
Sometimes, sometimes not. Might have to pop it and squeeze shit out. A dermatologist can do it for you
Ryder Cruz
-10, which is honestly better than expected.
Jonathan Jones
To be a lot more accurate I would suggest adding >Facial attractiveness out of ten minus 5 >+2 if muscular/fit >Number of times showered weekly -7
Dominic Rogers
Jackson Smith
38 and no gf Nice list user
Carter Morales
-28 seems right ive never had a girlfriend
Aiden Allen
wait its -16
Juan Davis
Satisfactory means: 6'2 7" dick 50k/yr Full head of hair No mental illness 3 past sexual partners In shape Good skin Interesting to talk to Promising career Practical skills Artistic skills Pop culture awareness Able to cook
That's 20 points. Even if you're blessed by a genetics angel, you have to be rich if you're a virgin to be satisfactory? You can't be satisfactory if you deviate at all? What kind of fucked up eugenics ass, fascist world view do you have that is so far detached from human sexuality?
Aaron Reed
84 The huge majority of the points come from height. You need to make the other questions weighted more. Multiply the points for each question by 5 and multiply the "decent" and "satisfactory" ratings by 5.
Aiden Hill
it's a pilonidal cyst. it wont get better on its own you need it drained or dug out t. have it
Jace Lopez
thats almost impossible how tall are you?
Nolan Sanders
There are other doctors on Jow Forums. I've seen at least 3 other self proclaimed doctors and numerous other med students. None of them have seemed to be obviously lying yet. Doctors aren't chads or normies. The doctors I know from work are all abnormal and I generally relate more to them than other people.
As of now in the US ketamine isn't generally prescribed. It's only prescribed in the rare research studies. It's a scheduled substance and I'm unsure if a single pharmacy would even carry ketamine.
Is it on the tailbone on your upper asscrack? Directly around the anus? Inbetween these two? First impression is pilonidal cyst. The doctor-user says go to a dermatologist but I think an Urgent Care or ED would be more convenient.
Noah Turner
>1,622 >0 currently unemployed but looking for a job >0.3 >have thick hair >have autism, but doesn't affect my appearance or interactions, so no reduction >Only recently became legal and have intimate touch problems because of autism >skinny, so ima add a point >healthy skin >1 yep, positive side of remembering everything you hear. >1 yep, got college ahead of me >1 Have made a leather chestpiece for cosplay, swords outta wood, etc. >1 I draw for fun and improved a lot since I started 1.5 years ago >2 making this a two cos I'm a childhood friend of an up and coming DJ, besides that I know popular music >2 cos I can cook really well.
9.922, rounded upwards to 10
and if you disagree, whatever fag, what you think is ugly might just be my type