Happy Valentine's Day, creative robots!
This is the creative general where you post your original creative projects and works. Writing, art, music, photography, poetry, anything goes
It's bittersweet hours, get in here, on this harrowing day
Happy Valentine's Day, creative robots!
This is the creative general where you post your original creative projects and works. Writing, art, music, photography, poetry, anything goes
It's bittersweet hours, get in here, on this harrowing day
Other urls found in this thread:
I made a remix of a old song I worked on.
This is fun, sounds like something from an old school JRPG
Im working on this drawing
shill me bois make me efamous
I will do this for you for the low introductory rate of 300 dollars an hour, minimum 4 hour sessions.
>Try recording a jam in Audacity
>Make drum parts in FL Studio, upload to Audacity
>Record me jamming over drum parts
>Audio lags at certain, indistinguishable points and it sounds like I'm out of tempo 6 minutes in
Just fuck me up senpai, how do I fix this shit
posting this small drawing of mine
post it when complete please, this looks interesting
Great production value and presentation, but a little dry
More jokes or witty editing would keep it engaging
We don't need jokers.
Click track and check the latency of your recording equipment
I made a sort of tribute to old school league of legends and its pro players awhile back.
there i finished it
recently posted my last work
>hip hop
how did you make this? this is good.
Hello Tubular Dogs
>pic related
>actual selfie
> open.spotify.com
Soundcloud for if you are struggling: soundcloud.com
Its good to finally get it released.
Mind the inhale noises, other than that keep going. Weird combo. Must admit thats working in your favour.
Album artwork? Potential.
>such passion.
out of my depth here but you have character going for you.
Finish it
>>such passion.
>out of my depth here but you have character going for you.
thanks man, that means a lot.
This is a rap I wrote. Some of the references are from my country only so you might not get them all
My mom's as perverted as me
She was smokin sherm durin maternity leave
That's why I'm burnin the trees permanently
I don't have Asperger's, I'm a mass murderer who murders a beat
Every word is a beef
I'm dissin rappers I've never even heard of, capiche?
A dirtbird lurkin the streets
Searchin for E's and gees to squirt wit a certain disease
Yeah I got AIDS
What you know about a retrovirus?
I'll infect your ass wit hepatitis
I smoke meth wit ket and nitrous
I turn a sesh into a feckin crisis
I keep it fresh to death and stylish
Cause we move snow like avalanches and fill half the Blanch wit ganja plants, kid
>resumed drawing again
>magically better than the last time I quit a month ago (I quit drawing every month)
>postfagged on another board, everyone said I was really good
>can't quite finish last full finish piece, fucked with it a few hours this morning but started new one today
>did like 10 sketches yesterday, at least 3 of which were decent
Good shit my negroes
actually very cool, user
i dig it
I was just working on a beat that would go pretty good with those lyrics, I rapped it but I have Tonsillitis at the moment so I sound like theres a potato in my throat. Ignore that
I'm btw.
like ur voice
rad as fuckwolfs are my fave animal desu snepai
here's a new spell from me on my meds it sucks not feeling it but il share
>I'll infect your ass wit hepatitis
i maked a video :3
So you were shilling yourself recently after all huh. I saw you videos posted by some guy saying something like "I found a goldmine channel how does he not have a gorillian subs yet".
Content isn't bad, but stop pretending to be someone else and posting your stuff.
Yeah! Get an agent!
I made this yesterday on a livestream, what do you think?
those were comfier times
this is me and my friends group of weaponized autism
Well i took a month off producing music and i left a song unfinished but when i tried to finish it a month later i forgot almost everything that i wanted to do with it so idk you be the judge of how this turned out
shes hot face is a bit meh tho as in attraction wise
this shld be quaranteened and never played
man it sounds like electricty is in this id use it for a game defo good
Ok I'm going to bump this thread and start to work on a painting
Godspeed user, hopefully the thread is still up when youre done
i just finished applying gesso to the scratch canvas i'm gonna let it dry while it's drying I'll finish my ms paint landscape
What's that gesso thing, some sort of varnish?
It;s essentially a canvas primer paint.
t. a different painter.
It functions as a kinda primer for the paint. A normal canvas has like weaves in it and is kind of unsightly o paint on. Gesso gives a good kind of textured grip
Thanks for the tidbit, slick painting to top it all off.
Cheers as well, bruv.
I really want to learn a medieval instrument like a lute or zither and play comfy music for myself.
How hard will it be to get to this level? Somebody tried teaching me music in high school and I had no patience or coordination for it.
Probably very difficult. Why not pick up something with a lower skill cieling, like a recorder? They are medieval as well. If you master a recorder, you can trust yourself to work into something more difficult
Happy Valentine's day, I wrote this song for my gf
Linuswolf Raytraceroth - Desecrating NCIX's corpse under a full moon
>shes hot face is a bit meh tho as in attraction wise
I suck at drawing faces.
Absurd wallpaper
Where does the "cover art" come from?
Stephenroth Jesusbeheader - Feeding the prophet's blood to the pigs
Sounds cool user, ty
Album cover and inlay for a joke black metal demo cover made by myself
I downloaded Adobe Illustrator just to make this
some other stuff in the same style
little challenge I made for you guys also
Here's a drawing I'm working on
The Abominable Dr. Phibes
retarded collage of alan
That'd make a neat embroidery.
"Eat slower Jew"
famous quote from 2016
just simple
less is more
I made this back in 2017 for a girl that I liked, sadly she did not appreciate it as much as I would have liked her to.
It sure would, thanks.
Sadly, I do not know anything about embroidery.
Aaand... finished. Whaddaya guys think? Not bad for MSPaint, right?
Quite nice, especially when you keep in mind it's made in Paint.
Thanks friend, I've gotten really used to using it recently and I've kind of mastered the limitations
who is cearengar
You are a master in limitations? Check out my work in 4 shades then, yeet.
Do you plan on starting to use another program?
damn brother
looks noice
Worked on a game to finish a little demo to start an indiegogo campaign
I guess ill publish the campaign this Monday
Any opinions on the look?
thank uwu
A friend, he has a reward for you.
VERY nice. Really like the style!
I want my reward
This gonna be my new wallpaper. Ty
i see
i believe my new friend may want to check the word before the ellipse, unless that was part of the puzzle too
i've originally been inspired by you, user
It was part of the puzzle, indeed.
Wow user, I'm flattered and I think this is really cool. You've made a really good use of the more solid lines, I prefer using the water color and oil brush more. How did you start? What was the process?
No, not really. My dad is a proffessional gallery artist and he has a shitton of programs like photoshop and stuff I could use if I wanted to but the problem is they just have so much stuff, like it's a bit oerwhelming, so many tools. I've gotten really comfortable using the limited selection of MSPaint.
I wouldn't say I'm a master of all limitations, just a few. Also, dope care. Restricting yourself to four colors reminds me of a project one of my friends did in high school where they used 3 layers of cardboard to do their self portrait in 3 values
Thank you user! I'm glad you like it!
how big a fan of fanisk are you
Thank you. I really do like yours more though, imo they're a lot more vibrant and interesting. Especially the new one.
I really just started by scribbling down some lines, realized it resembled a mountain, and then started adding colors and dealing with the highlights.
Btw I just now noticed the gondola, 10/10/10
Quite a big one. Do you like them?
noontide is really amazing, i don't listen to them a lot outside of it but it is a top choice bm album and something made me think you might be a fan
That's great, do you like any other NSBM bands? Well, they call their music Black Solar Art, but you get the question.
Shot on a waxing crescent moon.
as much as i dug them i couldn't find any other nsbm that sounded the same way. burzum wasn't bad but just didnt click the same way
i do a touch of regular bm/dungeon synth though: bacchia neraida is a favorite, and witch's moon is also pretty nice.
here is a drawing i did on ms paint today
haven't made yt vids in awhile so here is a really old video of an edit i made that i like the most
you may also want to consider employing a shift in these codes, straight number to character is too straightforward
I make mathrock spoken word like an autist
I edit footage over songs I fancy whenever I got the chance.
Latest request: youtube.com
Collab: youtube.com
Well user,
I honestly like that mountain drawing a lot more than some of the ones I've made. Don't give up on it if you enjoyed it, you should do more! The gondola was a lat minute addition, I thought about doing a gondola in every pic I draw but I felt that might be over saturating him.
Good going with those speech bubbles, very refreshing sight.
A bit too short but still comfy.
By the way, which program do you rely on for editing?
(nice get)
But yeah thank you, I gtg soon but I might do more if this thread is still up later.
Even though they're obviously very rough, I really think you've got a great eye for color. They just work so nicely together in pretty much all of your drawings. This one might actually be my favourite one so far.
>doing a gondola in every pic I draw
You might be right, but I still think it'd be a cool addition desu
If you're up for it I recommend Goatmoon, Nordglanz, M8L8TH, Ulfhethnar, Absurd and Stormheit (It's more like folk/pagan metal though)
big ups man, been looking to get into that kind of deal for a minute but didn't know where to start
ill hop on it
That's great to hear, you can download their music on sites like nsm88 and rac forum.
I hope you find some albums you like.
Depressed as fuck today, as you might expect. Anyway, here's my r9k radio
Always open to song suggestions