Tfw I have to go back to work in 6 hours

>tfw I have to go back to work in 6 hours

Attached: 1541422912519.jpg (768x768, 56K)

Is that CODcel??

>Is that CODcel??

Attached: xw5q6djd8yv11.jpg (1024x1024, 77K)

it's shop of him, he didn't become attractive over night

It's weird how a simple change of proportions can change someone.

welcome to blackpill my friend

What's your job?
I guarantee it isn't as bad as mine.

what did they even change in this shop? just wider cheekbones and symmetry?

Looks like they changed it from 4:3 to 16:10 or something. Long faces don't look good, so they made it wider.

wagie wagie, it wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so negative about it, its a good thing that you have a job isn't it?
now turn off the computer and go take a shower and make a coffee, mr shackels third car ain't gonna pay itself!

Attached: wagie wagie.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

Fuckin wagie

didn't change anything apart from his facial harmony and midface length.
he STILL has
>shit lower third
>short ramus but long midface
>EXTREME upper eyelid exposure, neutral canthal tilt, literally nonexistent suborbital/browridge
>sloped forehead
>tiny, egg shaped skull with receding hairline

Attached: 6'6.png (1080x1920, 848K)

still look 10 times better than the unedited pic. and neutral ct is ideal for men

The fact that you even know what any of those terms are alone makes you pathetic.

>knowledge makes you worse
When will retards leave.

That is shit that knowledgeable people couldnt give a fuck less about
It is autistic knowledge that normal people do not care about

What the fuck is going on here ? Is this photoshopped?

Attached: 1539324173572.jpg (320x320, 37K)

Is it weird now that I find him attractive after that shop? He looks kinda like James Franco who I think is super hot

Real talk
As a college dropout who obviously doesn't have a degree, can I get into IT/CS through certs/building a portfolio of projects?

Attached: shat.jpg (300x300, 12K)

... were on r9k to be normal? shit, i am enlightened finally

not anymore
there's more graduates than it/cs positions created now

not him, but

>That is shit that knowledgeable people couldnt give a fuck less about
actually they subconsciously care

>It is autistic knowledge that normal people do not care about
wew. "if someone knows more than me they are autistic"
