Is 90% of Jow Forums (secretly) gay?

Is 90% of Jow Forums (secretly) gay?
>being that obsessed with half naked men and their bodies

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Shit bait

I've given up on dating and only fap to 2D girls at least 3 times a day.

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Not at all but I wish I was, I fucking hate women.

Based, one or two more decades and we will have the technology to replace roasties with anime waifus in the physical realm as well




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im not (secretly) gay
i cant get a bf though, im on tinder tho im trying

That's a lot of cum

You surely meant openly?

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Look, I understand liking twinks, I really do.
But, how the fuck can you be attracted to a hairy, muscular male? It's fucking disgusting. Also, why the fuck are so many fags bald? How do they find each other attractive? It's so fucking weird lol.

Based and animepilled

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reminder that being gay isn't a mental illness but wanting to not have biological children is

Most fags are gay because they're too fat and ugly to get women

>but wanting to not have biological children is
I thought racists wanted all non whites to stop having children. But when they decide not to have children you still mock them.

Imagine just liking either men or women. This was made by based bisexual gang

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try grindr
or growlr
or [spoiler]howlr[/spoiler]

Yeah man you probably have it better

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Unironically this. Being gay would be easier.

the boards is full of pics of half naked men so that's going to attract faggots
who then post bait threads to try and convert straights

The solution is to make more high test threads and scare them off

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Is this Jewish cartoon worth watching? Main protagonist seems pretty based.

I dont want a guy to just hook up with, i want cuddles and hand holding, and a bf who will hug me when im sad. and suck his dick sometimes i guess

No, it’s (((some people))) who want whites to stop having children. Unfortunately (((they))) have been pretty successful in this.

the solution is to not be gay
if you get converted that easily then it's already too late kiddo

Disgusting fat mutt whore

that sounds like a good feel...
i want to feel it brehs

>and scare them off
i can do that too you know

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I know several 40+ yr old hispanic and black men at my work who don't have kids, much less gfs. This "problem" extends beyond just white people though.

Get out of here you fucking faggots,

Sweaty, you're already bi if you think that

There is nothing wrong with appreciating the male form.

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Is this an actual revelation for you? Are you (secretly) retarded?
t. closeted bi-fag like everyone else here, no homo I love my gf

Life would be much easier for me if I was gay tbf.

good on you this is such a time saver

True. It’s more of a first world country problem, where technology enables people to shun traditional family dynamics. It’s just more pronounced among white people because they disproportionately live in the wealthiest parts of the world. Japan is a good example of it happening even though their mainstream media encourages rather than discourages having children.

no u

I personally don't think I will ever have children and I'm 35 and hispanic. I've honestly been put off by how women change after marriage. Every married man I've talked to has had problems with their wives which leads them to depression, drinking, over eating and smoking to cope with it. I also don't like the culture going on in schools right now so there's that too.

Based and bothpilled

im not obsessed with their bodies im obsessed with mine


im obsessed with yours

Theres nothing more weak and insecure than trying to hide what youre attracted to.

No its just overrun by /lgbt/

>worth watching
Pick one

Jow Forums has more gays than /lgbt/

I work out so I can get more dick.

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LGBTQA types are just attracted to angry virile straight het cis men like moths to a flame.
And they have HIGH post counts.

Women are the ultimate gains goblins, in time you will all realize this.

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Lol this, no joke.
If you’re gay the 100% ticket is just get a nice body and you’re in.
Straight guys? They have to get a nice body only to be turned down if they don’t have money or a good job hahahahahaha even then they might not even get the girl.
Gays? Just have pecs or like vague idea of abs and you’ll find your one and only and be happy
Being straight must be unbased and shitty


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>one and only

Are you just larping as a homo or just lying to us about your deviant nature?

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>calling Johnny Bravo a jewish cartoon

stop letting Jow Forums rot your brain

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Two ripped dudes who wear fitted suits tonguing each other’s butthole is deviant to you? Seems more like promised land.


Can you imagine marry that girl? And then after a biological age her desire to fuck and to fuck you in any capacity literally becomes extinct. Add in having children and there goes any semblance of intimacy. It’s amazing that straight guys quest for this and then when they get it they complain about the old days of being single and probably “ “ getting tight barely used snatch

It's a cartoon that demonizes being forward with women

> # # # # # # #
You faggots need Jesus and to have sex

Why do you guys keep falling for the discord tranny bait threads?

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>Gays? Just have pecs or like vague idea of abs and you’ll find your one and only and be happy
No. Fit gays can easily get dicked by hotties but that definitely doesn't mean that they can easily get a nice bf who loves them

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Oh look another AIDS riddled fedora tipper that's new.

I look like a less fit version of this guy. Why is this photo related to the thread?

he is hawt and we're all gay

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'mirin other mens' physique =/= wanting to fuck other men

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haha imagine being in a relationship with a man
haha can you imagine

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nigger what
can you just fuck off

Haha what if we kissed in the Parthenon haha

No but going to thailand and fucking dozens of ladyboys is on my bucket list

haha imagine if we pounded each other for hours on end haha wouldnt that be a funny prank haha

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I really think gym boomers (not the 30 year old sip drinking kind) are secretly gay. Was in the gym yesterday, and so many of them were taking their clothes off and walking around naked. There’s enough space to disrobe and put your clothes on the peg just outside the shower, but I saw two boomers disrobe before getting in the shower.
I dunno, maybe if less of you got molested by your high school gym teachers back in the 50s and 60s then I wouldn’t be forced to see naked man ass when I go to the gym.
Actually, maybe it’s just my gym. Too many old people period.

They’ve been alive for 50+ years, they’ve learnt to no longer give a shit what randoms in the gym locker think.

Yeah, but they get in my way. One reason I need to switch gyms.

>at bar
>Gay friend starts flirting with me cuz drunk
>Actually thinking about letting him get it
>Mutual female friend leans in between us and invites me back to her place

Phew that was close boys

Fuck his bussy. You won't regret it.

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Just become bi, bro.

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all this ((freudian)) projection... If you take care of yourself you must be gay (but there's nothing wrong with being gay goyim). If you don't like gays, then you must secretly be gay yourself.



It's not that we're bi, it's that gay people always think they can convert you. It's just like how straight men always think they can convert lesbians, except it doesn't actually work 'cause mens' sexuality is more firm than womens'.

On the contrary, research suggests that upwards of half of men are bisexual.

fucking cringe

Post source

Came to post this
>duplicate file already exists

Nah, it just motivates me. If I see a ripped as fuck guy walk by me, something in my brain clicks and I'm like, "damn, I wanna be like that". Then I work towards it.

i want to be what i find attractive in others
ye im a fag but who gives a shit really

Anyone else who is cut like the feel of uncut dick? The heads are smooth, and foreskin is fun to play with. Also they have a distinct taste, cut dicks taste the same as forearm, belly, or calves. Just as long as a guy washes foreskins are great. However unclean uncut guys are fucking nasty.


You're never gonna make it unless you're a 2 on the kinsy scale

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Appreciating another mans physique isn’t gay. You’d have to be super insecure in your sexuality to not be able to recognize when other men are aesthetic

I thought Mike Pence was supposed to be taking care of you people? Why the fuck did I vote for Trump for then? I feel cheated!

I'm a 6 but I get to suck 2s dicks, so I'm cool with that.