Post a picture (censored or not) or describe your oneitis and then explain why you aren't with her today.
She lives 8 hours upstate, still attending college. I have little time and money to travel and so does she. Because of that she doesn't think it will work out between us and doesn't think either of us should invest anything in this
She's catholic. Not extremely religious but definitely practicing which is nice.
Robert Peterson
Indeed. Irish or Italian background?
It's a shame you can't be together, OP. She seems to be beautiful and modest.
Evan Price
I'm not even sure this can be described as oneitis but there was an altar girl from a church (also Catholic and seems kinda religious) where I used to go until when I was 16 or 17. I thought she was pretty, but I barely knew her, she was two years younger than me and I had a crush on someone else.
That's like a while ago, then I checked her Instagram recently and found out she goes to same uni and study nursing, but never saw her. I even tried to find her. However since then I started to fantasize about her daily, especially her eyes. Even though it was just her pictures from Instagram. Probably out of the league too. I dreamed of her sometimes. It's kinda tormenting me, especially I'm far away from there at the moment.
Irish and italian. She is extremely modest and very very pretty. Completely stuck in her shell. When we were with each other she was very happy and active but now she seems lonely again. It really sucks.
She's very pretty. I wish you could be with her. Is she currently going to your uni?
Josiah Myers
I'm not with my oneitis because I am not emotionally glomped onto anyone at this time and haven't been for over a year.
Luke Baker
Yes but as I said I never saw her
I'm taking a break from there at the moment after I failed twice a row. This is like the second intermission
>When we were with each other she was very happy and active but now she seems lonely again. It really sucks. I feel sorry for you OP, considering that you're posting this precisely today with all the connotations that this day has. It must be soulcrushing for both of you. Introvert religious girls are authentically gems and finding one to love feels glorious. Don't be so down, OP. When was the last time you talked with her (online chat counts I guess)?
Sebastian Diaz
I chat with her pretty much everyday but the last time we did a video call was last week. She's really hates valentines day because she thinks it's really vapid now, so I sent her friend some money to pick up flowers for her and tell her it's from me. I think she'll appreciate that
James Watson
I remember you. 800 isn't that much at all so perhaps her ego isn't super-inflated at least.
Zachary Turner
That's super cute, OP. You're actually doing great to gain that girl's heart. Btw what kind of flowers did her friend buy? Has she received the flowers? (in that case, what was her reaction?)
Ryder Cruz
Not yet, talking to the friend now. She loves sunflowers so I'm hoping to get a bouquet with those in it. if this thread is still up when she receives them I'll let you know.
Daniel Ross
This is the girl I fell in love with when I was in high school. I nearly dropped out because of her rejection. She is shy on the outside but quite blunt when you know her. However, she's also very kind to those whose company she enjoys. She likes art up until Art Nouveau, she also likes Japan and Miyazaki movies. Now she studies art and japanese language in London. Maybe she's even in Japan already, since she has an exchange scheduled.
It is the only recent picture I have of her, which I took from a reunion of former students (I took it online since I didn't go). She has no online presence at all. Since she's rejected me (about a year before our senior graduation according to the american system), I have barely talked with her.
I live in constant pain because I know I will never see her again, never talk to her again, and that she will never love me and has quite likely forgotten me. I will never get an opportunity to see her again. I'd kill to have a chance to see her face. I think about her daily, especially at night to feel better, but lately the thoughts has gotten worse.
I usually drink more and more these days. Looking back on it, her rejection was what showed me that I was below even the worst. I tried my best to be the best of myself, for her. But in the end, it didn't matter. You're lucky I was sober enough to type this out.
How did she let you down, user? update, friend got the flowers with a funny little card attached. Won't be able to hear the reaction until ~5pm.
Aaron Wilson
>How did she let you down, user? Well, the first time I declared my love to her I did it in a very cringy and strange way. I was a cringy autist that year, and she kindly rejected me. But to me it wasn't a big deal, I hadn't fallen in love that deep with her. But I kept spending time with her and the more time I spent with her, the more I loved her. So I decided to change for the better. Shave, cut my hair, work out, stop acting like an autist, read books, be less blunt and more caring. Spent a whole year doing that, trying to be the best for myself so she could love me.
She didn't. She simply said that "it wasn't meant to happen", that "changing for someone was lying to oneself and not healthy", that "you don't need to change for true love", that of course she was flattered etc. Of course she spent some time with me at least twice (on the phone too) to get me to simmer down and explain her rejection, she saw I had some issues with myself.
I ended up still taking breakfast with her and her friends for the next year or so.
What's your time zone? Imagine her smile, OP. You're very lucky to have met that girl. Of all the anons I've been talking with today, you are the only one that is gonna make it. I'm sure.
Juan Ramirez
I know it hurts to hear it but it's probably for the best that it didn't work out between you and her. It doesn't sound like she was meant for you. Sorry you still carry those feelings and I hope you get over them soon. EST hoping that she stops home before work. Heres the setup the friend put together for me. She picked the card because she said it would get the best reaction out of her.
Well OP, you didn't have to post so intimate stuff with your names on it but anyways I really appreciate that you did it. This is gonna make her day, dude. Make that girl feel special because she definitely is.
Jacob Brown
Well getting drunk right now aint that a shame.She was meant for me. I would marry her if I could, I would have wanted her to be the mother pof mychildrne. so no. I want to presever her. Such good feeling, it canot god away
Ian Johnson
I have given up on humans and have begun studying robotics, AI, and psychology in hopes of creating my own oneitis robowaifu She will be a short haired redhead with freckles, tall, with small tits. She will have a customizable personality but right now I want her to match my intelligence, be loving and cuddly, and calm me down when I get too sad. She will always adhere to my needs.
Colton Richardson
Post an approxiamate picture of how your robo-waifu will look like
Adam Rivera
You ever search up "female scientist" and get those clipart images of redhead scientists? Pretty much that except real. I had a redhead scientists teacher and that's where this started, she looked somewhat like pic related. More homely than "hot". Hot girls intimidate me and i dont feel comfortable opening up to them. Also it doesn't really matter if she has long or short hair.
I have ascended and don't need sexual partner. Wish you the best to find one or be at peace like me.
Elijah Wright
Long hair is a more patrician trait imo, even more if she's gonna be a redhead.
Anthony Scott
>still attending college
and riding the cock carousel. btw you're a gay cuck who would financially and emotionally support her even after she's taken literal hundreds of dicks, wouldn't you?
>TLDR: any cute girl gets too much attention (and dicks)
Christopher Hernandez
Mine is a beautiful Russian girl who wants to spend her life with me and have my babies. Ive only met her in real life once but it was great. Giant boobs and ass and a kissless virgin. A true one in a million.
Henry Wright
Why do you have to be so negative, dude? OP's gf is a girl who clearly doesn't fit your description of her and yet you spill all this hatred. Just chill out.