"user Im bored, entertain me"

>"user Im bored, entertain me"

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Other urls found in this thread:


What are you going to do for me?
>isn't that mutual?

*bwc u*

>fuck off back to your gook shithole

Sounds good to me, babe. I needed an excuse to talk about this.

Real wage growth hasn't kept up with productivity since he 1970s. During the same time, the cost of living rose exorbitantly alongside executive salary. Isn't it so crazy that the price of insulin has shot up by 100x even though it's been available and unchanged for 50 years? It's sooooooo entertaining to think that there are people who vote for the deregulation and subsidization of giga-corporations while people are on the streets, hungry, without access to the most basic healthcare.

Did that story entertain you? Please respond.

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>"Entertain you? Do you like getting your pussy licked?"
In reality I'd probably do the thing where you only have one arm in your hoodie sleeve, hold the empty sleeve with that hand and use your other to punch out from the stomach area of your hoodie whatever that is called

Attached: 1535829861579.jpg (668x729, 37K)

add sentence or two about Jewish control of Holywood and porn industry
Are you entertained bitch?!

Why should I?
Entertain me.
Based and pic related.

Attached: nsf.png (1235x596, 737K)

>"no u entertain me, i have the bwc."

So, OP? We have some worthy responses here. Don't be a fag and leave us hanging.

Pumping. Its patrician level autism action


have you motherfucker still not found and talked to her?
jesus christ user, for how long have you been posting this?

You goddamn piece of SHIT. How many times have you posted this whore on Jow Forums?

I think that the main failure of the hawkish Prime Ministers of Japan - whether they be Nakasone or Abe - is their utter failure at rescinding the anti-army amendment of their US-drafted Constitution, and thus comforting the american dominance in East Asia, when in fact the country - like its neighbors - is mature enough to do without that imperialism. Whether Abe's true allegiance to Japanese nationalism - and his potential adherence to Nippon Kaigi to solely garner support from his fellow ultranationalists - is truthful or not, one can affirm that it is a shame that Japan, juts like South Korea, failed at Akio Morita's final wish: To say No to Washington.

Throat fucking am I right here people? Vicious throat fucking?

>Start the school shooting

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Fuck of bitch, i'm not your servant.

I'll tell you a joke then: you even considering going out with me.

>whos askin
>uh me user
>you want some trial mix my mom put some in my backpack before class this mornin
>uh no thanks user
>are you korean you look korean
>i went to korea once was sitting in hongdae one night this chinese guy comes over wearing a suit and tie but stains all over he has this big bottle of soju in his hand soju fresh not flavored or anything soju fresh anyway he
>*not paying attention anymore*
every time

based and originallopill3d

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>le Jews

Not going to argue there aren't Jews involved, but do you really have no problem with white capitalists doing the same exact things too?

im not into racemixing sorry

ya ever call a guy "onii-chan" during sex?

>music starts playing from overhead speakers