Lol, exercising while stoned sucks.
Lol, exercising while stoned sucks
can confirm :(
Stop smoking the devil's lettuce you filthy hedonist
Nothing wrong with it if it has a good amount of CBD. Street weed which is 20%+ THC & 0% CBD is the stuff that will fuck you up.
I can only pray that God robs you of all adipose tissue brother
running stoned can be alright, biking stoned is pretty fun, i played rugby high once and it was ok i sobered up pretty quickly
I loved doing cardio stoned. Just zone out and don’t stop moving.
its good for me
What about post workout?
This, makes me feeler weaker and like I never recover my breath fully between sets. Then there’s the other people at the gym all around. Save the wead for after workout
I take dabs hits of 90% thc before gym.
The paranoia only makes me run harder (i sometimes think everyone in gym is watching me, I'll run at 12mph at 15 incline for a solid 3 minutes).
Cardio is godly so I dont get out of breath, dont feel pain, and feel completely one with body.
I watch my heart rate closely so I dont have a heart attack (~195-200 bpm is my safety limit).
Everyone thinks smoking weed is so cool now, but it just turns you into a mumbling retard who is lazy
Idk man, makes me laser focus on my workout in a way that makes it feel easier
Numbs any doubt I have and seems to help me synchronize my muscles very well
While I agree with you when it comes to daily stoners to an extent, I see this happen with alcoholics more than anything else
Cope for what? I dont drink or use weed
There’s a guy who biked around the world while stoned. I go to the gym stoned sometimes because I never skip. It’s alright I’ll say, just use eye drops.
look at this gay duuuuuuude
I’ve had a different experience op. Mostly positive.
False, i've grown a multi million dollar investment firm from nothing, all while cooked.
What's your excuse idiot?
>sure you did
>dude weed
I probably smoke more than anyone ITT (except maybe dabs-of-90%-guy) but for real: Just shut up about it, no one gives a hot shit.
>le I feel uncomfortable about my lifestyle guy
I just don't feel the need to advertise my fucking lifestyle. I live alone in the bush, I am a very secure person.
just runninh slowly and enjoying the woods, feeling like a wild animal
Literal homo logic there.
Weed makes me lift more and harder. Also music is fucking amazing.
first time i've got the courage to go for a run was while i was stoned, best thing in my life, but it might help that i lived in a beautiful town with very little people
I've tried it a couple times. Hit and miss IMO. Once I took a bong rip and just felt lazy for the whole workout. Another time I hit a little sativa out of a buddies one hitter, then repped 225 on incline for 12. It all depends on the amount. I do agree though, biking or doing anything outside is way better.
Long cardio can be okay.
Weightlifting sucks while high. Unless you're just doing bodybuilding-style work and focusing on the contraction.
has anyone noticed a correlation between the losers in those /feels/ threads and those advocating not smoking weed.. its almost as if all these losers didnt get invited to smoke weed at lunch with the cool kids and theyre still mad
I was a huge fat loser in high school and I had plenty of offers to smoke. Everyone gets the chance to try it, it's not a cool kids thing.
I used to do this. I would have an edible 50-100mg thc and run for 5-10miles. I wouldn’t have run if I wasn’t stoned. The high goes away quicker obviously but still pretty fun
it feels nice imo
Bud, going to work stoned is the ultimate test, do that without problem, you can do anything!
lol dude weed bro like whoaaaa
>not smoking pure sativa with a coffee before hitting the gym
you don't know nothing, goy
Getting stoned post-workout is god teir though
I love working out slightly stoned. A lot better mind to muscle connection plus i have better form and control. For strength i would recommend but lifting weights is actually fun for once
100% this
I'm pretty sure it's a push, so that the population gets dumber even faster
alcoholics aren't even as close as bad
they are still able to hold a conversation, and usually they admit their problem as well.
100% true. I witnessed it happen to myself. You suddenly see yourself become boring and unfun because you're stoned all the time.
Just did 34mg might do it again in 2 hours. And I'm drinking at a bar right now. I haven't lifted in 2 months. Send help
Don’t lift stoned. I wouldn’t recommend it. You’re dealing with heavy weights you might drop on yourself. Running is different because the worst that can happen is you trip and get a bruise and a scrape. It’s up to you though.
FUCKING THIS. Honestly I wish more people would apply this to most things in there life, people dont need to know stuff about your life or what your opinions on politics are...
thats not even that good
You probably have no reference point since you never go outside, but it's a good way to find like minded friends and weed (HUEHUEU) out the no-fun fags with sticks up the ass
Sure buddy
>like minded
So homosexuals
Dude weed
Can confirm, had a 4-5 month period where i was more stoned than sober. I wasted 5 months.
No u
That's a problem with you, not the weed. I smoke a ton, and I'm a successful professional who makes a good living, with an active social life. Weed can be a crutch, for those looking to use it that way. I concede that's probably a lot of people, but some healthy, busy people do also smoke.
Is this a 420chan raid?
What about your oh so great life makes it so you have to medicate yourself in your own words a fuck ton?
You don't even know what a heart attack is you retarded stoner fuck.
Most street dealers sell indicas or at least hybrids because of the higher yield per plant.
I'm pretty sure that site is dead
should i get high right now, bros?
MUH WEED, HUH IDIOTS? fuck you degenerates. Come in here talking about your substance abuse, thinking you're all so fucking cool compared to me, you fucking libcuck swine? Think just because you smoke weed you have to go on every board and every thread to talk about your lack of spine? You don't belong in MY ethnostate. DUDE WEEED! Weed shows just how fucking pathetic and deranged you losers are, why don't you pull yourself up by the boot straps and go do something productive instead of harrassing virtuous people like me online, making us out to sound like bores just because we don't abuse ourselves with drugs like a child dependent on his father's tit milk? You are showing yourself up for having no moral or physical backbone, for being lazy parasites who make a mockery of my people's white culture and you're fucking revelling in it like a happy hormone-stuffed confused stinking pig. Take your fucking degeneracy elsewhere, your mental illness isn't welcome. This board is for virtue!
Yes, and go lift you'll feel great.
you literally can't have a heart attack just from exerting yourself unless you already have heart issues
stupid fuck
>alcoholics aren't even as close as bad
Yeah, like stoners are the ones known for driving like retards and ruining lifes
>that one guy who takes everything literally
get a clue
Is this a pasta
Truly the Devil's Lettuce
Stop doing it then, retard
it's pretty good pasta.
Correct they are.
I once kept running to see how high I could get it.
Got to 220 per the treadmill heart monitor which I trust more than watch.
I stopped because I felt a sudden chill run through body. Took that as a sign to ease off. Now I keep it at 95ish max.
I'm 32 btw
damn that is a great pace
there was article of uni student dying from a cardio workout? don't have source
but yea your cardiovascular can be seriously damaged. even a cup of coffee could trigger cardiovascular event.
+1 to doing cardio after smoking. increase stamina for sure.
I noticed this as well before Cannabis was legal in Canada, and back then I assumed it was also because it was easier to grow it indoors here because it's winter for 8 months of the year.
yes they are doing exactly that
And the best part is that they brush the danger off before they go with "hey I'm not drunk!"
unless you have a split personality that only appears when you toke, you need to shut the fuck up and own it.
It increases proprioception
Micro dosing lsd is the goat for proprioception
but.....joe rogan
Bragging with weed was cool at teenager. I hope you are one and not some pathetic adult.
We're fucking discussing the merits of working out stoned. Nobody is bragging. Do what works for you.
It's the only way I worked out for 13 years. Actually, it was the only way I did anything.
drugs have different effects on different people. some people become twitchy paranoid schizos who are unable to function when stoned, other people just get super sleepy, some people find it a wonderful cure for anxiety. Its fucking stupid and counterproductive to act like everyone has the same experience on cannabis and then legislate it that way.
for me, weed is a strong appetite suppressant, and I've been able to lose a much needed 20 pounds from regularly consuming. its not impaired my life in any significant way, other than its expensive.
Weed rise your cortisol. This is why it's bad when lifting.
t. started at 15 and smoked almost daily from 16-18, and then i grew up
Those baked bike rides I used to do in highschool were comfy. I would get up early or go late at night so it was nice and cool. Weed affects the mind differently for some people. I haven't used the stuff in years.
Hope a barbell cracks your sternum you stoner faggot
I'm so happy Canada made it illegal to drive high.
People who make their entire lives revolve around weed are mumbling retards. I used to be that way and I regret all the wasted years. I did nothing and didn't even have that great of a time. I still smoke, but only once of twice a week when I'm planning on doing something fun. The key is to use weed sparingly to enhance an activity, instead of using it as a substitute for leading a fulfilling life.
Fucking South Africans
>, instead of using it as a substitute for leading a fulfilling life.
pretty much escapism
Weed after working out is the patrician way
>t. alcoholic
Lol dude weed bro
Hahaha bro street weed does not have 20%+ thc that’s some dank bud