Redpill me on ec stack, how well does it work/will it kill me?

redpill me on ec stack, how well does it work/will it kill me?

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Literally in the loading phase of my annual ECA stack right now. Works great for peeling off that last little bit of weight for summer abs. Follow the recipe, don't forget to taper your caffeine and aspirin when you're done.

Attached: ECA.png (1015x385, 43K)

is aspirin necessary? wut do if my chest feels a little heavy sometimes?

Unless you have a condition that precludes it, take the aspirin. It increases the thermogenic effect of the ephedrine, and it decreases blood viscosity (which is a good idea when, since EC increases blood pressure and resting heart rate.)

weirdly enough I feel that when i take the aspirin it decreases the effectiveness of the eph and caffeine. have you ever experienced this or know why it is? or am i just imagining shit

Sounds anecdotal. ECA is well-studied.

adderall is better.

how to get addie prescription?

The aspirin will lower the cortisol spike associated with stimulants. You’re likely noticing its cortisol blunting effect. Cortisol is energizing but also anxiety inducing and catabolic.

wtf do you need 600 mg of caffeine for

But one of the points of ec stack is to help with the low energy from cutting, so the cortisol is good, right? Ever since I've added aspirin to help with any heart-related stuff, I've noticed that I'm a bit more tired and less energetic

It's split into 3 doses you dolt. There's literally pre workouts that boast 500mg caffeine per serving and no one bats an eye

Quit arguing with guys stuck in the 90's, it's been known for awhile that the aspirin is useless and ephedrine and just caffeine is the way to go

but i already experience some chest discomfort occasionally, so anything I can add to protect my heart is what i want

Nice bandwagon response to our arguments.
Cortisol spikes are natural and will aid fat loss and energize you but prolonged heightened cortisol will lead to fat storage. Anyways, your body will experience a cortisol spike in response to physical activity. Maybe try to time a dose without aspirin before you workout and take aspirin with other doses. However, if you feel better without the aspirin, just trust your gut instinct.

Lie to your doctor about struggling with focus

It’s 99% likely that it’s just anxiety

>Heart attack starter pack

>chest pain is just anxiety
>heart attack starter pack
well fuck which is it

You moronic fuck, if you spent more than 5 minutes researching you will see there is a risk of death, but only those with PRE EXISITING CARDIOVASCULAR ISSUES or from over exertion and loss of electrolytes. If your heart is literally aching, that is a sign to stop what you're doing, that shouldn't be happening.

Don't abuse shitty stimulants that fuck your body to achieve what a little bit of discipline will do. The thermogenic effect is completely benign, the only weight loss here is the huge appetite suppression.

Taking this much of these shitty stimulants WILL fuck your heart.
t. dietician, 4th year of college.

Legit, my honest professional opinion is if you need stimulants to lose weight, take amphetamines. they're better for you than other members of the phenethylamine family. single methyl ring though, don't go for meth.

Ok well, pic and vid related is me and I’m the one supporting the ECA stack. Now let’s wait for him to post his results with no ECA stack. I usually just use it preworkout though.

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And increased NEAT.

The lowered appetite and increase NEAT is what does it.
If you don't know what NEAT is then you honestly shouldn't respond.

looking good brah, you kinda reminds me of arnold

I'd recommend taking some L-Theanine to lessen the anxiety inducing effects.

ephedrine caffeine - 5% bmr increase, appetite suppressant and increased energy/focus

Clenbuterol - 10% bmr increase, appetite suppressant

DNP - 14% bmr increase per 100mg. potent mitochondria uncoupler

How is a 5% increase with the added bonus of limiting your appetite (which is huge on a cut) and giving you energy (which is also great on a cut) "benign"? and then you recommend scheduled 2 stimulants instead? is this post real?

Ashwagandha will completely blunt the anxiety too

The eternal sumo chad...

Why not just take clen instead of this unholy combo for worde effects? The caffeine im more concerned about than ephedrine

Where 2 get clen?

The interwebs

Research chemical/SARM websites, look up r/SarmSourceTalk to find one. Or you can get it from where roiders buy their ancillaries,,, etc.

How do I get effedrine in the US? Order from outside country?

ephedrine is legal, it's just not legal to use in supplements advertising weight loss and stuff.

Go to the pharmacy and ask for bronkaid or primatene, both are essentially the same. They’ll ask for your ID because you can only buy a limited amount but it’s still more than enough.

stop fucking around with EC and start doing DNP you retard

I stepped it up to dexedrine.

How do I get dexedrine?

seriously how

What if I only take ephedrin?

Dark web or doctor for ADHD/ADD

have a friend with adhd


And is this any better specifically for weight loss than addy or is it just an alternative?

DO NOT TAKE THE ASPIRIN unless you've already gotten an ECG and the doctor gives you the okay. Heart problems are tricky. Seemingly healthy people get them for a variety of reasons (not just genetics). You don't know until you've been checked out, don't take the risk otherwise.

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second this, what if i just took a bit more ephedrine instead of caffeine?

Try it, might feel better for you or you might not feel as much.

>will it kill me?
probably not, but smoking 10 cigarettes a day probably wont kill you either. doesnt mean its healthy, its probably carcinogenic and will give you heart problems much earlier in life

what's wrong with the aspirin? i thought it was good for your heart?

How are you supposed to sleep at all on this? 2 cans of Mountain Dew keep me up at least 3 hours later than I need to be, taken in the morning even, and I sleep about an hour less. A caffeine pill would keep me up all night and fuck my schedule up HARD, let alone combined with bronkaid.

Also, how does this ephedrine compare to propylhexedrine, the stuff found in Benzedrex? Can I get more effect for less of a price?

dont you have to soak benzedrex in lemon juice to get the good shit out of it? seems like a lot of work

It's more than just taking a pill I guess but it isn't hard if you plan ahead doses and leave it to soak overnight. Of course, it's really powerful and tolerance goes up fast with it. I don't know much about ephedrine in that regard. Does propylhexedrine have the same thermogenic effect or is it mostly euphoria and appetite suppression? If it doesn't, then ephedrine comes out on top I suppose.

Also, there's no way I'll be able to sleep on any of this.

This is very bad for your heart.

Is ma huang tea with ephedrine effective?

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Post study validating your claim pls

best pwo on earth.


You’re literally better off taking meth or other amphetamines. Prop has a shorter duration of effect, the inhalers taste god awful, and the vasoconstriction is the stuff of nightmares. You can feel the shit fucking up your heart, no joke