Why is Stacy so mean?

Attached: E2B0D47D-06F8-4033-B015-664567DD9C76.jpg (338x450, 66K)

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That’s not a Stacy.

I wish I was shrunken down and switched places with that meatball.

I don't have a boyfriend. It doesn't make sense.

That’s a solid 4/10 bro are you high?

I’d only fuck her doggy


this is what passes as "white" in america

Anybody thin in the US is Stacy.

That’s how grim it is. 60% of women are overweight

>being proud of being a whore
Clown world

1. hands
2. throat apple
3. hairline
4. upper jaw/eye sockets
5. using utensils

Attached: sixringers.png (500x500, 194K)

Why has Jow Forums reached a point where we just openly discuss ""Chad"" and ""Stacy"" on the regular?

that is a very odd looking dude, not a "Stacy"

She’s Hungarian

Not a Stacy.

That's a Tina. Tina's a mean cunt. She's insecure she's not a Stacy so she does gimmicky shit. She's not bad looking but she'll go fucking nutso if she's feeling especially anxious.

Reply to this post or you’re a fat girl

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There no way that’s in America. Look at the fucking food on the plate. Never seen anything more European. You wouldn’t find a food dish like that anywhere outside an ikea cafe lmao

She looks like my last gf
And this description fits perfectly
Thank Jesus I left

thats just a typical dinner at ikea. meatballs, cream sauce, cranberry sauce and fries


What is this body type called bros?

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bare minimum effort

"at least she's not fat"

Spongebob mode

Why do you keep posting this

Good genetics + skinny fat and slightly active because of youth.

She'll hit the wall hard as fuck at twenty....seven.
If she's not married and had a kid or two by then she's fucked.

Because pl*bbit is shutting down incel subreddits, and they have decided to shit up this place

Isn't that the way?
Infest and destroy forums across the net like Jow Forums
Lure them back to their business and government backed dump
Let them play around for a while
Brainwash and gaslight them then kick out the ones they made into monsters or won't conform to their bullshit narratives.

incels stay in Jow Forums and /soc/

punch her in the throat and throw her down the stairs


Sad times
At the end it's just fun internet lingo
I hope it's used as a joke and not by actual inkels though


Mean girls are the worst.

sad girls are based

nothing like fostering dependence on you and doing whatever you want with other women.


Never forget

She chubbin boys

Attached: megachonk.png (722x406, 324K)

I don’t think it even takes any social planning to create the incel plague, its just the combination of existing issues (being KHV) + shitty communities like on pl*bbit + some truth mixed with a lot of cope for not wanting to change (that’s the blackpill). Anyways, we’re sort of lucky here as the board culture is still fairly positive and negative people tend to fuck off after a while
I wish, next you’ll tell me that most people on Jow Forums actually lift

not fat

Why would you want to do that? That's not a good way to think, even if you are joking. That's really how you make a broken person worse. Then no one is going to want to even touch that. Atleast show some mercy man.

pretty psychotic lad

That's how you create those people who are just black holes of negativity. They just absorb all the positivity that comes their way and suck the life out of you with how negative they always are. Those people are very troubled and are actually detrimental to any sane person's mental health.

could be worse.

How do i stop this?

It could, but honestly, this is how you create those vapid feminist whores who only care about money and appearances.


>would only fuck her if x
Faggots aren't allowed to rate women.

But you would get chewed up and shat out later?

Average white girl mode

the thought of hanging around these people make me want to fucking die
(vai tomar no seu cu sua bicha filha da puta (jk, te amo anão) )

Thats all I ever wanted

Part of me would become a little tiny part of her ass

mirin those shoulders

Decent I guess

yes, and?

If you criticize it in any way some tranny on this board will call you an incel... mode.