>I'm white(subnordid)
>I'm young and virile
>I'm not fat
>I'm 6'0"
>I'm not a dicklet(peepee is 7x5in)
>I'm a moral person
>I conduct myself honourably
>I adhere to a strict code of chivalry
>I have a favourable personality
>I come from good breeding stock
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predators
>I can provide resources and coverture for my wife and children
>I am good with children and would make a good father
>I can cook
>I have good taste in anime and manga
I deserve a gf. Me being alone is unjust.
I am deserving of a gf
you need a character flaw, mr. perfect
you dont deserve anything. theres a reason you dont have a gf to serve your ego and its because you cant provide for one. if you want casual sex go to a bar or get tinder, if you want a partner get a job and move out of your moms house and stop rationalizing what you "deserve"
I'm a narcissist, according to so many normalfags, so there is my flaw :^)
Go away, normalnigger.
Is this what happens when autistic children graduate from school and are no longer in special education?
you seem to be forgetting you are posting this on Jow Forums, my friend.
>good taste in anime and manga
yep that's another reason
i've seen this same shit in a screencap you're not fooling anyone
>>good taste in anime and manga
>yep that's another reason
You seem to be forgetting you are posting this on Jow Forums, my tomodachi.
You can find my discord in the archive, newfriend.
man its almost like an endless supply
top life tip: when asking girls out, don't use japanese or talk about anime.
What if I meet the girl at natsukomi, you dumb redditnigger?
who is the normie now
you used @
So you abuse the quote function, use SRS vernacular, and fail to comprehend (You) deprivation. Started using Jow Forums in 2017, did you?
this guy has been posting these threads for how long? he doesnt have a gf for a reason
You're so humble, too. Don't forget that.
>this guy has been posting these threads for how long?
Around 96 days.
Excessive humility is not a virtue. I don't subscribe to the Talmudic concept of gentile humility.
what the fuck is natsukomi
not an animefag so idk
if you're white and live in america or europe bottom line is no japanese
>Excessive humility is not a virtue.
This might be why no one wants you.
>what the fuck is natsukomi
>no one wants you.
Not true. I've had to decline the advances of low-quality women irl and gays online.
2019 actually uh oh what did i do
>96 days
good luck my dude LOL
literally summer comic according to google
I don't think you have a favourable personality, nor do I think you'd make a good father with your entitled attitude.
Your first complaint is a subjective opinion, the second is objectively false and serves only to display your low intelligence and ignorance of biology.
the reason you dont have a girlfriend is because you are a narcissistic real life neckbeard. learn to understand that you are not entitled to a girlfriend, and you might actually get one.
>I come from good breeding stock
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predators
^autism. normies can sense this and this is why they don't date you
I never claimed to be entitled to a girlfriend. There are plenty of people with personality traits worse than narcissism that have girlfriends, can you not objectively say they do not deserve a gf? If you are saying people are deserving of not having a gf, why can't you say the reverse is true?
I'm not interested in courting a normalfag.
>I'm white(subnordid)
stopped reading right there, girls can smell your autism
That's kind of racist, user.