Talking to friend

>talking to friend
>ramdomly tells me she is gonna unfriend me on snap
>turns out her bf doesn't like me talking to her
What should i do now robots

Attached: 20190214_170153.jpg (360x640, 87K)

you should just ghost her. don't be desperate and clingy.

dont ever talk to women again, take up shooting or archery

"Sure. Good luck though, i'd hate to have someone else in charge of my decisions."
then link her an abused womens hotline

She unfriended me on snap, that would have been the only way i could have sent her it

Oh well, rip.
maybe make an alt or whatever and send her one last message.

She probably will know its mine, but good idea tho

warning: you'll seem weird or like a creep or overly invested if you make an alt just to talk to her

Yeah, but what should i do tomorrow, i have 3 classes with her

fight her boyfriend

Cant since ive never seen him

question? how long have you been friends with this friend?

if she deletes a friend of years for a guy she's known for a few weeks, she wasn't worth keeping around.
get used to people dumping you for the new big thing

Only like 6 months or so

What a cunt, I hope her bf beats her. Sorry user

homie got the right idea and is what I was gonna say. if you have known her for at least a year or longer and she does this to you she was no good from the start but if you only just started talking as friends then don't take it too hard and just ghost her

Sounds like you got ghosted dude.

was prolly a thot anyway

Whats your history with her. When a girl sends a message like that she is almost always with her bf and he is watching. Just say youre sorry and didnt know she had one. Often theyll add you back later and explain whats going on or theyll create a fake account to talk to you. I had one block me when she was with her bf and unblock me when she wasnt another just unfriends me. The one that blocks me, I fucked her while she was with her current bf and he found out so if he saw my name on snapchat hed lose his shit lmao.

Thanks for helping me with this, bu what should i do if one of her friends brings it up to me or if she questions why i screenshoted the text she sent me?

I would talk to her like normal, but in this week we have grown more apart from each other for some reason

That pussy is taken, work on yourself and stop being such a cuck

good riddance

Her boyfriend is jealous and abusive

because you found it so weird she'd delete you for some guy she's known for such a short time. That or say you were asking for advice on what to do.
They won't really care to remember what you say anyway. So long as you're confident in delivery, as if you've made up your mind.

i'm sure OP was being 100% honest and has never once made an advance or told her that he was interested in her.

If your GF is talking to a guy that has openly stated interest in her, you're a cuck.

I highly doubt any of your GFs, oh wait, hahahahahahaha.

Just say what said
In the future grab a screen recorder from fdroid to take screenshots. Be careful though they might patch it at some point

What do if you made her do this and she still talk to him?what do