Be ancap

>be ancap
>grill from school who has a crush on me wants to know where I get all my good "memes"
>introduce to pol and r9k
>she natsoc few weeks l8r
>mfw I helped the enemy

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Romeo and Juliet were from different rival famiries, anonymazinger. Make it work.

Not that into er. More salty there is one more natsoc

Why must Fascists and Ancaps be enemies? Surely we could work out a system of splitting the land into separate nations, you ancaps can take one and we fascists will take the other. Unlike communists we don't seek the destruction of your ideology unless it violates the sovereignty of our nation.

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You're the enemy you underage phoneposting frogposting redditor. Fuck off.

never used Reddit sir

>he thinks that ancap is a viable and philosophically-sound ideology
Lmao at your lyfe, brainlet.

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>be ancap
kill yourself

Because ancaps will defend capitalism, which is a plague, just like communism.

>Because ancaps will defend capitalism, which is a plague, just like communism.
Capitalism isn't a plague. It actually has proven to be the most successful economic system that there has ever been.

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>be ancap
thats a big yikes im afraid

lmao one of my fellow ancap friends turned his ex into a libertarian, she became a natsoc, and then cucked him. Don't fuck with natsoc bitches

Not finna

>Why must Fascists and Ancaps be enemies

Because libertarianism is the ideology of materialistic kikes

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It's so succesful that ever since it was implemented from today there has been a corruption of family values and society, among other things. But hey, at least you have your money and your materialistic ambitions, you jew.

Don't turn away from me brother.

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E X A C T L Y man
They are all so obsessed with money it's almost unbelievable.

It really isn't like that, at all.

Ok but only until we win then ur on ur own

Right-wing weasels and their relationship drama. Jesus.

>they follow normal, popular political ideologies
So when are you guys going to grow up and form your own opinios?

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imagine believing this unironically LOL

Thanks my friend. Why is it that women are so fucking far left and as soon as they meet a guy who's slightly to the right they immediately switch over? Are women just naturally gullible and submissive to their partners ideas?

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Ancaps side with neoliberals and corporations who put profit over the health of the nation


Jow Forums memes are not really great desu. Maybe I don't know where to look?

Why do you enjoy being poor and enslaved?

Reminder that socialism(including national socialism) ALWAYS results in starvation and genocide.

We need to throw all socialists from helicopters and implement free markets.

We need to give the working class the most power by increasing their living standards through capitalism.

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Why would you want to be a socialist? lmao
how dumb are you?

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Originally I hated fascists for being anti-liberty but now sometimes I feel like letting them run amok, just for a little bit, to kill all the communists, then putting the leash on again.

My own ideology doesn't have the tools to deal with communists as they deserve, this is my only recourse. Commies are too dumb to ever operate in a free society and they will abuse it to destroy my liberties.

>Why do you enjoy being poor and enslaved?
You are allowed to be rich under a fascist goverment as long as you dont harm the nation and being free from the dangers of liberalism and communism is the ultimte form of freedom

>national socialism is socialism
Nigga the term Privatization is literally from the third reich.

lol no, you're only allowed to be rich if you're a bootlicker willing to turn over his capital to the state if they demand it

fuck the state

>You are allowed to be rich under a fascist goverment
No you're not lmao
barely anyone can be rich under fascism except elites
central banking, taxes, high government spending, regulations, licenses etc keep people down

That's nice.
Nazi Germany was a government interventionist shithole. If they weren't racist they would be social democrats today.

If you don't support capitalism you need to fucking die.

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I wish the state didn't have a monopoly on murder. I would hire so many assassins to murder commies.

>you're free because the government decides you can't do things


>tfw you realize if karl marx was never born, we would probably have a 2 day workweek and a fuckton more technology than we do now

socialists literally destroy the future

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>being free from the dangers of liberalism
That is some top shelf doublespeak, friendo. Normally you have to be a cum swilling tankie to spew nonsense of that caliber, but I see Nazis aren't above it either.

Yes I can see it now: we're all free... to do exactly what the state tells us to do or else they put us in camps and/or murder us.

>Asking someone who doesn't like capitalism if they enjoy being enslaved

brainlet detected

>if they werent racist they would be social democrats today
I didnt know social democrats are in favor of ultra nationalism, totalitarianism, tradition and autistic esoteric beliefs.

>Reminder that socialism(including national socialism)
Egalitarian communist socialism is not the same as meritocratic fascist socialism, saying that is like saying progresseive welfare capitalism is the same as anarcho capitalism
>ALWAYS results in starvation and genocide.

It doesnt but genocide isnt always a bad thing anyways

>We need to throw all socialists from helicopters and implement free markets.
We need to give the working class the most power by increasing their living standards through capitalism.

Giving corporations gives corporations power, kys kike

National Socialism is capitalism. It's modeled after Bismarck's "Prussian Socialism" which was really just capitalism.

if not him somebody else would've galvanized it, dumbfuck unskilled labor organizations are the problem children of mankind and the late 19th century was their adolescence

all Marx did was give them a bunch of buzz words to parrot endlessly

>muh labor value!
I'm sure it might've meant something once, but it's lost to time, it's just the noise a commie makes when you drop economic truth bombs on them.

Progressivism is Leninist garbage, liberalism has become progressivism. It's the same cancer as communism. It seeks to destroy a free people under a corrupt government, they are retarded if they riot over muh womb rights or open borders. Confirmed brainlets.

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But you literally enjoy being enslaved by poverty and lack of freedom.
Explain yourself.
Social democrats do favor totalitarianism.
>Egalitarian communist socialism is not the same as meritocratic fascist socialism
Fascism isn't meritocratic though.
My point was it that it's government intervention in the economy and it always leads to the same fucking bullshit other forms of socialism do.

>It doesnt
It always does.
>but genocide isnt always a bad thing anyways
Yes it is.

>Giving corporations gives corporations power, kys kike
There wouldn't even be corporations in a free market.
Also if businesses had more money to produce economically, it would increase living standards for workers you dumb commie.
How do you not know this?
Who do you think is consuming the resources the capitalist's factories produce?


>National Socialism is capitalism
Ah yes, capitalism, that system wherein the market is bent to the will of the state and property is confiscated if "used inappropriately", such as if you belonged to the wrong religion and operated a business of some kind in the state's domain.

Capitalism is not an economic system. Capitalism is the lack of an economic system.

Who else supports an absolutist free market republic where socialists are physically removed and any socialist/progressive policies are banned constitutionally?

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Neetsocs are just special snowflakes.
They think their form of socialism is somehow different from other versions.

>allow me, the person who is dying to kill people, to teach you about right and wrong
Ancaps need to be gassed to death in a concentration camp

>ancap is underage
lol how typical.

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>>allow me, the person who is dying to kill people, to teach you about right and wrong
socialists aren't people though
I'm trying to defend human life, you sociopath.

>heh stupid children and their support for increased living standards and freedom

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Capitalism is a naturally forming phenomenon that occurs whenever conditions are right, i.e. property rights and free exchange of goods and services. If you have these things in place people tend to accumulate wealth, and then use that wealth to build capital so they can build more wealth. And so on.

>Imagine being an actual unironic Fashit/Ancap retard
Where my High Tory Gang at?

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This is the kind of person who goes around saying "national SOCIALIST party"

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old meme

>I'm not a socialist, I'm a national socialist, it's different
>I'm not a special snowflake
>why are you laughing at me

Slavish obedience should be bought with contracts, not earned by birth.

>Reminder that socialism(including national socialism) ALWAYS results in starvation and genocide.
Except that's completely wrong. Genocide and starvation are far more common in capitalist countries. Just look at what the US has been doing to Yemen for example.

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What are you gonna do about it? Go and tell daddy israel that someone doesn't like the most materialistic ideology of all time?

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have the capacity for higher thought, planning, coordination and cooperation. Animals on the other hand are marked by being driven by base animal instincts of survival and protection of territory and material.

Now let that marinate in your airhead for a minute.

Ok basedcialist originally

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>Genocide and starvation are far more common in capitalist countries.

Name one that wasn't caused by massive government intervention.
inb4 muh potato famine

socialists have killed millions

>Just look at what the US has been doing to Yemen for example.
What does the government of the most interventionist countries in history have to do with capitalism?

Murder is also a naturally ocurring phenomenon. Doesn't mean we should be doing it

Ancap subhumans are literally advocating to reduce ourselfs to behaving like animals yet have the gall to try to tell people who is human or not.

You can have capitalism with an authoritarian government. Do you think Prussia was a Socialist state? Do you think Saudi Arabia is a Socialist state?

>daddy israel
I don't understand this. Are you pretending capitalism has something to do with Israel and the jews?
They've done nothing but fight against free markets for their entire existence.
Why do you think they love central banking so much?

>naturally forming phenomenon
Yes that's why the United States of Jews bombs the shit out of countries who don't support capitalism, and then forces that system into their country.

>humans have the capacity for higher thought, planning, coordination and cooperation.
Yes, all things socialists don't have.
Do you understand now?

>voluntary human interaction is BAD
You're the immoral ones.

The sheer idiocy of this image does more to discredit tankie dumbfucks than a million words of well reasoned argument ever could.

You have to be among the stupidest human beings to ever draw breath to get more than a few lines down before you start howling with laughter at imaging the kind of mongoloid dipshit that sees this as "proof" of capitalisms evil.

The hilarity starts with the first line. Imperial Qing China? Capitalism. Spanish Empire? Capitalism. Volcano killing people in Indonesia? Capitalists did that. Tokugawa Shogunate, one of the longest reigning police states in history? Apparently capitalist.

>muh marxist definition of capitalism
call it whatever you want, it wasn't a free market

this dumb definition also implies the ussr and maoist china were capitalist because there was still private capital there

>Jews bombs the shit out of countries who don't support capitalism
This is what socialists actually believe.

>socialism is bad because it tries to impose a plan economy onto people
>socialists dont plan
nigger is bleeding IQ points by the day

>voluntary human interaction is bad
Alright then let me voluntarily murder you and then sell your corpse as meat to cannibals

Its ok because its a naturally ocurring phenomenon.

If we had global free markets for the past 100 years we would probably be colonizing mars by now and people would barely have to work because capital accumulation resulted in economic production being so high.

Leftists are truly retarded.

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Yes, howl like a dog, subhuman. No amount of barking will change the facts.

Capitalism isn't a system though. The minute you try to impose a system you begin destroying capitalism, which is defined as the ability to accumulate capital through personal wealth.

See the thing is, to be capitalist EVERYBODY has to be free to accumulate wealth, not just a few, privileged people. The more state intervention you have, the fewer people are allowed to accumulate capital, until eventually you have communism where only the state and its elite echelon are allowed to accumulate wealth.

>states that used violent government force on another country are apparently capitalism
why are commies so dumb?

if they weren't dumb they wouldn't be communists

never met a commie who understood economics

>>socialists dont plan
they don't plan, they have zero actual plan, it's just whatever they're feeling

>Alright then let me voluntarily murder you
How stupid are you.
By definition this is not voluntary.

>Its ok because its a naturally ocurring phenomenon.
Wow are you ever dumb.

>natsocs and social democrats are totally the same thing
>they have one thing in common
>that thing they have in common isnt even true
Stop posting

>No amount of barking will change the facts
Yes, I agree, that's why your stupidity is so amusing.

>Are you pretending capitalism has something to do with Israel and the jews?
>They've done nothing but fight against free markets for their entire existence.


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>>natsocs and social democrats are totally the same thing
Economically they're pretty similar, yes.

No, it's not. Shows what you know. Feudalism and the Ancient mode of production came first. Capitalism is not "when you buy and sell stuff" it is specifically a post-industrialist phenomenon.

When... when does the capital accumulation lead to peope "not having to work"? Wouldn't that just lead to people having to work harder for whatever capital isn't being accumulated?

>literally no argument
>posting the same argument implying a group of 4 people with massive disagreements on issues were somehow part of the same jewish conspiracy

Wow neetsocs are absolute fucking brainlets.
Imagine actually wanting to be poor lmao

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>When you go down the list and see government policy come up time and time again as the reason
Ok bub

>you dont plan because i dont feel like you plan
And here we see the capoids favorite pastime, projecting one of the myriad of its osn mental illnesses onto normal healthy human beings.

No i did it naturally so its okay. If the state saved you from being slaughtered by me that would be wrong because its the state but its ok for me to gut you like a fish because im not the state and its natural


Originguini Linguini

Okay you're right, user. Saudi Arabia is a Socialist Communist country. How could we all have been so blind?

>i am barking
>yes keep barking
>n-no u are barking

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>When... when does the capital accumulation lead to peope "not having to work"?
pic fucking related
working hours were decreasing long before the government passed any laws

If your living standards increase and prices for consumer goods come down, you will bid for jobs that offer you less working hours because you don't need to work as long

It's simple.

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national socialism doesnt even have a coherent economic doctrine

>They've done nothing but fight against free markets for their entire existence.
The only reason you think this is because Jews are over-represented in intellectual/academic circles of every side. One of the most-well known free market advocates (Milton Friedman) was a Jew.

Reminder that libertarians have the highest IQ.

>projecting one of the myriad of its osn mental illnesses
Leftists have the highest rates of mental illness though.
No wonder they want to be poor and enslaved, it's some freaky fetish or something damn

>No i did it naturally so its okay.
I'm not the same guy arguing "naturally" but okay.

Killing people obviously isn't voluntary and you're just mad I ruined your strawman.

>the only two economic systems that can possibly exist are capitalism and socialism, every country in history is either one or the other and each one of these countries takes credit for every good/bad thing the other ones I place in these arbitrary categories does
Why are you simply proving my point about how dumb this strawman argument is?

>No response.
That's what I thought.

nazi germany did

>The only reason you think this is
Because it's factually accurate.

>Jews are over-represented in intellectual/academic circles of every side.
Does this make every single one of them wrong?
I don't understand what you're saying?

If a bunch of jews supported white nationalism, is white nationalism suddenly bad?

>One of the most-well known free market advocates (Milton Friedman) was a Jew.
top kek, he was a keynesian shill and needed a helicopter ride

If the goverment doesnt decide what you can do people less qualified will
Liberalism gives (((internationalist capitalists))) the freedom to harm your nation, is that really the type of freedom you want?
>Fascism isn't meritocratic though
Yes it is because only people who benefit the nation and are willing to fight for it can become rich under fascism
>My point was it that it's government intervention in the economy and it always leads to the same fucking bullshit other forms of socialism do.
No it doesnt because fascist socialists dont believe in planning every single part of the economy nor in getting rid of private property
Fascists still believe in private property, we arent commie tier socialists

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Feels good to be superior.

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