Blogposting cause I'm an angry faggot. Happy fucking Valentines day

>Be robot for entire life
>Meet a girl
>Start dating right away
>She's dealing with a stressful life so we have a couple road blocks here and there
>Overall very happy together
>Goes on for about a year
>She makes a new friend
>He's a massive fuckboy
>She's starts to really like him a lot
>One day she texts me
>Tells me that she's dating him now, and was only with me because she was lonely
>Fucking upset
>Says she still wants me as a friend, and regrets "using" me
>I decide to be the better man, and just go with it
>Three months go by
>She gets progressively more distant
>Refuses to hangout with, or talk to me at all
>Gets bitchy if I initiate any kind of conversations
>Last Tuesday, decide to just risk it
>Asks if she misses hanging out with me, or if she just wants me to leave
>Fuckboy takes her phone
>Tells me to stay away from her or their will be consequences
>Absolutely fucking fuming
>If this bitch is going to cut me off she's going to do it looking me in the eyes
>Gives me his address
>Threatens to kill me
>Don't care, only going to talk to her
>Arrive there
>Him and his little brother are there
>Tell me to leave, or they're gonna kill me
>Literally seconds away from throwing hands
>Her brother comes out
>Incoherently rambles about stuff until everyone feels weird
>Convinces me to just leave
>Next day she's blocked me on everything
>Fuckboy starts to message me a bunch of empty threats
>Tell him to fuck off, and never fuck with me again
>She messages me
>"I don't want to talk to you or be your friend anymore. I was already wanting to block you a long while ago"
>Blocks me again
I have never been more fucking livid in my entire existence. I don't even want her back. I just fucking hate everything.

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>>Be robot for entire life
No you weren't, you're a failed normalfaggot. And a particularly stupid one at that.

Sorry champ, but this girl was the first one I ever had even a basic conversation with in 24 years. I guess I'm a failure now, but until then I've never had any kind of real human contact barely even counting my parents.

going to his house was overkill, you should've just called her a whore and ghost her once she dumped you.

>Meet a girl
It was at this point I knew this was going to be a pathetic story and that I wouldn't relate to it at all. And what do you know, I was right. I want my 90 seconds back.

You're definitely right. The only reason I went there was because he refused to put her on the phone. If she told me to fuck off from a call I would have, but he kept smugly taunting me and I wasn't having any of it.

Don't worry user I am going through similar rage. Women are dumb and not worth the time. Let it go and one day you'll get someone who isn't a massive bitch

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>be robot
>meet a girl

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Doesn't matter, you are a failed normalfag. Look at how emotional and invested you got from some random female.

>random female
Okay dude. I hate her guts now, but we obviously had history together. Of course I'm going to be invested and upset when someone uses me for over a year just to feel better.
I get that you're an autistic quitter, but that doesn't justify your shitty logic.

Next time he messages you a threat go over to his house and beat the shit out of him, and bring a friend or two and maybe a weapon.

you should've just ghosted the fuck out of her, ignore her and never talk to her ever again.
That's where you fucked up.

He blocked me when I kept dismissing him, but I made it clear that if he tries anything again I'm not gonna be so considerate. I only walked away last time because her brother told me she was terrified of me, and I felt bad. I don't care anymore though.
I'd rather not get put in jail for attempted murder though, so who knows.

I didn't say kill him. The friends and weapon were in case he did the same.

Yeah, but if I came to his house with a knife and fucked him up they could still accuse me of trying to kill him, even if I really didn't. At the very least I'd be charged with assault and/or battery unless he came to get me first.

Well, now you know not to trust this sort of woman. If a girl ever admits to using you, vut her off completely. Also, I don't see why you wanted to talk to her face to face so badly. If she dumped you for a douchebag and treated you like garbage, she's not worth speaking to. At least you learned form this, OP. I hope things improve for you.

Again, never said a knife. It could be anything from pepper spray, a bat, or a taser. And while it's true you could go to jail, all you need is video evidence of him swinging first, and say that you went over there to confront him about the text. If anything, he'd end up being arrested for the threats and throwing the first punch.

>Says she still wants me as a friend, and regrets "using" me
>I decide to be the better man, and just go with it
And this is where you fucked up. Never fall for the 'let's just be friends' meme after a breakup.

Fucking Normiefaggot. Move on from the dumb cunt and look out for you right now.

>I don't see why you wanted to talk to her face to face so badly
It was more of a respect thing than anything else. I would have been fine if she said it to me through herself rather than him telling me, but he wouldn't hand the phone over. So I came over to talk to her.
She spent everyday clinging to me when we were together, so I needed her to say it herself, and not some inbred fuckwit.
Unfortunately I have no friends to record it, so I'll just wait and see if he comes to my house. If he does then something might go down.

Maybe she has BPD or something.

No its thot syndrome.

I guess it could have been that, too. Either way, she sounds like a toxic cunt. You deserve better than that, OP.

>You deserve better than that, OP.
nah, he's a pussy and a retard. He deserves what he got.

It sounds like he just didn't know any better, though. You learn by getting burned sometimes, and he just didn't happen to get burned until right now.

>I don't even want her back.
Trust me, I'm not ever going to give her another chance. Even if she comes begging for me.
To be fair she has always had pretty bad mood swings from time to time ever since I met her, and even when she's with him.
I assumed it was just the depression, and the fact that she was a woman, and thought it would go away. It went away near the end, but came back with a vengeance hard.

It took you 90 seconds to read that? You must have autism