Woman hate thread. Give me your worst

Woman hate thread. Give me your worst.

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why would i hate women??


one time a girl didn't notice me and it made me angry and sad, then this continued to happen every day forever

woman BAD

I hate that they are soft and huggable and I want to marry one and make love to them after work everyday.

Whiteknights on patrol tonight

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I'd marry that girl in the blue dress.

I hate that they make me wanna cuddle them to death

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Why would you defend something you don't have?

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One time a woman didn't let me white knight her so I called her a whore and told her she was missing out on taking my virginity.

If you want your dicks wet, you shouldn't be posting here and be outside instead.

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Because you're obese and ugly too?

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She's not ugly and she's not obese. I'm offended you'd say that about my waifu.

Ive got some stuff yeah

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haha ok danny devito

I hate women so much that I went full r9gay. Fuck normies.

w o m e n e

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engagement ring jew strikes again

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> (OP)
>I hate women so much that I went full r9gay. Fuck normies.

When a normie doesnt smell like tendies and shit. I wanna fuckin beat them

Why can't women contribute anything towards society except administration, music, and child care?

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Beat those normies. Show your boipuccy

once again, she strikes with her greed

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What happened to the good ol days when we could just fuckin beat the women in our lives? Let them know their place? We should bring that back

Pity them because they are just bad goods

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Got burned bad during my last relationship

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How many girls you got bro? My body count is 14

why is it clipped out?

God dammit..
I'm too Normiefag for this thread

who the fuck knows desu

Honesty though woman in general bring nothing to the work force and pretty much have cause our society to collapse. Miss those fuckin days when men brought home the bread and butter and the wife was a home caretaker. You could live off one paycheck. Jesus women are just useless now

I punched my sister and my Dad called the cops on me.

>he can't live off one paycheck
useless career alert!

fuck off you sexist prick

> (You)
>>he can't live off one paycheck
>useless career alert!

Got dammit dont make me cry anymore about how Betta I am

Saying that as if women with their entitlements and false cries of victimization don't deserve the hate...

cause it's shop and user was dumb enough to crop the picture rather than fix the mistake