Same bullshit at the same gym with the same people

>same bullshit at the same gym with the same people
im sick of this shit
should i just start my own home gym? whats the bare minimum i need cash wise if i buy used equipment?

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you really dont want it broski
just jack off and move on

Tell us what happened lad

it's a dude

You incels are gonna die alone and no one will miss you

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stop being such a stingy bitch and give the sauce

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usually grunt alot during my lifts and the same fat cunt tells the same piece of shit manager that im being toxic, he comes over to me every time and tells me to try and control myself
you asked for it

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Looking at around 2000 for a home gym with the basic implements. Probably save coin looking for deals on good second hand equipment. Dumbbells, maybe even a bench. Squat racks last a long time, can probably find a deal through yard sales.

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Zero actually.
Basic calisthenics knowledge, self resistance knowledge, basic cardio knowledge, plyometrics knowledge, stretching knowledge, logs, rocks, heavy items and playground equipment are all free.
Can get exercise equipment free off of craigslist or local garage sales.

At most you'll have to buy dumbbells and a bench.


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big fucking yikes mate

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i regret entering the thread

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bare minimum will be $500-$600 for a used rack, barbell and like 300 ish pounds of weights. Just depends on your local market, start checking craigslist, offerup, and letgo and you'll find good deals.

If I instantly knew it was man ass does that mean I'm not gay?

>All these people that got worked
absolute bases

Is that really a tranny, it’s hard to tell with niggeresses

here, have an actual girl

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Nice try buddy, not falling for it twice in a row.

nah I'm not op. I'm trying to make up for his sins

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Weight rack is $50 at walmart
Dumbells are $25 for 30lbs per arm
And you can add plates as you go
Fits perfectly in a small corner
What else you got?

oh no no no

How do I get a black gf

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Post body with timestamp (you won’t because you don’t lift like all femdom/tranny loving faggots



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Arms look short and she's basically just a roblox looking thot.

Typical that you wouldn’t, “””men””” with muscle fetishes are always fat skinny or skinnyfat

lmao a fucking velociraptor
wtf are those hands

This little fella is so cute

Keep in mind tranny(ftm) chasers are unfit themselves and are deep in the closet

God I want this bitch to spit in my mouth then kick me in the crotch

don’t listen to this guy lmao

get a power rack and work around that

still would

Your nearest kfc has that answer mate

is this a JoJo reference


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based AJ Love poster

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why do black boys so often turn into traps?

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damn, AEW chads look like THAT?


No, that's not a tranny. He's just incredibly gay.

>Jow Forums is infested with /asp/ies

Explains so much about the absolute st8 of this place.

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ya seethe lil guy?

>knowing so much about /asp/
Go back you mandrama loving virgin freak

Because black women are already so indistinguishable facially from black men

they emulate the one person that raises them

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worked ya fuckin mark

about 3fiddy unironically

she thursty as fuck on ig

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holy fucking DIMES

Mandatory beastiallity thread