Keep hearing about how the media, celebs, etc promote unhealthy body images by highlighting things like being thin, etc

>keep hearing about how the media, celebs, etc promote unhealthy body images by highlighting things like being thin, etc
>obesity rates keep rising

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society has become feminised, and as a result people's feelings have become more important than rationality

It's to sell a beauty standard that doesn't exist in the real world.
Not even the people they use to sell it are able to maintain that beauty standard.

Remember, they have a product to sell. Telling everyone the truth makes the product less valuable. Keep people hating themselves and wishing they could get what they have to sell.
LIE to them about their own beauty and ability to attain and maintain that beauty.

Anyway, that moderately skinny fat girl with the 20/10 body who does yoga is hotter then basically all models you can name.
That mechanic who barely trains and just watches what he eats and does around at the play ground with the rest of the thugs and rednecks can and does pull more pussy then the faggot model/on the cover of the man panty advertisements in women's magazines.

It might be a little 'conspiracy' for some but it seems to me that you're right with regard to

>Keep people hating themselves and wishing they could get what they have to sell.

What happens is"

>Promote unrealistic beauty standards through use of photosohp, lighting, etc
>People get depressed they can't look that way and so they seek comfort (alcohol, food, buying things)
>People get further away from looking like models, movie stars, etc due to bad food, etc so then they start spending money to try and look good.

They don't want you to look like models, but they want you think think you should because it means you either spend money to look good or spend money to comfort yourself because you don't look good.

I thought I grasped this but every day I see something that pushes my understanding a little further.

My belief is that beauty standards haven’t changed, people have just gotten lazier.

user, the word conspiracy is made up precisely to denigrate things like this.
An easy to remember word that's made all EBUL and KOOKY to make it easier to handwaive it and claim it's fake.
This is exactly what is going on call it what you want but there it is.

For me the biggest conspiracy was finding out that Dove, which has been promoting fat acceptance/love your curves, is owned by a company that fucking sells ice cream.
>tell fat people it's ok to be fat
>sell them the stuff that makes them fat
It's fucking brilliant

No, I know what you're referring to but "conspiracy" wasn't made up for that. It's even a crime.
You're right that people's perception of it was different before a post-JFK assassination PR campaign to throw shade on people questioning the official narrative.

The problem is that celebrities sell a lifestyle that is unsustainable and unhealthy. Eating disorders are no joke, user.

It's total bullshit that the media is pushing some form of ideal. The only thing they are pushing is hedonism and solipsism.

Hmm. I think they should sell being skinny more then. Caloric restriction is the key to a long life. Obesity is on the rise in the developed world and will soon be the #1 cause if death but it is taboo to talk about because "muh feelings"

I think a large part of the issue stems from a few things.

I can't speak for other countries, but the education in America fucking blows. Especially when it comes to nutrition. Nutrition is something that is covered so little that it's virtually not taught at all. Something that we do three times a day every day isn't something that's covered at all. The average american has no idea what a calorie actually is, or what the difference between a carb/protein/fat is. When people have no concept of those things, they're more easily deluded into thinking bullshit stuff like genetics are to blame for them being overweight.

Beyond that, most people believe that eating healthy is expensive (7 (SEVEN) LIMES), and that fast food is a cheaper alternative. Sure it's faster, but it's fucking killing you.

Ultimately the problem is that people are fucking stupid and misinformed. Not that this is news to anyone here.

Same thing when they say media has made people 'de-sensitised to violence' when the truth is that civilised society has made people de-sensitised toward the reality of nature.

It's the damn commies subverting our nation so they don't lose as bad next time

Induring a bunch of retards think they have the answer to all of humanity's and society's issues

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>Obesity rates rising
>Everyone around me is getting healthier

I must live in a bubble. All of my friends work out, eat right, and live a pretty healthy lifestyle.


You are. Same as me.
It's a good bubble to live in, and it takes a lot to build for the people that start outside.

Picrelated is the typical selection of girls at places where I hang out. But I made a conscious decision to hang out only at that type of places.

It's still a bubble though, and outside it, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Best you can do is make sure your bubble is big and strong enough to float to the surface when it all falls down.

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>join office job
>nearly everyone on my team is fit and healthy
>management are generally all fit and healthy
>only people who complain on the team are the obeasts
>most disliked people on the team are the obeasts
>this state of affairs greatly contributed to my own motivation to be fit and healthy

the real class divide going into the future wont be rich vs poor it will be healthy and beautiful vs unhealthy and ugly

wouldn't be surprised if underweight body rates were on the rise too. these things are a thousand times more pervasive than ever due to social media being a hub of these ideas which are disseminated on a constant basis to almost all young people almost all of the time.

this. and like you said, it's an education issue, not necessarily a motivation issue. just think of the number of guys who have probably tried to get ripped with the motivation of you or I but they genuinely believed that doing pushups, situps and jogging was the way to do it. i sure as hell used to be a victim of that. "luckily" i found Jow Forums who at least pointed me in the right direction to learn the truth.

most people's diet info comes from people who primarily push memes and tricks.

more likely, the class divide will be rich vs poor

but almost all rich people will signal their wealth and IQ by being /fit, and the poors will allow themselves to expand into disgusting whales


Look at the awful photoshop at the left girl's stomach and the right girl's back.

rich = high iq
iq being a d3terminimg factor of anything

And it will turn into a biological divide as the smart, healthy and rich enhance their bodies and quality of living beyond the human condition, while the mentally unwashed masses will get even fatter, uglier and sicker due to pervasive memetic infections like antivax, haes/bodypositive, lgbtwtf++ until they turn into morlocks.

Yeah if you're around elites a decent portion keep their shit together.

They won't be adonises but they'll be much better than the sorry fat fuckers out there

Very based

>rich = high iq
not necessarily

We have been getting way less violent since the 90's. Hell my dad got in a shitton of fights as a kid, nowadays not even the nigs have fistfights that often

There was a study that showed after a certain point it caps off because people with very high IQs get bored and decide to do something else. Like something vocational or a hobby