How to solve double chin?

How to solve double chin?
I don't think loosing fat is the answer since I already have around 13%bf.
Recommend some exercise if you know.

Attached: _55391477_tom_hardy.jpg (464x260, 14K)

Lose weight. Jut your head slightly forward

Loose weight, for some People fat in the face is the last to come off, shittiest geneticts

>I already have around 13%bf

no you don't.

the opposite of chinup chin downs next time try using ur bran before u post

You might just have a low hyoid

>Jut your head slightly forward
Yeah, this definitely won't fuck with your posture and you won't look like an idiot from the side

Attached: zc55we46ikg21.jpg (592x663, 82K)

Keep losing fat. Or last resort keep a well groomed beard.

I do keep a beard, but I would like to get rid of double chin anyway

I don't get it


stop lying to yourself and lose the weight. Post pics of your body or accept that you gotta lose the weight muthafucka

>I have around 13% bf
Hearty kek

Tom hardy has by far the ugliest lips ive seen on a white man, it brings his face down like 4 pegs.

Attached: 1559011067675.png (461x432, 469K)

Or the fact that his forhead wrinkles are ugly as fuck to

>be me
>have life-long propensity towards party chin even when was lean 3-sport Chad back in hs (soccer, hockey, lax)
>decide to grow decently bad-ass beard
>be 41 on a post-divorce tear last summer and Chizarian beard brings the 23/24 yo qt's like rain
>it's still raining

Beweries and art shows, muh dudes. It's too fucking easy.

mew, lose fat and hope for the best

Chanlets don't understand aesthetics. Also his lips are his best feature.

>Chanlets don't understand aesthetics. Also his lips are his best feature.
He looks like Vin Diesel

grow a beard

post body

lmao at these people.
do chin tucks, make sure to apply pressure to the palate with your tongue at all times to strengthen the tongue muscle. you can see it in the mirror immediately that the double chin disappears. doing this consistently at all times while also having good posture and neck posture should improve double chin

>implying vin gasoline isnt turbochad

Attached: just.jpg (474x355, 20K)

>How to lose fat?
>I don't think losing fat is the answer