User, when you said you got me some dark chocolate for Valentine's Day, I didn't think you meant THIS!

>user, when you said you got me some dark chocolate for Valentine's Day, I didn't think you meant THIS!

Attached: 3797615.jpg (600x800, 99K)

I myself prefer a moderate caramel desu

Attached: 3595_uLJVBDJf.png (600x600, 200K)

His dick is smaller than popular culture would have you believe.

Fucking lol.

who the fuck are you and why are you in my house, bitch?

Well hope you'll share some I like M&M, melt in my mouth not my hands

>tfw unironically want to do this if i had a gf

Attached: 1527214169907.webm (640x360, 1.95M)

Imagine making nigger dicks such a fetish/taboo that 7-10/10 girls are willing to fuck fat, old, bald, small dicked niggers and will get far wetter and orgasm from it than their 8/10 husband has ever managed to make them.

What the fuck is wrong with this world.

Once you go black you never go back

Say it with me

Ball sucking does nothing for me. I don't get why some guys like it.

>Tryna hate on an ugly nigga with an average dick for not living up to the Mandingo warrior stereotype while he poses naked with a 9/10 white woman he fucked

How will black men ever recover, amirite?

You don't need to exaggerate to make your point.

Fine, 8/10. You feel better now? She and her husband still invited his ugly self to get in on their sex life before anybody in this thread.

You're an idiot. Overweight black guys can be among the best of lovers. They are still suave, dominant, and have a superior rhythmic capacity, and maybe since they are overweight they compensate for it by being more attentive than fit bulls.

She is a 5/10, tops.

Stop LARPing, please. Thanks.

She's a 7 if I'm being nice. Above Tyrone's tier fo sho'.

You doing that thing incels do where they purposefully underate a woman's attractiveness to make themselves feel like they've got a shot with them? It's mad see-through, m8.

No. I'll acknowledge she has a nice body, but her face is below average, and that is the more important thing.

>t. Asian sissy boi who us mad because white chad is fucking his sister

I'm saying. This pic defeats the whole point of why OP posted it. It's an L either way you look at it. If the hookup was the wife's idea she likes to fuck random black guys, if it was the husbands idea he's a closet homo who lowkey wishes he was his wife in that scenario.

5 is average, and she is average.

So you agree with my rating of 5/10?

>her face is below average
Yeah, you're definitely doing "that thing" right now.

Attached: 39C7F.jpg (453x604, 23K)

I've seen your drop your namefag and post about black cock.

Perhaps you just live somewhere with particularly ugly women.

That's what an average white woman looks like in the south.

I know she's well above average for an American woman given that she ain't posing for that pic in a mobility scooter.

I know you're prolly lying, but on the off chance you ain't, what are the women in the ATL metro area like? Asking for a friend...

I have never been to Atlanta so I have no idea. I've been to New Orleans. The women there are black.

Is. New Orleans the only place you've been in the south? If so how do you know what the average southern bell looks like?

I guess I should be glad I'm not American then, though I don't really believe this to be accurate.

nigga got some ashy ass knees

that living room just triggered my nostalgia, how old is this image