What’s your routine look like for later today?

What’s your routine look like for later today?

>Bulgarian split squat
>leg press
>leg extensions
>leg curl
>glute press

Attached: A8464503-A74E-43CF-96E1-392F5D8AFB2F.jpg (640x381, 8K)

Get some mdf boards, glue table top, clean garage and go grocery shopping
Fuck, also need to call nan.

Seated barbell press
Arnold press
Barbell front raise
Dumbbell lat raise
Close grip bench
French press
cable tricep extension
Bicep extension

Rate meme routine

That’s actually really cool.
I’ll be running errands too.

Dumbell bench
Tricep extensions
Weighted Dips

>bench press
>overhead press
>lateral raises
>incline db bench press
>tricep pulldowns, not sure how you call it in English

Ohp 5x3+
Deadlift 3x10
Face pull 3x15
Lateral raise 3x15
Pulldown 3x15

How long is this gonna take?
Your routine is on point

Attached: 1E5DB9EA-896F-4349-863F-E06EBB596151.gif (245x147, 885K)

Depends on the day but I'd say around an hour.

Air squat atg *15
Lunge *5
Glute bridge *10
Wall sit 10s
Calf raise *10

All of the above for 3 cycles.
Gotta love leg day.

Why do you niggers have so much volume? Seems like overkill

Lat pulldowns (long bar and v-bar)
Bicep curls
Hammer curls
Face pulls

Not them but perhaps they really don't know what they're doing. My most complex workouts are chest workouts. Just different angled flies and presses. Other than that, shoulders are 3 types of workouts. Biceps 2. Triceps one or 2. Back 2 or 3. Legs literally one or 2.

Focusing on one group od muscles really well is better than focusing on 3 or 4 decently. Like today all I did was deadlifts, pull ups, and forearm strengtheners (forearms started failing at the 365 deadlift). I spent like almost 2 hours in there. Last week I could only DL 345. The week before that, 315. Hopefully somebody learns from this.

Not OP but the other guy here. I'm pretty new to lifting (runner background, rip knees etc).
Can you explain why my routine is bad? I spend quite a lot of time to research my routine where I work out roughly one muscle group per week, trying to cover as much base as possible during those days. Am I wrong?

Today is rest day

>public holiday in the Netherlands
>gym is closed
I guess some home rings workout or yoga, whatever I feel like

It's just an unnecessary amount of variation. Front delts are worked well in bench, OHP mostly, and side raises. Volume is your friend, not variation. I do pyramid type routines and my main goal is muscle fiber breakdown, not a strict routine. Build that mind to muscle connection, learn to feel the contraction, and control the negative movements, as you tear down muscle fiber better with slow negative movements and quick positive ones.

Once you master the mind to muscle connection, you should find out what works best for you in terms of muscle teardown. Weight lifting is really easy once you get that down.

Compounds first. Accessory work later if there's weak points. Working up to maybe 85% max and doing a few sets, and on your last set start dropping weight and repping out till near failure. 15% drops in weight is a good start.

Remember. You want muscle breakdown. That's literally your main goal. Good luck to ya.

it's a rest day, so
>edge 1xF

Lying squat extensions
French squats
Squat curls
Bench squats
Parallel bar leg dips aka squats

T bar row
Weighted pull-ups
Cable row
Hammer curls
Barbell curls
Leg raises superset with cable crunches

Front squat
Calf raise
All 3x6. Then some abs exercises, maybe some cardio if I'm in the mood (I'm usually not, huhuhu)

Deadlifts, lunges, OHP, lat pulldown, Tbar rows. Maybe some weighted incline crunches to finish.

head to pillow x failure
fuck colds

Take a drug test, go to lunch with my mum, play guitar, play ck2

>leg press
shiggy diggy

Attached: leg press.webm (640x360, 1.15M)

pull ups 5xmax
deadlifts 5x12 bb 3x12 db
rows 5x12 bb 3x12 db
+abs work +bag work

>leg extensions
>leg curls
>calf raises