Do you really think gains will fill that huge emptiness inside you and silence the voices which tell you that you're a failure who should have never been born?
Do you really think gains will fill that huge emptiness inside you and silence the voices which tell you that you're a...
No, I never thought that, because I don't hear voices like that, nor do I feel empty. Are you alright, mate?
No, it will just make it worse and let you realize you're just trying to fill a void that can't he filled with muscular matter.
Just address the issues and work on them instead of trying to compensate.
It will inflate my kill count when I go postal
Do you really think that is something that everyone thinks and feels? What if its just you that are the one in a million loser that feels that way? Probably should kill your self but you already know that so what is stopping you?
A good workout usually mutes those fuckers for me
I stopped taking rest days because I was sick of hearing them
Do you even know where you are?
Do you even know that half of the shit you see here is trolling and the other half is attention seeking trough pity and that the other half is highly exaggerated nonsense and that the other half is for every one self loathing depressing post there are 100 anons that read it but dont post shit like that?
Cope harder faggot
You are just as pathetic as us but you are just trying to make yourself feel better "they're just LARPing haha not real". Do you think that increasing inceldom is a fucking joke? Do you think that women getting more obnoxious every year is a fucking joke? Seriously KYS. At least we are strong enough to admit that we are trash.
It stops while I train. And for a little while after. Deload weeks are pretty unpleasant times for me.
I lift so she’ll regret not choosing me as he gets fatter and fatter and I get chadder and chadder
Literally this is what started my fitness journey
>You are just as pathetic as us
lmao you special little snowflake can't handle it when nobody buys your self pitying victim mentality
kill yourself
t. manlet
No I'm not op
absolutely seething AHAHAHA
Gonna make it
Gonna make it but in a different way
Might make it
Not gonna make it
Not sure about you
Did you know that 99 of those hundred anons don't actually lift? Post lifts, sport.
post body